Long Speech On Indian Culture
Culture as a term is very rich and deep. It has a very broad range of other parts of a region or country that constitutes the formation of culture. Culture can also be referred to as the way of living and the way a society functions. Indian culture when looked upon can be categorised into two separate time periods. Ancient times and modern or contemporary times. India, being home to many religions, caste and culture, thrives on its diversity. The diversity of our nation makes our Indian Culture the most distinguishable and unique. Indian Culture Speech in this article is explored in different ways of presenting. It can be a Long Speech On Indian Culture or a Short Speech On Indian Culture.
Long and Short Speech on Indian Culture
Long Indian Culture Speech
This format of speech on Indian Culture is of 500-words that can be delivered as a 5-minute speech and it is helpful for students in grades 8-12.
Good morning everyone, respected Principal, Teachers and my fellow students, I am XYZ (mention your name) here to deliver a speech on Indian culture. Let’s first understand the meaning of culture. ‘Colere’ is a Latin word that means to cultivate via tending to the earth that helps us nurture and grow. The term culture is derived from the word ‘colere’ which means any form of manifestation that has nurtured the civilization to move ahead and grow.
The manifestations can be of the intellectual form that represents our art, religious texts, books, classical music and classical dance forms. For instance, Ballet is a classical dance form of France that displays aesthetics and ethereal qualities and practices using rigorous techniques.
In our country India, there is a form of classical dance representing each state, in the North region, Kathak is practised which captures the quality of life specific to people in the hilly regions of Northern India. Odissi is the classical dance of Odisha, Bharatanatyam is from Andhra Pradesh and Kuchipuddi from Kerala. All of it contributes to the culture of India.
The other form of culture means language, how we greet each other, how we behave with our loved ones, religion, cuisine, social habits and clothes, what we wear, how we wear it. The richness of our cultural heritage is supreme in the world and regardless we greet each other with humility by bowing with folded hands in Namaste.
In India family means a close-knit group of people who chose to stay together in a joint family set up and gladly help each other and spend time together. In other parts of the world, the culture is very individualistic and they have to take appointments even to meet their parents.
The clothes, in Indian culture saree, is the traditional wear for women and kurta for men although now in the metro cities the western wear is adopted by the youth and they dorn jeans, skirts and shirts.
Food is the most important part of any culture, and India has a unique and wide range of food palate. The staple food for northerners is roti made of wheat, flour and barley. The eastern and southern parts of India have rice regularly. In West Bengal and Odisha, fish curry is a popular dish. And the western states like Gujarat relish light and non-oily vegetarian meals.
Culture is also about religion and India certainly is a home to many like Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Parsi and even Christianity. The most important cultural and learnings that India draws from are the Vedas and the holy books of Ramayana and Mahabharata. The teachings of these texts are very true even to date and have been an integral part of all the children who grow up in Hindu culture and certainly, even if not a Hindu everyone is aware of it.
This diversity and unique amalgamation of different cultures in one can be seen in India. And Indian culture is like many worlds within one. Let’s celebrate and cherish our beautiful culture.
Thank you.
Short Indian Culture Speech
This type of short speech on Indian culture is helpful for students in grades 4-7 to deliver a 3-minute speech.
We preach and practice ‘ Atithi Devo Bhava’. Our guests are treated as Gods and we have to serve and treat them with respect and love. We must all take pride in such a rich culture like ourGood morning everyone I am Xyz (mention your name) here to speak on the topic of Indian culture. Culture is what people make it to be and that seeps into everything. Be it the way one talks to your elders, peers, friends, the language, way of dressing, religion, what one believes in, food habits and the social life lived. Everything that becomes a norm in a society becomes a culture.
Indian culture is not just about saying Namaste in our greeting or touching the feet of our elders. It is in our culture to honour spiritual growth and consider everybody equal and treated with kindness. These faiths and belief systems in our country come from the concept of Dharma.
That speaks about religion and even though our country is the birthplace of many religions humanity is considered above all. The concept of Karma is a sense of duty to do the right thing in the right way and ahimsa that promotes the idea of non-violence and to not engage in any such trivial fights.
