RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions - Learn Class 8 Maths Free PDF download from Vedantu
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions
1. How many chapters are there in RD Sharma Class 8 maths book?
There are a total of 27 chapters in RD Sharma Class 8 maths solutions book. The first part of the book consists of Chapter 1: Rational Numbers, Chapter 2: Powers, Chapter 3: Squares and square roots, Chapter 4: Cube and cube roots, Chapter 5: Playing with numbers, Chapter 6: Algebraic expressions and identities, Chapter 7: Factorization, Chapter 8: Division of Algebraic expressions, Chapter 9: Linear equations in one variable, Chapter 10: Direct and inverse variations, Chapter 11: Time and work, Chapter 12: Percentage and Chapter 13: Profit, loss, discount and VAT.
The second part of the chapter consists of Chapter 14: Compound interest, Chapter 15: Polygons, Chapter 16: Quadrilaterals, Chapter 17: Special types of quadrilaterals, Chapter 18: Practical geometry, Chapter 19: Visualising shapes, Chapter 20: Area of a trapezium and a polygon, Chapter 21: Volumes and surface areas of a cuboid and a cube, Chapter 22: Surface area and volume of a right circular cylinder, Chapter 23: Classification and tabulation of data, Chapter 24: Graphical representation of data as histograms, Chapter 25: A pictorial representation of data as pie charts, Chapter 26: Probability and Chapter 27: Introduction to graphs.
2. How many exercises are there in each chapter?
The following exercises are present in each chapter:
Chapter 1 consists of 8 exercises
Chapter 2 consists of 3 exercises
Chapter 3 consists of 9 exercises
Chapter 4 consists of 5 exercises
Chapter 5 consists of 3 exercises
Chapter 6 consists of 7 exercises
Chapter 7 consists of 9 exercises
Chapter 8 consists of 6 exercises
Chapter 9 consists of 4 exercises
Chapter 10 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 11 consists of 1 exercise
Chapter 12 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 13 consists of 3 exercises
Chapter 14 consists of 5 exercises
Chapter 15 consists of 1 exercise
Chapter 16 consists of 1 exercise
Chapter 17 consists of 3 exercises
Chapter 18 consists of 5 exercises
Chapter 19 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 20 consists of 3 exercises
Chapter 21 consists of 4 exercises
Chapter 22 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 23 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 24 consists of 1 exercise
Chapter 25 consists of 2 exercises
Chapter 26 consists of 1 exercise
Chapter 27 consists of 2 exercises
3. How will Vedantu’s RD Sharma solutions guide me?
Our RD Sharma Solutions are the perfect study material for the students of Class 8. The solutions provided by us will help them gain a better understanding of various characteristics related to Maths. All our Solutions are written in a very simple language to make better use of it.
RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 maths will help the students to ace the exam. The substantial practice will make sure that the students write the exams with more confidence. This will aid the students in evaluating their comprehension completely. The solutions provided by us will help you in gaining knowledge and create a strong foundation with the concepts.
4. Is RD Sharma enough for board preparation?
It is a great book for board exams as well as school exams. It is highly recommendable as a supplementary book for exam preparation along with the NCERT book. RD Sharma helps evaluate the NCERT content with more elaborate and extensive explanations along with an ample number of problems for practice. The book includes detailed ideas, plenty of practice problems and several solved examples among other things. Practice judiciously to make the best out of the material provided in RD Sharma book.
5. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?
Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.