Essay on Snake
Snakes are the most specialized group of reptiles. Many species of snake are found all over the world. Some of which are poisonous and some are not poisonous. Among poisonous snakes, King Cobra is considered the most poisonous and is very dangerous. If the king cobra bites someone, it becomes difficult to survive. Snakes are found in large numbers in India, China, and Japan. Snakes are worshiped in India. On the contrary, they are considered delicious food in China and Japan.
Boas and python are two snakes that are non-poisonous but they are most powerful and large. Their length is more than about 30 feet. The largest species of these snakes are found in the African jungle. Python snakes can easily eat big calves and deer. After eating their food, they stay in a still position for a few days until that food is properly digested.
Snakes are both small and large. Snakes do not have eyelids. Snakes do not bite their food completely. Ears of snakes are not external but internal. The movement of snakes is fast. Some snakes can also fly in the air. Their skin is dry and smooth. There are 3000 species of snakes all over the world. 20% of these species are the most poisonous. Anaconda is a snake found in South America. These snakes are the most toxic. No person can survive their bite.
During the summer, all snakes get out of their burrows because heat is felt on the snake's body. They wander around in search of water. There are many snakes that are worth seeing and these snakes are found in zoos. Some are even domestic. All those who are the most dangerous cannot be domesticated. When a poisonous snake bites a person, the poison starts spreading in the body very fast. In our country, many people die due to snake bites. Most of the snakes are found in the village which gets out of their bills during summertime. Snakes hibernate during winters and hide themselves to be safe from predators. They choose warm places for Hibernation sites so that they don't die because of freezing or lowering in temperature. Many snakes are also associated with water bodies like oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. These snakes survive on tadpoles, small fishes, and frogs.
Snakes do not smell through their nostrils but their tongues. Snakes detect the surrounding environment with their tongues. Another important fact related to snakes is that only 70% of species of snakes lay eggs, the remaining 30% of species produce children.
Reproduction in Snakes
To mate with the female snake, some snakes gather in an area and compete with each other. The snake which proves to be dominant and most powerful mates with the female while the others are not. This process can be very deadly for snakes. This is the reason for the high mortality rate in young aged snakes. After the process of mating, the male snakes leave from there and The female snake, after one to three month, lay eggs in the shell. Their eggs hatch to give the child snakes and grow up to reproduce further.
Some of the Species of Snakes
King Cobra
King Cobra is one of the largest and strongest snakes in the world. The King Cobra is a poisonous snake. They are found in many countries including India. King cobra venom can put anyone to death. The length of a large king cobra is up to 6 meters. The cobra is so poisonous that if an elephant is bitten, it can also be killed. A cobra is a predator that preys on snakes other than animals, whether poisonous or not.
King Cobra, on an average, has a lifespan of 20 years. The king cobra is the only species of snake that makes a nest for its survival and lays eggs in them and protects those eggs themselves. Cobra is a species of snake that is able to stand up to one-third of its total length. It is illegal to kill a king cobra in India as it can lead to a sentence of 6 years. King cobra snakes are able to spit their venom as far as half their length. King cobra snakes can only feel the waves and vibrations that occur on earth, King cobra snakes are unable to feel the sound waves in the air.
They specialize in climbing trees. King Cobra's eyes are so sharp that he can easily see his prey from 91 meters away. The heaviest King Cobra found so far weighing 12.7 kg was kept in New York's Zoological Park. Despite being so poisonous, the mongoose does not affect the bite of King Cobra. This is the reason why the mongoose kills the cobra easily. Once bitten, the king cobra spews so much poison that it can kill about 20 people or a large elephant. If a person bites a king cobra and it is not treated properly, then that person can be killed within 30 minutes.
Krait Snake
It is also called Naja Bungarus. These snakes also eat other snakes. Krait is recognized because of its white, black, and yellow color. This snake is one of the poisonous snakes. These snakes are found in India as well as all over Asia. All these are found mostly in waterlogged areas, gardens, houses, and forests. They are more active at night than day. These snakes lay about 15 to 20 eggs at a time. The length of these snakes is from 6 feet to 8 feet. The poison of Krait is neurotoxic. These snakes are triangle-shaped.
