What is Reynolds Number?
When liquid flows through the pipe, it hits the pipe. The engineers make sure that the liquid flow through a pipe all over the city should be as steady as possible.
So, for this, a number called Reynolds number predicts if the flow of the liquid will be steady or turbulent.
Sir George Stoke introduced this concept for the first time. Later on, it was popularized by Osborne Reynolds, then the name of this number was given as Reynolds number.
Reynold number is a pure number that determines the flow of liquid through a pipe.
According to Reynold, the critical velocity vₙ of a liquid flowing through a tube of diameter D is given by
vₙ = Nᵣη/ρD
Or Nᵣ = ρDvₙ/η
Where η is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid flowing through the tube
ρ = density of the liquid
Nᵣ = It is a constant called as a Reynold number
Here, vₙ is the critical velocity.
Point to be Noted
The average speed of the fluid is not the same at all the places in the pipe.
It means in between the pipe; the speed is maximum, while at the surfaces, the speed is lesser, you can say close to zero, not exactly zero because of the friction introduced by the walls of the pipe.
Critical Velocity
The critical velocity is the velocity of the liquid flow, up to which the flow of the liquid is streamlined or laminar, and above which the liquid flow becomes turbulent. It is given by,
vₙ = Kη / ρr
vₙ depends upon η, ρ, and a radius of the tube (r).
For the flow of liquid to be streamlined, the value of vₙ should be larger, while for η, the value should be as small as possible.
Derivation of Reynolds Number
Reynold’s number is defined as the ratio of the inertial forces divided to the viscous force per unit area for a flowing fluid.
Consider a tube of a small area of cross-section A, through which a fluid of density ρ is flowing with velocity v.
The mass of the fluid through tube per second,
∆m = volume of fluid flowing per second x density
= A v x ρ
∴ Inertial force per unit area = rate of change of momentum/area
= (∆m)v/A = (A v x ρ)v/A = v2ρ…(1)
Since viscous force, F = ηAv/r
Here, r is the radius of the tube, v/r is the velocity gradient between the layers of the liquid flow.
∵ Viscous force per unit area = F/A = ηv/r….(2)
Therefore, Reynolds number = inertial force per unit area/viscous force per unit area
= eq(1)/eq(2), we get,
The value of Nᵣ is independent of the system of units it is being measured.
What is the Significance of Reynolds Number?
Let’s understand this through an example:
When you try to take out honey from the jar, the honey being viscous takes time to come out because of an adhesive force between the honey and the walls of the jar. As we give a force, the honey starts experiencing inertial force, and it starts accelerating, but at a very slow rate.
We know that the average speed of honey would vary, however, to determine if the flow of the honey from the jar would be laminar or turbulent will depend on a constant value called the Reynolds number.
Here, mu = dynamic viscosity of honey, as it is in motion.
Reynolds number (Nᵣ) = inertial force per unit area divided by viscous force per unit area
Quantitatively, the value of Nᵣ for honey is in the order of 10-4.
What is the Value of Reynolds Number?
If the value of Nᵣ lies between 0 to 2000, the flow of the liquid is streamlined or laminar.
For values above 4000, the flow is turbulent, and between 2000 to 3000, the flow of the liquid is unstable, i.e., changing between the laminar and turbulent flow.
Reynolds Number Calculation Example
Let’s take an example to calculate the Reynolds number
Suppose the water is flowing through a pipe with a diameter of 3.5 cm. The velocity with which the water is flowing is 1.5 m/s. If the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and the coefficient of viscosity of water is 9 x 10-4 Pa.s. Find the Reynolds number to determine if the flow of water is streamlined or turbulent.
Solution: Here we are given with,
D = 3.5 mm = 3.5/1000 m
vₙ = 2 m/s
η = 9 x 10-4
ρ = 1000 kg/m3
We know the formula, i.e.,
Nᵣ = ρDvₙ/η
Putting the values given we are provided with, in this formula, we get,
= 1000 x 3.5 x 2/9 x 10-4 x 1000
On calculating, we get the value of Reynolds number:
Nᵣ = 7,7777
Here, we can see the value of Nᵣ > 4000. It indicates that the flow of the liquid is turbulent.
