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Pastoralists in The Modern World Class 9 Notes: CBSE History Chapter 5


Pastoralists in The Modern World Class 9 History Chapter 5 Notes - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s Note for Class 9 Social Science History (India and the Contemporary World-I) Chapter 5, provides an insightful look into the lives of pastoralist communities and their adaptation to modern challenges. This chapter explores how pastoralists, who traditionally relied on livestock herding, navigate the complexities of contemporary society. Through this study, students will gain an understanding of the socio-economic changes affecting pastoralist lifestyles, including shifts in land use, government policies, and environmental impacts. Vedantu makes it easier for students to see the lessons and ideas in the Class 9 History Notes. Students can download Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World Class 9 Notes PDF, making it simple to study and review whenever you need with the updated CBSE History Class 9 Syllabus.

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Nomads and Pastoralists

Nomads are people who do not stay in one place for an extended period. Pastoralists, on the other hand, are those who own a lot of sheep, goats, or buffaloes. These animals feed on the area that is appropriate for them. This chapter is dedicated to these tribes who have been forgotten. We tend to believe that nomadic pastoralists were ancient people. These tribes, however, were highly active in the recent past and continue to live in the twenty-first century.

Pastoral Nomads in the Mountains

1. The Gujjar Bakarwal Tribe

  • According to Anil Kumar and Naresh Kumar's research, the Gujjar Bakarwal tribe arrived in Jammu and Kashmir between 1127 and 1154 AD and spent the summer in the highlands of the state. The J&K mountains provided excellent grasses for their animals during the summer.

  • As winter approached, the Gujjar Bakarwal were forced to relocate to the Shiwalik range's base.

  • Their cattle were given pasture in the dry forests of the little Shiwalik highlands until April when they returned to the northern mountainous region of Jammu and Kashmir.

  • They had set up several dwellings in the centre of these two areas to make their journey easier. Kafila was the name given to these households.

2. The Gaddis

In Himachal Pradesh's mountainous regions, the Gaddi tribe was present. The majority of them were shepherds. They used to come down to the Shiwalik range's lower elevations in the winter. They'd then get taller as April approached. They planned to spend their time in two villages: Lahaul and Spiti. They ascended higher up the slopes as the snow disappeared. They would then be taken down by September. They would halt at the two villages in the middle of their voyage to harvest the crops and seed the winter crops.

3. The Bhotiyas and Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh

The Bhotiyas and Gujjars, like other pastoralists, used to reside in the meadows of Himachal Pradesh's hilly regions (Buggyal) and climbed down to the dry forest area at the base of the Garhwal and Kumaon ranges (Bhabar).

According to Dhirendra Datt Dangwal's research, the Bhotiyas were both pastoralists and traders, but the Gujjars were strictly pastoralists.

The Pastoral Nomads of the Plateaus and the Deserts

Why would there be nomads on the plateaus, this is the first question that comes to mind. In the plateaus and deserts, there is no snowfall. Because livestock like sheep and goats cannot withstand high rains, pastoralists were forced to relocate during the rainy season. However, in the desert, they had to migrate to get food.

  • During the monsoon, the Dhangars used to live in Maharashtra's central plateau. Because of the limited rainfall, they could only sow bajra. They'd finish harvesting their bajra in October and travel to Konkan. The Dhangars and the peasants had a mutual give-and-take relationship here. The fields needed to be fertilised after the Kharif crops were harvested. The Dhangars' livestock did this with their dung. They also ate the field's stubbles. The Konkans would send rice to the Dhangars.

  • As soon as the motion was given, the Dhangars would leave Konkan. In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the situation was similar. With the arrival of the monsoon, the Gollas, Kurumas, and Kurubas were forced to relocate.

  • The Banjaras of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra had to migrate a lot to find good pasture pastures for their cattle.

  • The Rajasthani Raikas farmed their land during the monsoons and became pastorals for the rest of the year.

The Uniqueness of The Pastoralists: 

Pastoral nomadism is a way of life that manifests other abilities as well: 

  • Pastoralists knew the regions they would travel to like the backs of their hands, and they timed their journeys so well that they always arrived in the warmer regions just in time for harvest.

  • They always maintained a friendly relationship with the farmers so that their animals could graze on their lands.

  • They also provided manure to the farms. They practised various activities such as trading, cultivation, and herding, therefore it was a win-win situation.

