Solar System - Planets and their Moons
Our solar system comprises the following 8 planets:
It also includes dwarf planets like Pluto, dozens of moons, and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids.
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The term “Planet,” is an ancient word with ties to science, history, astrology, mythology, and religion. It is a celestial body that orbits the Sun and it carries enough mass to be circled by its own gravity, where each planet has a varying number of moons and natural satellites.
On this page, we will discuss planets and their moons in our solar system, and planets and their satellites in detail.
Moons of Planets in Solar System
Do you know the meaning of the Moons of Planets in the Solar System? If not, let’s understand it:
We all hear that planets and their natural satellites exist in the sky, among these, we have a moon. So, do you know what Moon is?
Moons are natural satellites that vary in shapes, sizes, and types. They are solid bodies, and few have atmospheres.
Most planetary moons probably formed from the rotating discs of gas and dust, circling around planets in the early solar system.
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Do you know the Planets and Satellites of our Solar System? If not, let’s understand the moons of different planets:
The below table comprises the Planets and their Moons:
Planets and their Moons List
Planets and Moons
Planets of the inner solar system: Earth has one and Mars has its two small moons.
However, in the outer solar system: the gas giants: Jupiter and Saturn, and therefore, the ice giants: Uranus and Neptune have dozens of moons.
Do You Know?
1. Property of a Moon
A moon is Earth’s only natural satellite. At 1/4th the diameter of the Earth, a moon is the largest natural satellite within the system relative to the dimensions of its planet, and therefore the fifth largest satellite within the system overall.
2. Moons in Asteroids
There are many moons in our system - even a couple of asteroids are found to possess small companion moons.
3. Provisional Moons
Moons that start with a letter and a year are provisional moons. However, they will be given a proper name when their discoveries are confirmed by additional observations.
Discovery of Our Solar System
For millennia, astronomers have followed points of sunshine that appeared to move among the celebs. the traditional Greeks named them planets, meaning "wanderers."
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known in antiquity, and therefore the invention of the telescope added the belt, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and lots of of those worlds' moons.
The dawn of time saw dozens of probes launched to explore our system, an adventure that continues today. just one spacecraft thus far, Voyager 1, has crossed the edge into the region.
The discovery of Eris began a rash of the latest discoveries of dwarf planets, and eventually led to the International Astronomical Union revising the definition of a "planet." The revision changed Pluto's status from planet to dwarf planet in 2006, a choice that is still controversial – especially after the New Horizons mission found immense geological variety on the planet in 2015.
Now, we will understand the Planet Definition:
Definition of a Planet
As per the definition of a planet given by IAU in 2006 officially, it is:
"Planets" under the present definition are some celestial bodies, like Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta (each an object within the solar asteroid belt), and Pluto (the first trans-Neptunian object discovered), that were once considered planets by the scientific community, are not any longer viewed as planets under the present definition of a planet.
Formation of Planets
Many scientists think our system formed from an enormous, rotating cloud of gas and mud referred to as the solar nebula. because the nebula collapsed due to its gravity, it spun faster and flattened into a disk. Most of the fabric was pulled toward the middle to make the sun. While, other particles within the disk collided and stuck together to make asteroid-sized objects named planetesimals, a number of which combined to become the asteroids, comets, moons, and planets.
Fun Facts:
Our solar system carries inner rocky planets, which are Mercury, Earth, and Mars.
Apart from the Earth itself, five planets within the system are visible to the eye. These were regarded by many early cultures as divine/ as emissaries of deities. Because of the knowledge base advancement, human perception of the planets changed, incorporating a spread of disparate objects.
Astronomers are now trying to find another planet in our system, a true ninth planet, after evidence of its existence was unveiled on Jan. 20, 2016.
The reputed "Planet-Nine," as scientists are calling it, is assumed to be about 10 times the mass of Earth and 5,000 times the mass of Pluto.
FAQs on Planets and their Moons
1. What are the Planets and their Descriptions?
The smallest planet
Fastest revolution time
0 satellite and no atmosphere.
Extreme weather = - 200 ℃ - 400 ℃
Known as the Roman God of Commerce
The hottest planet
Earth’s Twin
Known as the Roman Goddess of Beauty
Blue Planet = 71% - Water
One Moon
A Red Planet
Tow satellites: Phobos and Deimos
Known as the Roman God of war.
The Biggest planet - Fastest rotation
Has 63 satellites
Known as the Roman King of God
2nd largest planet with Ring/dust particle
Has 62 Satellites, the biggest one is Titan
Known as the Roman God of Agriculture
A Green Planet
Five major moons: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon
Known Satellites - 27, the biggest one is Titania
Known as Ancient Greek God
The Coldest planet
Has 14 satellites, the biggest one is Triton
Known as the Roman God of Sea.
2. Why Does the Moon Have Phases?
Ans: When the Moon orbits our planet, the Sun lights up in its varying positions, creating the illusion that the Moon is changing its shape.
The Moon seems calm but it's hurtling eastward traveling at 3,682 km/h and the circular orbit is tipped a mere 5° relative to Earth’s, it merely follows the ecliptic across the sky.
You might’ve noticed that the Moon always keeps its face turned towards us; this happens because it rotates once on its axis in the time it takes to orbit Earth – 27 days and 7 hours.
This synchronization is named tidal locking and the result of Earth’s gravitational effect on the young Moon during its formation.
During its elliptical journey around Earth, the Moon moves through ‘phases’, this elliptical orbit, combined with the phases results in the looks of a so-called Supermoon.