Overview of the Chapter
Liquids and air are considered to be fluids because they move and their movement is the flow. The property of flow of the fluid is known as Reynolds number.
Reynolds number has a formula that determines whether the fluid will be turbulent or laminar.
The ratio of inertia force of a fluid with its viscous flow.
It is used to measure the difficulty in changing the change velocity of a flowing fluid.
Interia force is the momentum of the flowing fluid.
Viscosity deals with the friction of the fluid.
A fluid’s flow is determined to be laminar if its Reynolds number is 2,300.
The flow of the fluid is determined to be turbulent if its Reynolds number is more than 4,000.
Reynolds number is unitless and it is represented by Re.
Reynolds number is one of the prominent controlling parameters in every viscous flow in which a numerical model is selected in accordance with a pre-calculated Reynolds number.
Irish scientist Osborne Reynolds, in 1883 discovered the dimensionless number that predicts the flow of fluid based on static and dynamic properties such as velocity, dynamic viscosity, density, and characteristics of the fluid
Osborne Reynolds also performed experimental studies in order to examine the relationship between the velocity and behavior of the fluid flow.
Quick Tips to Study the Topic
Physics is a subject in which there is theory and practical knowledge so students have to concentrate on both to remember and understand the concepts.
It even contains some questions in which a diagram is needed to be drawn in exams so students should be able to draw certain diagrams or they have to practice so that it won't take much time to draw in the exams.
Reynolds Number is an important chapter in Physics so it should be completed by the students with the proper understanding of the topic.
Concentrate in the class while it is covered so that they can have a clear knowledge or understanding of the topic. Important concepts might be covered by the teachers so that the student can write them down or mark them in the book so that they can find them when they need them while revision.
Make notes in the class as running notes and after the completion of the chapter, students can make the notes by reading it, by doing this students have made notes more easily.
Always cross-check the notes with the books and external materials that are available so that they can have an idea that the notes are correct and can be referred to during the preparation of the exam.
Try to remember the concepts and test after the chapter is completed. This will make the students have better confirmation about what they know about the topic and what not.
Remember the formula practice how to solve the problems with the help of the mathematical solutions.
The practice of solving the problems should be kept in practice so that they can secure more marks in the exams because some students tend to skip the problems but they fail to understand the problems that will help them to secure marks in exams.
Discuss the topic with friends so that in the process of teaching another person they can revise the chapter. This will help them gain more knowledge if there is any from them.
Always utilize the time given in the lab in experiments that should be done. By observing things humans tend to remember things easily.
Students can study alone but it is always recommended to have extra guidance like tutors so that they can help them to understand the topic and clear their doubts.
Clear the doubt by the teacher or the tutors because this will help them to clear the difficult things that they might not get by self-study.
Stick to the basic concepts of Physics because they will help in understanding the chapters.
Practice the old questions papers of the previous year so that they can solve many equations and have the ideas of the important questions regarding the topic.
Students can always rely on Vedantu’s notes and study materials available on the website and can be downloaded for free. For Physis they can join the online classes in Vedantu and can get their doubts cleared. Online study materials are also provided to students so that the students won't have any problems with any topic.
FAQs on Derivation of Reynolds Number
1. What does Reynolds Number Mean?
The Reynolds number (Nᵣ) of the liquid flowing through the pipe is defined as the product of density times and velocity times length divided by the coefficient of viscosity.
The value of Nᵣ is proportional to the ratio of inertial forces and viscous forces per unit area in a fluid flow.
2. What affects Reynolds Number?
The Reynolds determines several factors that affect the flow of liquid, as the type of liquid, factors are:
The roughness of the surface of the pipe.
Heat transfer
Noise and other disturbances
3. What is the critical Reynolds Number?
A Reynold number at which the flow of liquid changes from laminar to turbulent flow is called the critical Reynolds number.
4. What are low and high critical points in Reynolds Number?
The low critical points in Reynolds number indicate that below a lower critical value of Reynolds number, the flow of liquid is streamlined while above a higher critical value, flow is turbulent. Between these values, the flow is in transition.