NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 4 - Presentation of Data
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 4 Presentation of Data
1. What are the different ways of representing data?
Ans: Data can be presented in the form of text, table or diagrams. It depends on the nature and category of data being represented. Under diagrammatic presentation of data, there can be different types. They are bar diagram, pie or circular diagram, frequency diagram data, histogram, polygon, frequency curve, arithmetic line graph, ogive or cumulative curve, etc.
2. What are the advantages of diagrammatic or graphical presentation of data?
Ans: Many times the diagrammatic presentation of data is considered more convenient over the other forms. So, the advantages of diagrammatic and graphical presentation of data include:
Informative and catchy
Simple to understand
Easy to compare data
Needs less training or specialisation to create graphs
Helps in the study of correlation
3. Which types of questions are provided in the NCERT solutions for class 11 statistics for economics chapter 4?
Ans: Chapter 4 in Class 11 Statistics NCERT solutions includes 15 questions. Some of these questions are conceptual and objective. A few questions in this chapter are based on a ‘true or false’ statement. In some questions, students will have to represent the data given to them.
4. What is Chapter 4 of the Class 11 Statistics textbook about?
Ans: The chapter talks about the presentation of data. Data is the information that is collected and needs to be organized to study a hypothesis or to reach a conclusion. The chapter mentions textual presentation, tabular presentation as well as diagrammatic presentation of data. The data when presented makes it easier to study and analyze and it is also more appealing to the eyes. Data presented in a clear manner makes it easy to understand.
5. Is Chapter 4 of Class 11 Statistics important?
Ans: The chapter of the Statistics textbook of Class 11 is titled as Presentation of data. The chapter enables us to understand how one can present and analyze the data. We all, consciously or unconsciously, deal with data, arrange it and use it for getting better results. Understanding the presentation of data also allows us to smartly plan our studies and preparation as well as allows us to understand how we can utilise minimum resources to achieve maximum results. The knowledge gained from the chapter will come in handy in education and in real life.
6. How can I approach the chapter Presentation of Data of Class 11 Statistics?
Ans: The chapter is a part of your statistics textbook and is also a crucial part of the border economics discipline. Understanding the concepts given in the chapter will also facilitate to an extent your understanding of economics. You can start by reading the chapter and understanding the various methods of presenting the data. Make useful notes in your notebook along with the visual representation of the methods. You should also attempt the questions given at the end of the chapter. Make sure you revise your notes on a regular basis.
7. How useful are Vedantu solutions for the preparation of Chapter 4 Presentation of Data of Class 11 Statistics?
Ans: When you are studying Statistics, it is imperative that you have a strong understanding of the core concepts of the discipline. The solutions which are prepared by the expert faculty at Vedantu helps you to clear any doubts or confusion you might have with regard to the concepts of the chapter. They will also come in handy during revision as they cover the chapter in its entirety. You will also get a basic idea about how one should write and present the answers. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu( and mobile app.
8. Explain diagrammatic presentation of data.
Ans: The diagrammatic presentation of data is one of the methods through which you can present the data. The data is presented in a comprehensible form that makes the data easy to comprehend and analyze. In this method, numbers or numerical data are represented through diagrams. The diagrammatic presentation can be further categorized into bar graphs, pie charts or circular diagrams, frequency diagrams, and arithmetic line graphs. It is also an attractive way of presenting the data and catches the attention of the reader.