These three main concepts have been heavily influenced by all the religious texts as well. That was a large part of the ancient culture which people are trying to retain even in modern times as well. Our country is very inclusive as people are free to practice their own choice of religion. India is diverse even in food habits where one part enjoys spice and rice others prefer sweets and rotis.
India is also welcoming of everyone regardless of their religion, colour and caste. It is only in India that we preach and practice ‘ Atithi Devo Bhava’. Our guests are treated as Gods and we have to serve and treat them with respect and love. We must all take pride in such a rich culture like ours.
Thank you.
10 Line Speech on Indian Culture
This is a brief note that will be helpful for delivering this speech to students in grades 1-3 as they can understand the simple format of speech.
India is a populated country with millions of people living in this land and the culture is vastly different even within India.
The written and spoken languages, food, lifestyle, dance forms, art, music, choice of clothing, talking to others, working style all come under the huge umbrella of culture.
In India, with 28 states and 7 union territories, the culture differs from one region or state to another.
Where in the north-west, Rajasthan is a state that still values the traditional lifestyle of eating vegetarian, wearing traditional clothes and women wearing a saree veil is a norm protocol. However, it is not the same everywhere in India.
In other states like Goa, Maharashtra, West Bengal, New Delhi people live based on the norms of modern culture.
The core of Indian culture lies in our values and virtues.
Family values and a sense of community and togetherness is an integral part of our culture.
Every festival is celebrated with equal zeal be it Holi, Eid, Diwali, or Christmas.
People of all religions thrive in our country, Hindus, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian.
Indian culture values the spirit or soul of every individual to be equal so we don’t consider ourselves superior and bow in our greeting with folded hands saying Namaste
FAQs on Indian Culture Speech: Celebrating India's Rich Heritage
1. What is Indian culture like?
India's culture refers to a collection of minor, distinct cultures. Clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art are all part of India's culture. Throughout its history, Indian culture has been impacted by a variety of foreign cultures. Furthermore, India's culture has a millennia-long past. Social norms, ethical principles, traditional rituals, religious systems, political systems, artifacts, and technology that originated in or are related to the Indian subcontinent make up Indian culture.
2. What distinguishes India?
India is one of the world's largest countries, with administrative powers and responsibilities split between the central government and various entities, such as states and union territories. India now has 29 states and seven union territories. Each state has its unique language, dress, cuisine, and appearance. In addition to mathematics, number zero, shampoo, chess, the value of pi, and diamond mining, India is the birthplace of numerous other inventions. These qualities distinguish India.
3. What changes have occurred in Indian culture in the last few decades?
Many changes have occurred in Indian culture during the last few decades. Female empowerment, westernization, a fall in superstition, better literacy, improved education, and other developments are among the most significant. The most essential variables that have enabled or prevented our society from adopting or integrating are political freedom and the introduction of democratic values, industrialization, urbanization, increased education, legislative measures, social reform in the caste system, and social.
4. Write a few lines on Indian culture?
Few lines about Indian culture are:
The Indian civilization is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with many people still adhering to the civilization's conventions and practices, keeping it alive.
India is a country with thousands of civilizations, each with its own distinctive traits.
Religions in India have a profound and long-lasting influence on the country's culture and traditions.
The notion of "Atithi Devo Bhava," which holds that a guest is equal to god and should be treated with respect, is very important to Indians.
Holi, Diwali, Durga Pooja, Dussehra, Ganesh Chaturthi, Eid, Guru Parab, Christmas, and many other festivals are celebrated throughout India.
5. What is the difference between Indian culture and western culture?
Some of the cultural contrasts between Indian and Western cultures are as follows:
The traditional mindset of people who live in India is known as Indian culture. It refers to India's customs, traditions, ceremonies, festivals, and religions. Whereas The origins of Western civilization may be traced back to Ancient Greece and Rome, which extended throughout the world under Roman authority. It was supported by European civilization at the time, and it now refers to a modern way of thinking.
One of the world's oldest cultures is Indian culture. The traditions trace back millennia. Whereas historical records show that western civilization began with Ancient Greece and Rome, many people regard it as modern culture.