The freedom of a country depends on its citizens. Individuals who selflessly sacrifice their lives so that their country and countrymen can be free are identified as freedom fighters. Every country has a few brave hearts who willingly give up their lives for their countrymen. Freedom fighters did not only fight for their country but for everyone who suffered in silence, lost their family and freedom, and even their rights to live for themselves. People of the country look up to the freedom fighters with respect for their patriotism and the love they had for their motherland. These people provide examples by which other citizens aim to live by.
For ordinary people, sacrificing their lives is a big deal but freedom fighters selflessly make this unimaginable sacrifice for their country without thinking of any repercussion. The amount of pain and hardships that they have to endure to achieve their goal cannot be described in mere words. The entire country remains forever indebted to them for their struggles.
The Influence Left by the Freedom Fighters
One can't stress enough the importance of the deeds of the freedom fighters. On every Independence Day, the country remembers the thousands who once struggled so that their countrymen could be free. Their sacrifices are never forgotten by their countrymen.
If we delve into history, we see most freedom fighters joined the freedom struggle without prior formal training in war or related fields. They went to wars and protests knowing very well that they may get killed by the opposite power. The freedom fighters were not just people who fought with arms against the tyrants but they were people who joined protests through literature, legal advocates, people who contributed money to the freedom struggle, and so on. Most of the brave hearts led the fight against foreign powers. They made their fellow people realize their rights and pointed out all the existing social injustice and crimes committed by the ones in power.
The most important effect that the freedom fighters left on the people of the society are that they inspired others to understand their rights and stand up against the people in power. They inspired others to join their struggle. It was because of the freedom fighters that the countrymen united with a bond of Nationalism and patriotic feelings.
Freedom fighters are considered to be the propelling force behind the success of the freedom struggle. They are the reason why we can now prosper in a free country.
Some Noteworthy Indian Freedom Fighters
India had been under British rule for 200 years approximately. There were a lot of brave hearts who laid down their lives for the freedom of India. Within the limited scope of this essay, we will discuss the contributions made by only a few freedom fighters.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi is known as the father of the nation. Mahatma Gandhi, the reason behind the Dandi march, led the path to freedom following the principles of ahimsa or non-violence. He prioritised ‘swadeshi’ and ‘non-cooperation’ to expedite the freedom movement.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was an excellent leader. He travelled to other countries to form alliances and formed Indian National Army (INA) or Azad Hind Fauj which eventually helped our nation prosper. He was successful in freeing a portion of the Indian Territory from British rule.
Bhagat Singh
The fearless patriot was hanged to death at a very young age after being convicted in several cases of dissent against the then British empire. He was indeed a true patriot and we still remember him as Shaheed Bhagat Sing.
Freedom fighters are the reason we live in a free country. We must honour their sacrifices and aim to live together in harmony and peace ensuring social justice.
The motivation for today’s youth is alive in the stories of freedom fighters. The struggles of their lives show the difference in life and the dept of the value they believe in and fought for. We as a citizen of India should respect and honor the sacrifice by creating a peaceful environment in the country.
FAQs on Freedom Fighters Essay: Heroes of India's Independence
1. What is freedom means to the people living in a country?
Freedom means to live freely without any restrictions to their values. Freedom means people can live according to their opinions, people can work according to their capabilities, there won’t be any discrimination against them by any third party. Freedom means that no one is heading any individual, or controlling them according to their needs. It also means that people can freely live their lives in their own country without any disturbance from any third party.
2. How do freedom fighters affect the independence of our country?
Our country had a huge population at the time of British rule. But then also our country was under British rule for many years. The people of our country are huge in numbers so they need leaders who lead them. These leaders of that time are the freedom fighters, who lead people to come in the majority and revolt against the British empire. Freedom fighters played the most important role to give our people the causes for the revolt.
3. How freedom fighters were brought up to become leaders at that time?
Freedom fighters had their will and the passion to fight for the country. Looking back to the days when our country was under British rule, everybody who fought for the country was not trained professionally to be a freedom fighter. They fought and made us and our country the proudest country of all. Only freedom fighters are the reason behind the freedom struggle that our ancestors faced.
4. Describe the role of Mahatma Gandhi as a freedom fighter.
Mahatma Gandhi was the backbone of the freedom fighters. He was the leader who fought on his will without any hand war. His principle of non-violence helped this country from scratch.
He believed in himself and fought against the British empire. He also owned the honor of The Father of the Nation. The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was the reason behind the Dandi march and other struggles.
5. What was the agenda of being independent at the time of British rule?
The agenda of becoming independent at the time of British rule was to live freely in our country without any discrimination. Our people were tortured by the British empire to the max. Our children were not allowed to attain an education. Even we in our own country were not able to live the way we want.