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CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers 2024-25


Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi 2024-25 - FREE PDF Download

Preparing for exams in Hindi can be challenging, but using sample papers can be very helpful. Our Class 3 Hindi Sample Paper is designed to assist students in understanding the exam format and the types of questions they might see. This paper covers key concepts from the Class 3 Hindi syllabus, including vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.

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By practising these sample questions, students can become familiar with the structure and improve their time management skills. The sample paper provides a great chance to check understanding and find areas that need more focus. With each practice session, students can feel more confident and ready for their Hindi exam. Use this resource to enhance your learning and prepare well for your exams!

Access CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers 2024-25

Find sample papers for Class 3 Hindi 2024-25 in the table below to help with your exam preparation. These papers offer important practice on key topics and help you feel more confident for the upcoming exams.


Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi 2024-25 


CBSE Class 3 Hindi Set 1 Sample Papers


CBSE Class 3 Hindi Set 2 Sample Papers


CBSE Class 3 Hindi Set 3 Sample Papers


CBSE Class 3 Hindi Set 4 Sample Papers


CBSE Class 3 Hindi Set 5 Sample Papers

How to Solve Sample Papers for CBSE Class 3 Hindi 2024-25

Step 1: Understand the Paper Pattern

Before starting the sample paper, take a moment to get familiar with its structure. This includes the types of questions (multiple-choice, short answer, and fill-in-the-blank) and how the marks are distributed.

Step 2: Chapter Focus: Vocabulary and Grammar

Key chapters in Class 3 Hindi include vocabulary and grammar topics. Pay attention to exercises related to words, sentence formation, and basic grammar rules, as these often come up in sample papers.

Step 3: Manage Your Time

Set a time limit for each section of the paper. Start with the questions that seem easiest to you, and then move on to the harder ones. This will help ensure you have enough time to answer all questions.

Step 4: Chapter Focus: Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is an important part of Class 3 Hindi. Make sure to practise answering questions based on short passages, as these types of questions are common in exams.

Step 5: Review Your Answers

After finishing the sample paper, go back and check your answers for any mistakes or missed details. Focus on being accurate and clear, as these are important for doing well in your exam.

Benefits for solving Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi 2024-25

  • Understanding Exam Format: Sample papers help students get familiar with the exam structure and the types of questions they will face.

  • Practice Key Language Skills: They provide an opportunity to practice important skills like vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension.

  • Improved Time Management: Working on sample papers allows students to practice managing their time effectively during the exam.

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Sample papers help students see which areas they understand well and which topics need more focus.

  • Increased Confidence: Regular practice makes students feel more prepared and less anxious on exam day.

  • Enhanced Critical Thinking Skills: Different question types encourage students to think critically and apply their knowledge in Hindi.


Vedantu’s Class 3 Hindi sample papers provide a useful resource for students to improve their exam preparation. With a mix of general exam benefits and topic-specific practice, these papers help students understand the language better and manage their time effectively. By identifying areas that need more attention and becoming familiar with the exam format, students can approach their tests feeling ready and sure of themselves.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 (2024-25)

Important Study Materials for Class 3 Hindi

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FAQs on CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers 2024-25

1. Are questions from CBSE Class 3 Hindi Chapter- 14 included in Sample papers?

You can find all relevant questions of the chapter if you go to CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers (2024-25). These Sample Papers are available on Vedantu and are a sure-shot method of scoring well in the exams. All the questions in the chapter have been solved and are as per the CBSE Class 3 Hindi syllabus. These papers should be revised before sitting for exams as they will act as a comprehensive guide for the students. All questions have been covered.

2. Where can I find detailed information on CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample papers?

Detailed information on the above will be found on Vedantu if you click on CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers (2024-25)

These Sample Papers have been solved by Hindi teachers and will act as a guidebook for the students of Class 3. Since the different questions asked in the papers have covered all elements of the chapter, just going through them before tests will be sufficient. As you practice from these papers, your time of completing tests and your accuracy in the subject will also improve.

3. Is CBSE Class 3 Hindi very complex?

No, CBSE Class 3 Hindi is in fact, quite simple if the students have the right study matter at their disposal. They can log into Vedantu and then look for the study material that they need.  Hindi is a subject that needs to be understood well. The spellings need practice and the topics also demand written methods of preparation.  You can even go to CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers (2024-25) and then solve these. They will help you understand the concepts well since they have been made in tandem with the exam papers.

4. Is Chapter 3 of CBSE Class 3 Hindi essential?

Yes, Chapter 3, is a fun chapter as well as an essential chapter. Selective studying is not an option especially when it comes to the junior classes and so, one should not skip any of the chapters. If you are struggling with this chapter, you may solve worksheets on Vedantu if you type CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers (2024-25). These worksheets will see to it that you have prepared for this chapter well. The questions will make you interestingly revise the chapter.

5. Is the CBSE Class 3 Sample Paper designed systematically for the students?

Yes, very much so. All the papers on Vedantu have been made in consultation with the top experts in a particular field and so, they are systematic. They have been designed from the perspective of the student and the level of comprehension for each of these is quite simplified. The questions from all the chapters have been covered and ideal examples have been used in these papers. You must log in to Vedantu and then look for CBSE Class 3 Hindi Sample Papers (2024-25).

6. What are CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi?

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi are practice papers designed to help students prepare for their exams. They include various types of questions that cover important topics from the syllabus.

7. How can solving sample papers help students?

Solving sample papers helps students understand the exam format and the kinds of questions they might see. It also allows them to practice their time management and identify areas where they need more study.

8. What topics are included in the sample papers?

The sample papers cover key topics from the Class 3 Hindi syllabus, including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and simple sentence formation. This ensures students can review all important areas before their exams.

9. Are the sample papers similar to the actual exam?

Yes, the sample papers are designed to resemble the actual exam format. They include different types of questions to help students prepare effectively.

10. How should students use the sample papers for studying?

Students should start by reviewing the topics they need to study and then attempt the sample papers. After completing them, they should check their answers and focus on areas where they had difficulty.

11. Can teachers use these sample papers in class?

Yes, teachers can use these sample papers in class to help students practice and reinforce their learning. They can be assigned as homework or used in lessons to improve understanding of the material.

12. Where can students find the sample papers?

Students can find CBSE Sample Papers for Class 3 Hindi with solutions online on the Vedantu website. These resources are often available for free or can be downloaded for practice at home.