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Essay on AIDS

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AIDS Essay

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is an infection that causes cells in the body that help it fight infections, making a person more susceptible to other infections and diseases. Interaction with certain bodily secretions of an HIV-positive individual, most commonly during unprotected intercourse (sex without the use of a condom or HIV treatment to prevent or treat HIV), or sharing injection drug equipment spreads the virus.

If HIV is not treated, it can progress to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV cannot be eradicated by the human body, and there is no effective HIV cure. As a result, whether you have HIV, you will have it for the rest of your life.

Long and Short AIDS Essay in English

There are many diseases causing microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. The symptoms of the diseases depend on the type of microorganism that is spreading it. It can vary from mild to severe. AIDS which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a viral disease that is rampant in growth. It was only in the last century that this viral disease has proved to be lethal and fatal, taking away about twenty million lives globally. The awareness about the disease and the virus causing it which is HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is more now compared to earlier. In this HIV AIDS essay, we can go through the important information about it and burst some myths.


Below are different ways to write an AIDS essay in English. The essay on HIV AIDS can be of 2 formats, a long essay on HIV AIDS or a short AIDS essay.

Short Essay on Aids

This AIDS essay is a brief one and will cover the important notes about the disease and the ways one can prevent it.


The way of occurrence of this disease is in the name itself, AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The disease is acquired via the virus which is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is not an auto-immune disease in the early stages of infection where the immune system in the body fights off infection to protect the body from diseases that go against itself. The virus enters from an outside source and destroys the efficiency of our immune system.


AIDS is transmitted through contact. The contact with infected blood of the HIV OR AIDS patient in any form can easily transfer this viral disease. It can also be transmitted through contact with semen or vaginal fluids of the infected person. This occurs in the case when one is sexually exposed to a person with HIV.


HIV once enters the body, invades and conquers the immune system making the body susceptible to other diseases. It is then very easy for the simple flu or cold infection to be severe as the immune system is no longer fit to fight it.


When detected in the early period can be battled with, but more often than not people assume the symptoms to not be AIDS so it spreads and kills the individual. To be protected when having sex and not sharing any form of toiletries with others is the way to prevent and keep this deadly virus at bay.

Long Essay on AIDS

This is the long format of an essay on HIV AIDS where its workings, causes and effects and remedies are discussed.


There are some diseases that have been borne by the living in this world which has created a ruckus in human history and the struggle to find a permanent cure still exists. AIDS is one such disease. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the name of the disease which is also shortened as AIDS.


It has since only the 20th century affected the human race and many people lost their lives, more than 20 million of them. The virus that aids in the transmission of this disease is Human Immunodeficiency Virus or also called HIV. Due to the same property of immunodeficiency, it is referred to as HIV/AIDS.


Since it affects the immune system severely, the cells and the workings of it in our body must be clearly understood. The immune system’s role in the body is that of a soldier wherein it identifies any sort of anomalies that enters or infiltrates the body and prepares antibodies against it. And kills them in order to prevent infection that has the probability of causing a harmful disease.


Since the cells of the immune system have already created the antibodies, the cell memory is activated when the entry occurs again and the immune system fights and destroys such foreign and harmful matter.

What Happens when HIV Enters the Body?

When a person is infected with the Human immunodeficiency virus, it directly attacks the immune system making the cells weak and incapable of creating antibodies for this particular virus. As they become weak their function to perform the task of defending against other microorganism entrants is also weakened.


When the fighter in our bodies becomes weak, we are more likely to fall ill. The illness can be a simple flu or an allergy and our body cannot fight any further. The symptoms once infected will start to appear within the first two weeks. The symptoms are very flu-like for instance, one will be more tired than usual and fatigue will be more frequent and regular. Other symptoms include sore throat and fever. The risk of opportunistic infections like tuberculosis and herpes also increases. Some people however remain asymptomatic even for longer periods after being infected with the virus.

Cause of HIV/AIDS

The main and only cause of this dreadful disease is the contact through blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids and breast milk. The semen and vaginal fluids are transferred through sex and rectal fluids through anal sex. When people have multiple partners, and they have unprotected sex the transmission is highly likely. The contact through blood can also be via the unhygienic practice of sharing an infected person’s razors, blades. Even unsterilized syringes while taking drugs or even a tattoo parlor where they use unsterilized machines on the body can transmit the virus easily. The transmission means are endless so one must proceed with utmost caution to keep themselves safe either way.


What is the Life Expectancy for the Patients Carrying HIV or AIDs with Them?

Many factors can affect the life expectancy of people living with HIV. Depending on these factors there are many differences in the outcomes between people, and other factors. The factors on which life expectancy depend are:

  • Access to effective HIV treatment and quality health care.

  • Start HIV treatment as soon as possible after HIV infection, before your CD4 cell count drops to a low level. The sooner you are diagnosed and start HIV treatment, the better your long-term chances are.