Russell’ Vipers
Russell's Vipers is a dangerous snake of the Vipers species. This snake is responsible for the most deaths due to snakebite in India. Most farmers and laborers fall victim to it while doing the groundwork. These are most poisonous, the snake does not run in fear like other snakes. This snake is so agile that it can bite three to four times in 1 second. Their teeth are the longest among all snakes. It looks neat and thick and looks like a python because of its rounded design on the body. The poison of these crazes is hemotoxic, which does not allow the blood of the victim to freeze. If the blood does not freeze, then the victim dies due to excessive bleeding.
This snake received its name from the rattle at the end of its tail. This rattle-like structure makes a rattling noise when it vibrates. The rattlesnake uses the rattle to keep the predators away and is a warning sign. A large number of rattlesnakes are killed by humans for their rattle which is exported to many countries. Their population is also decreased due to the destruction of habitats and increase in camping and hunting. These snakes are highly aggressive and are the cause of most of the snakebite cases in North America. Like other snakes, they do not bite unless they are disturbed, threatened, or provoked. They have 2 organs to sense radiation. These heat-sensing pits help them to detect thermal radiation from a distance. It helps rattlesnakes to catch small animals and hide from predators.
In conclusion, Snakes are very dangerous animals. If the snake bites any person, that person can’t be alive. In India, snakes are worshiped at special events.
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FAQs on Essay on Snake: Understanding the Symbolism and Role of Snakes
1. Which is the Largest Snake in the World?
The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world. It weighs around 550 pounds. Also, the reticulated python is one of the biggest snakes in the world which is 6.25 meters in length. These snakes are found in southeast Asia's rainforests, woodland, and grasslands. These snakes can also climb trees and wrap their body to kill a human. It was found that anacondas and pythons can be huge enough to eat a human being alive. These snakes are not venomous like the great king Kobra. The king Kobra is the largest most venomous snake but not big in sizes like the anacondas and pythons.
2. When are the Snakes Most Active?
Mostly snakes are active in the early mornings and summer times. Snakes are rarely seen in the evening. Also, snakes stay away from cold climates. Snakes also don't hibernate when there is a warmer climate. Snakes are commonly seen hiding during the fall season. They do so to catch small animals like mice, frogs, etc. They are most active from April to October and this season in terms of snake activity is called the snake season. From the dust time, snakes start praying and actively pray during nighttime. Snakes spend the day hiding in shells from the other predators.
3. Explain in detail about the Sharp-tailed Snake.
The sharp-tailed snake is a creature belonging to dry habitats such as oak and woodland, pine forest and chaparral. These snakes are secretive and hide under logs or grass. These snakes can also be found in irrigated gardens with black plastic sheeting to avoid the growth of wild bushes. These snakes have crossbars of black and peach color on the underside of the body. They are medium in height and are mostly brown or woody in appearance. This color makes them hide in their natural habitat and protect themselves from predators. Specifically, they have a spine like a sharp-pointed tail which gave them the name 'Sharp-tailed Snake'. These snakes can exist in a wide range of habitats. They are commonly found in California to southern Vancouver Island.
4. Describe the rubber boa snake.
These snakes belong to the family of one of the largest snakes in the world. However, they are measured just 14 to 30 inches long. They are olive green, reddish-brown, tan or chocolate brown in color. These snakes look 'rubbery' and have shiny skin. They don't have any patches on their body. They are found in a wide variety of habitats. They are found in oak and pine woodlands, brushy chaparral and prefer to live in moist sandy areas. These snakes eat small rodents and mice and shrews. They have a slow crawling speed on land, but they are very good swimmers and can be very fast underwater. They are also famous for being good climbing snakes and can climb in the areas where water is available.
5. Write a short note on 'snake hunting'?
Vedantu provides a wide range of knowledge about wildlife and the conservation of creatures. One of the animals that are killed majorly for their skins or other body parts is a snake. The hunting of snakes should be prohibited. This is because snakes contribute to the environment and life cycle and are a very important part of this life cycle. Below are a few points about snakes
Snakes do not hurt or bite people intentionally - Snakes do not bite or attack unless we interface with their habitat or disturb them.
In the entire world, venomous snakes are only 20% or even less than that - The snakes are connected with cases of snake bites which lead to the death of humans. But, only a few species of snake are venomous, others on biting can cause infections or wounds which can be treated and cured. This shouldn't be seen as a reason to kill the snakes.
The killing of snakes can cause an imbalance in the environment. One of the main reasons for the increase in rodents is the killing of snakes in that area. Snakes eat rodents, but if they are hunted or killed, it increases the population of rodents in the region. Their rodents can spread infections and cause harm to human life as well.