  • In other words, their constant migration had a tremendous economic and environmental impact. These pastorals were more than just nomadic. 

  • They were well-versed in the areas where their cyclical voyages took place. These pastoralists had to plan their voyage so that they could avoid winter and mountains while still taking advantage of the better weather during the harvest season. 

  • They were also pretty gregarious at the same time. They needed to keep a good connection with the farmers so that their animals could graze on their land. Farmers required manure from these animals as well.

The Plight of The Pastoralists Under The British Raj: 

  • Any uncultivated regions were considered wastelands by the colonial authorities. They aimed to transform all vacant land into cultivated land to boost revenue and increase jute, cotton, and other agricultural products for the people of England.

  • They acquired control of these territories and put their troops to oversee agriculture.

  • Most of the forests were made off-limits to pastoralists when the Forest Act was passed, and the colonial authorities saw these nomadic tribes as criminals. Why? They didn't settle because they didn't want to. The government can easily control and rule a group of people who live in a specific place, but people who are always on the move are difficult to control.

  • As a result, the nomads had to seek permission from the government to leave their communities.

  • Then there were the taxes. Pastoralists were required to pay taxes on each animal they owned. They couldn't enter the grazing tracts unless they paid taxes.

  • As grazing pastures grew scarce, pastoralists were forced to re-graze their animals on previously used lands. The misuse of meadows has now destroyed the soil's fertility. As a result, the grazing lands have shrunk even more.

The Outcome: 

  • Pastoralists were unable to access the pastures that they had previously enjoyed due to colonial government actions and political restructuring after 1947.

  • As a result, they were compelled to reduce the number of animals they owned. Many animals died as a result of the shortage of food, and many pastoralists were forced to relocate in search of pastures that had not yet been taken by the drought.

  • The Raikas were unable to visit Sindh when it was annexed by Pakistan in 1947. As a result, they've moved to Haryana, where their sheep may graze on the farmers' land.

  • After independence, the wealthier pastoralists settled down, while the poorest ones lost their cattle and became labourers.

  • Pastoralists, on the other hand, have not been extinct in the modern world. They responded to the changing conditions of the contemporary world by, among other things, lowering the quantity of their livestock and shifting the direction of their migrations.

The Maasais of Africa: 

  • Before the arrival of Europeans in Africa, the Maasais had access to a broad swath of the country stretching from northern Kenya to Tanzania.

  • The land was partitioned between the two countries when Britain and Germany claimed Maasailand. The Maasais had been forced into a corner. For their anima, grazing land.

  • Another factor contributing to the reduction of grazing land was the European urge to cultivate more and more land.

  • Game reserves such as Kenya's Maasai Mara and Tanzania's Serengeti have further encroached on grazing pastures.

  • The Maasai tribe's cattle suffered greatly as a result of these occurrences, which significantly reduced grazing land.

  • Furthermore, the Maasai tribes' movement was constrained by the Europeans. As a result, they were unable to trade. They couldn't even feed their livestock since they couldn't get enough fodder.

  • Droughts, along with the actions of colonial governments, caused half of the cattle in the Maasai reserve to perish.

Colonial Rule and Its Effects on Pastoral Movement

When the Colonial rule started in India, it changed the lives of the pastoralists, and they had to face many more difficulties. A large part of their grazing grounds was taken away by the colonial government. They had to pay heavy land revenue even though their agricultural stocks decreased at a high rate.

How Colonial Rule Affected Lives of Pastoralists

  • Their Grazing grounds were taken away and converted into cultivated lands to generate revenue.

  • The forest acts which were passed by the colonial government made it difficult for the pastoralists to enter forests.

  • After the implementation of the Criminal Tribes Act of 1871, most of the pastoralist community were treated as criminals by Nature and birth.

  • The tax on various items such as land, canal water, cattle, and grazing land was introduced in the mid-nineteenth century, which made the life of pastoral or nomadic people more difficult.

How did these Changes Affect the Lives of Pastoralists?

The shift in land use led to a significant decline in available pastures. As grazing lands were converted into agricultural fields, the area of land suitable for pasturing animals decreased. With less grazing land, the remaining pastures had to support the existing animal herds, leading to overuse and degradation. This overuse further reduced the quality of pastures and resulted in insufficient forage, which negatively impacted the health and productivity of the livestock.

How did the Pastoralists Cope with these Changes?

