Reproduction in Animals Class 8 Important Questions with Solutions: Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 6 - Reproduction in Animals
1. Why does the frog lay the egg coverless, whereas Hen lays it with a hard cover according to Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals of Class 8 Science?
In the case of hen, it reproduces through the process of internal fertilisation. So, in hens, the egg is already fertilised before coming out in the form of an egg. In the case of frogs, external fertilisation takes place in which the egg actually fertilises outside the female body. In the water body, females lay coverless eggs. Later, male deposit their sperm over them. The sperm swims with the help of the tail and fuses with the egg. It is impossible for the sperm to fuse with the eggs if they have hard covering and thus the reproduction will not happen. This is the reason why the frog lays egg coverless and hen lays it with a hard cover.
2. Why are millions of sperms produced?
The reproductive organs of the male include a pair of testes, two sperm ducts, and a penis. Male gametes known as sperms are produced by the testes. Millions of sperm are produced by the testes at a time, out of which only one fuses with the egg. This is the reason millions of sperm are produced to make fertilisation in the female body successful. Each sperm has a head, a middle piece, and a tail and are very small in size. Each sperm is a single cell which has all the usual cell components.
3. What is budding?
Budding is a type of asexual mode of reproduction in which a new organism or new individual is formed from a small part of a single parent. This outgrowth is known as bud. This bud gets separated from the parent’s body on maturation to grow into a new individual. This reproduction process is called budding. For example, through the process of budding, only hydra, yeast, and sponges produce their young ones. But, buds are not separated from their parent’s body in some organisms like sponges and they form a colony and remain attached to the parent's body.
4. A mother gives birth to a baby but the baby has the characteristics of both parents. How?
Sexual reproduction occurs in human beings. Two gametes, the female gamete egg in the mother and male gamete sperm in the father fuse together to form zygotes during fertilisation. So, in the mother’s body, the zygote develops into a body. Due to this, the baby is born by the combination of the genetic material of the two. This is the reason why the baby has characteristics of both the parents even though the mother gives birth.
5. What do you mean by binary fission?
Binary fission is a kind of asexual reproduction in which an organism reproduces itself by dividing into two individuals. In this process, the parent cell divides into two daughter cells in which each daughter cell receives one copy of its parent DNA. They are genetically identical to each other. The identity of the parent is technically lost. For example, this kind of reproduction occurs in single-celled Eukaryotes like the Amoeba and the Paramoecium. To know more about Chapter 6 Reproduction in Animals of Class 8 Science, refer to the notes provided by Vedantu.