Download Class 5 EVS Worksheets with Answers PDFs
FAQs on CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheets with Answers
1. What chapter is important in EVS Class 5?
The chapter 13 “Shelter So High!” of EVS class 5 is important as there are many questions asked from this chapter. The concepts of ‘Donga’ and ‘Redo’ are important for class 5 students to learn and both these topics are under chapter 13 “Shelter So High!” of Environmental Studies.
2. How many chapters are there in EVS Class 5?
There are a total 22 chapters in CBSE syllabus of Environmental Studies (EVS) class 5.
3. What should I study for Class 5 EVS?
You have to study the NCERT EVS textbook for class 5 to understand the chapters. Then you can move on to solving questions and worksheets for fully preparing all the chapters. You can refer to sample papers, worksheets, NCERT solutions etc to increase your knowledge level of exam and EVS chapters.
4. Are EVS worksheets enough for preparation?
No, you should primarily depend on NCERT textbooks to learn about all the chapters and topics. Once you have completed your reading of NCERT books then you can solve the CBSE class 5 EVS worksheets and test your learning process followed by improving your answer writing skills.
5. Where can I find EVS worksheets with answers PDFs?
You can download the printable Class 5 EVS worksheets in PDF format available at Vedantu. There are many study related worksheets and sample papers available here for good preparation.
6. What is the marking scheme for Class 5 EVS?
The CBSE class 5 exam is of 80 marks and the paper is designed with various types of questions. Check the following list to know the type of questions included in the EVS exam structure:
One-word answers
Short answer questions
Long answer type questions
Value based questions
State the difference
Match the following
Fill in the blanks
True and false
choose the correct option
Write short notes
Define the following