In response to these challenges, pastoralists adapted in various ways. They often reduced their herd sizes and sought new pastures. Following the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan, camel and sheep herding Raikas were restricted from grazing their animals along the Indus River due to new political boundaries. Over time, some wealthier pastoralists purchased land and transitioned to a settled lifestyle, either through agriculture or trade. Conversely, poorer pastoralists faced financial hardships, frequently borrowing from moneylenders to get by. Despite these difficulties, many managed to persist and even grow in number in certain areas. Globally, similar changes in laws and settlement patterns forced pastoral communities to adjust their traditional ways of life.

Pastoralism in Africa

Today, over 22 million Africans rely on some form of pastoral activity for their livelihoods. Similar to their counterparts in India, African pastoralists have experienced significant changes during the colonial and post-colonial eras.

Where Have the Grazing Lands Gone?

Before colonial times, Maasailand spanned a vast region from northern Kenya to the steppes of northern Tanzania. However, in 1885, it was divided by an international boundary between British Kenya and German Tanganyika. This division led to the appropriation of the best grazing lands for white settlers, forcing the Maasai into a smaller area in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. The British colonial government, from the late 19th century, encouraged local peasant communities to expand agriculture. Previously, the Maasai had held economic and political dominance over their agricultural neighbours, but the loss of prime grazing lands and water resources put immense pressure on the reduced area they were confined to.

The Borders are Closed

In the 19th century, African pastoralists could roam over large areas in search of pastures. However, colonial authorities imposed restrictions on their mobility from the late 19th century. European settlers and colonists perceived pastoralists as a threat, leading to the establishment of new territorial boundaries and mobility restrictions. These changes disrupted pastoral and trading activities, adversely affecting the pastoralists' way of life.

When Pastures Dry

Traditionally, pastoralists adapted to droughts by moving to different areas to find better conditions and avoid crises. However, during the colonial period, the Maasai were restricted to a fixed reserve, unable to move in search of pastures. As grazing lands became scarcer, the impact of droughts intensified.

Not All Were Equally Affected

In Maasailand, the effects of colonial changes varied among pastoralists. While some managed to adapt better, others faced severe challenges due to the restrictions and loss of grazing lands.

Some Important Questions and Answers

1. Why did the nomadic tribes move from one place to another?

Ans: The pastoralists were the nomadic tribes. For their cattle, they required grazing land. So, when the mountains were covered in snow in the winter, they had to descend in search of milder locations where the cattle could graze on plants and greenery. They would return to the highlands once the winter had passed. Another tribe had to avoid a damp, rainy climate that was harmful to their survival. As a result, they would relocate during the monsoon. Then in order to find decent pastoral pastures, I went back to the deserts. The nomads had to travel from one location to the next.

2. Why was the nomadic activity of the pastoralists beneficial to the environment?

Ans: The nomad pastoralists' lands could be used twice or three times. They became unsuited for cultivation after that. The nomads would depart that location and seek pasture in other areas. In the meantime, the forest would reclaim the territory that the nomads had abandoned. The land would become more fertile. As a result, the land was not overused. Furthermore, the excrement from the nomads' animals contributed to the fertilization of the land.

3. How did the Waste Land Rules change the lives of the pastoralists?

Ans: Any land that was not being cultivated was designated a wasteland under the Waste Land laws. To enhance revenue and output, the colonial administration took over the fields and began farming them. As a result, there was a decline in pastoral land. Pastoralists couldn't locate enough acreage to feed their herds. They had to keep repurposing the same area as pastures. This further reduced the amount of pastoral area available, resulting in a serious lack of animal grazing land.

4. How did the Forest Act change the lives of the pastoralists?

Ans: The Indian woods were only exploited to generate trees that could provide timbres, according to the Forest Act. It was thought that the grazing animals would degrade the forest's quality. Small saplings and shrubs would be chewed by the animals. As a result, pastoralists were prohibited from entering these woodlands. This resulted in a scarcity of grazing ground, particularly during the winter when the mountains were blanketed in snow.

5. How can we improve the lives of the nomadic tribes today?

Ans: Many nomadic tribes, unlike the Adivasis, are not classified as scheduled tribes. As a result, they are unable to benefit from the government's assistance to the scheduled tribes. These indigenous nomadic tribes must be brought under the jurisdiction of ST. Local authorities believe the huts of the nomadic clan of Gujjar Barkarwals to be illegal. These persons must be treated with care by the authorities. Above all, we must keep in mind that not all land is suitable for urbanization. Some things should be left to the ancient tribes and nature.