  • Having serious HIV-related illnesses in the past. This may occur before HIV is diagnosed and/or before HIV treatment is started. These diseases have a detrimental effect on life expectancy.

  • Results one year after starting HIV treatment. Studies show that life expectancy is better for people who respond well within a year of starting treatment than people who do not respond. In particular, people with a CD4 count of at least 350 and an undetectable viral load during the year have a much better chance long-term.

  • Year of Diagnosis - HIV treatment and medical care have improved over the years. People who have been diagnosed in recent years are expected to live longer than people who were diagnosed long ago.

  • Heart diseases, liver diseases, cancer and other health conditions are more likely to be the cause of death than HIV or AIDs.

  • Injecting drug use - Life expectancy is short for people with HIV who inject drugs, due to drug overdose and viral infections.

  • Social and Economic Conditions - there are significant differences in life expectancy depending on where you grew up, your income, education, social status and more.

  • Gender – Men are supposed to live for a shorter period of time than women.

  • Genetics - you may have certain conditions if close relatives have.

  • Mental and Emotional Well-being - high levels of stress are associated with reduced life expectancy.

  • Lifestyle - longevity for people who eat a balanced diet, are physically active, maintain a healthy weight, avoid alcohol abuse or use drugs, and stay in touch with the community. Avoiding smoking is very important in life.


There are a few myths surrounding this disease. It is believed earlier that AIDS can spread even through contact or touch without any exchange of fluids. Like through a hug or just by being near the infected person. That myth has been debunked and it is absolutely untrue. One can freely hug an AIDS patient without worry.


The other one was when kissing, there is an exchange of saliva which is also a fluid and AIDS can spread through kissing, which also proved to be untrue. And HIV always means AIDS that is fatal was another rumor or myth, and this myth is proven wrong where many people have lived longer with HIV by medication and taking care of their health.


There is no permanent cure yet for treating HIV/AIDS, so it is our responsibility to look out for ourselves. The way one can first prevent themselves from being infected is by getting vaccinated. It is important to get tested in your adult life if you have multiple sexual partners and also get your partner tested for the same. The other way is being monogamous. The most used form of prevention is having protected and safe sex and using condoms that creates a barrier for transmission. Do check for sterilized needles in case you decide to get a tattoo or injected.  Lessen the use of alcohol and drugs as that is anyway weakening and altering the immune system.



According to the estimates of the Indian government  2.40 million Indians are living with HIV wherein, the infected ones fall in the age group of 15-49, and 39 %of them that is 9,30,00 of them are women. The numbers are alarming and the rate of increase is not slowing down anytime soon. We as a country must break the traditions and conversations about sex should be open and safe. It is high time we lose our lives to this disease which can be prevented.

FAQs on Essay on AIDS

1. Is AIDS an Autoimmune Disease?

In the early stages of HIV infection that leads to AIDS, the immune system only weakens so it is not an auto-immune disease. But during the later and final stages, the workings of the immune system are similar to that of an auto-immune system where it works against itself. And in such cases, the body of the individual is susceptible to many more diseases. AIDS, a disease found in immune deficiency disorder, is caused by HIV and weakens the human immune system. Autoimmune diseases, on the other hand, are where the immune system turns, attacking healthy cells.

2. Does one die from HIV Infection?

The HIV infection results in many symptoms that make the body weaker day by day. But some do not even suffer those symptoms and they may live longer than the ones showing severe symptoms. In any case, it is important to take medications that are prescribed to reduce the severity of symptoms and live a little longer. The best way is to keep healthy and lead an active lifestyle as much as possible. Although the death toll from AIDS has dropped dramatically around the world, this situation increases the risk of contracting a fatal disease — potentially leading to death. No treatment or cure is present for HIV.

3. What method was adopted by the hospitals to report HIV or AIDs cases?

The doctors took the active initiative for the reporting and diagnosis of HIV or AIDs cases all over the world. The methods that all the French hospital wards were known for, for their role in controlling HIV infection, were asked to report the 2000 deaths among HIV-positive adults. The causes of death were recorded using a standard questionnaire. The Mortality 2000 study was launched to explain the distribution of the leading causes of death of HIV-positive people at the national level in France in the year 2000.

4. What is the way of determining the root cause of death in AIDs patients?

Following the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) to death, the information contained in the questionnaire was used to determine the single cause of death. The causes of AIDS were categorized as one cause of death, followed by definitions of AIDS-related diseases. If a standard questionnaire was lost, summarized quarter notices were used to determine the underlying cause of death, if possible. Determination of the AIDs cases was set to the most important things in the list, which was done from the abstracted quarterly notifications from the questionnaires.

5. Is Vedantu a reliable website for knowing about AIDs disease?

Vedantu is the most reliable website for referring to information about AIDs disease. Being one of the most dangerous diseases in the world with no proper treatment or cure, the world's physicians are still under pressure to decipher the way to save a person from this disease. The Vedantu website contains authentic or updated information about this disease and thus the readers and viewers can rely on this source of information for perfect knowledge about the disease and its prevention also.