5 Important Topics of Class 9 Chapter 5 you shouldn’t Miss!

S. No

Topic Name


Traditional Pastoralist Practices


Impact of Modernisation


Government Policies and Land Use


Adaptation Strategies


Case Studies of Pastoralist Communities

Importance of Chapter 5 Pastoralists in The Modern World Class 9 Revision Notes 

  • Revision notes distil extensive and complex information into concise summaries, making it easier to grasp essential concepts and details quickly.

  • They break down challenging topics into simpler, more manageable parts, helping clarify confusing or intricate aspects of the subject matter.

  • Regularly reviewing revision notes reinforces memory and aids in better retention of information, ensuring that key points are remembered for exams.

  • Having all critical points compiled in one place allows for quicker and more focused study sessions, saving time and improving study efficiency.

  • Revision notes emphasize the most important themes and concepts, guiding students on what to concentrate on and helping them prepare effectively for exams.

Tips for Learning the Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in The Modern World

  • Begin by familiarising yourself with the traditional practices of pastoralists. Focus on their lifestyle, migration patterns, and how they manage livestock. This foundation will help you better understand the changes they face in the modern world.

  • Pay close attention to how modernisation, government policies, and land use changes impact pastoralist communities. Note the specific challenges they encounter and how these affect their traditional way of life.

  • Review the impact of various government policies on pastoralist lands and practices. Understand how regulations on land ownership and environmental conservation affect their livelihoods.

  • Learn about the strategies pastoralists use to adapt to modern pressures. This includes changes in their traditional practices and how they negotiate with authorities and organisations.

  • Examine specific case studies of different pastoralist communities. These examples will provide practical insights into the broader issues and challenges faced by pastoralists in various regions.


Class 9 History Chapter 5, Pastoralists In The Modern World, offers a comprehensive understanding of the evolving lives of pastoralist communities amidst modern challenges. This chapter highlights the traditional practices of pastoralism and examines how factors such as modernisation, government policies, and environmental changes impact these communities. The chapter underscores the resilience and adaptability of pastoralists as they navigate these challenges, including changes in land use and shifting economic conditions. It also emphasises the importance of understanding government policies and their effects on pastoralist livelihoods.

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FAQs on Pastoralists in The Modern World Class 9 Notes: CBSE History Chapter 5

1. What are the traditional practices of pastoralists covered in Class 9 History Chapter 5?

Traditional practices of pastoralists include livestock herding, seasonal migration, and the management of grazing lands. These practices are important for their subsistence and cultural identity.

2. How has modernisation impacted pastoralist communities?

Modernisation has introduced challenges such as changes in land use, government policies, and economic pressures. These impacts include reduced access to traditional grazing lands, alterations in migration patterns, and increased competition for resources.

3. What role do government policies play in the lives of pastoralists?

Government policies can significantly affect pastoralists by regulating land use, imposing restrictions on migration, and promoting conservation efforts. These policies often impact their traditional practices and access to resources.

4. What are some strategies pastoralists use to adapt to modern challenges?

Pastoralists adapt by modifying their traditional practices, diversifying their economic activities, and negotiating with authorities. They may also seek new grazing areas or engage in community advocacy to address their needs.

5. Why are case studies important in understanding the issues faced by pastoralists?

Case studies provide detailed examples of how specific pastoralist communities experience and respond to modern pressures. They offer practical insights and highlight the diverse ways in which pastoralists adapt to changing conditions.

6. How can visual aids help in studying Chapter 5?

Visual aids such as maps, charts, and diagrams can help illustrate migration patterns, changes in land use, and other key concepts, making it easier to understand and retain the information.

7. What is the significance of understanding the evolution of pastoralist rights and practices?

Understanding the evolution of pastoralist rights and practices helps in appreciating the challenges they face and the measures needed to support their adaptation and resilience in the modern world.

8. How can regular review of notes aid in exam preparation for this chapter?

Regular review of notes reinforces key concepts and helps retain important information. It ensures that students are well-prepared for exams by keeping the material fresh in their minds.

9. What is the main focus of Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World Notes?

The main focus is on the traditional practices of pastoralists, the impact of modernisation, government policies, adaptation strategies, and real-world case studies of pastoralist communities.

10. Where can I find a PDF version of the Ch 5 History Class 9 Notes?

PDF versions of the notes can be found on Vedantu’s website.