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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight


Class 10 NCERT Books for English First Flight Free PDF Download

NCERT English First Flight book Class 10 is a book in English Literature that contains carefully curated pieces of literature. It has stories and poetry written by great authors and poets. They are known to have a profound spiritual impact on the readers. It broadens the students’ understanding of human nature and reality. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students.

These CBSE NCERT books contain excellently composed pieces of literature by prominent authors. It is by the -

NCERT Books for Class 10 English First Flight PDF - Free Download

Students appearing for their first board exam will benefit greatly by reading the NCERT English First Flight book class 10. At Vedantu, we provide free NCERT books PDF for everyone, and there is no need for registration of any kind.

It is our motto at Vedantu to make education and knowledge accessible by all. We deliver high-quality reading material for all CBSE students, which they can access free of cost. Check our website to find a course that you want to pursue and learn from these books compiled by the best subject experts in the country. Vedantu delivers unparalleled convenience to students which you can utilise with a simple one-click-download of these free PDF books. Also if you are searching for NCERT Solutions for an English first flight you can get it at Vedantu. 

Introduction About the Chapters in English Book


Chapter 1 - A Letter to God by G.L. Fuentes

It is a tragic story that revolves around a farmer who writes a letter to God when his crops get destroyed by a hailstorm. It is the first chapter in the latest NCERT books for class 10 English First Flight. 

Chapter 2 - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela  

Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is an excerpt from the autobiography of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela that depicts the battle for the opportunity of individuals of color in South Africa. On tenth May 1994, Nelson Mandela made the vow as South Africa's first Black President after over three centuries of White standard. His party had won 252 out of the 400 seats in the main equitable decisions throughout the entire existence of South Africa. 

Numerous dignitaries and political figures from a few nations had gone to the introduction function that occurred in the Union Buildings amphitheater in Pretoria. In his discourse, Mandela tended to all dignitaries deferentially and guaranteed his kindred compatriots that his nation could never encounter comparable concealment by one gathering over another. While accepting his pledge as the primary dark President, he set up a majority rule government in the nation and said there would be no separation of individuals, regardless of rank, shading, ideology, or race. He guaranteed that the public authority would consistently treat every one individual of the country with due regard and equity.

It is an excerpt from the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Read this prose piece to know why he is so respected and revered everywhere around the world. Solve the questions at the end of the chapter to gain mastery over it.

Chapter 3 - Two Stories About Flying 

This 3rd chapter of the English First Flight NCERT book of class 10 is subdivided into two stories. These two stories instruct us that internal strength and assurance are important to defeat dread. Daring to confront predicaments assists us with defeating complex circumstances in our lives. We trust this CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Prose Summary of Two Stories About Flying probably will assist students in finding out with regards to it. In the interim, you can see the Vedantu site for all the more intriguing updates.

  • His First Flight by Liam O’ Flahert

The story describes a young seagull that is afraid of flying. It goes on to convey how it conquers its fears and takes his first flight.   

The story His First Flight is composed by Liam O'Flaherty and depends on a youthful seagull who was hesitant to take his first flight since he expected that his wings would support him while flying. Every one of his kin ventured out to fly courageously in the outdoors despite having more limited wings than him. Despite what might be expected, the youthful bird couldn't summon up boldness to go all in because of doubt on his wings. At whatever point he attempted to approach towards the verge of the edge while endeavoring to fly, he became apprehensive and returned. His folks continually berated and compromised him that except if he took off he would need to starve alone on the edge, yet the entirety of their endeavors went to no end. He would simply watch his folks showing his kin how to skim the waves and jump for fish. 

One fine day, the entire family traveled to a major level and provoked the youthful seagull for his weakness. As the sunbeams burst on his edge, he could experience the heat and was starving since the past dusk. The youthful bird asked his mom to present him with some food. He expressed a cheerful shout when his mom immediately picked a piece of fish and flew across to him. He inclined out excitedly and seized the fish exasperated by hunger. Unexpectedly he fell outward in the open space and a tremendous fear held onto him as he could feel that he was falling lower. The following second he felt his wings spread outwards and he had the option to fly courageously. At last, the youthful seagull took his first flight and took off higher and skimmed through the waves and plunged alongside his kin.

  • Black Aeroplane by Frederick Forsyth

This piece depicts the story of a pilot returning home in his plane and the danger he is in. 

Black Airplane is a secretive story composed by Fredrik Forsyth that spins around a pilot. The storyteller of the story is a pilot who needed to be with his family and partake in a healthy breakfast with them in England. He needed to fly from France to England to invest energy with his family. When he crossed Paris, he went over the tempest mists that resembled dark mountains. In any case, he flew through the mists and before long understood that everything around him had become dark. Nothing was apparent to him outside the plane as he failed to keep a grip on it. 

Abruptly, he saw that there was one more plane without any lights on its wings. The pilot of that plane waved his hands and flagged him to follow. He aimlessly followed the other pilot since the radio transmissions of his plane were not reachable and surprisingly the gas tank was low. Before long he went through the foreboding shadows and landed securely on the runway with the assistance of the other pilot. After landing, he asked at the gathering concerning whom the other pilot was who helped him in such a basic circumstance as he needed to say thanks to him for saving his life. Yet, the lady in the control community let him know that there could have been no other plane in the night sky other than his plane.

Read the story properly to know who saves this pilot in this time of crisis. 

Chapter 4 - From the Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank    

It is an excerpt from the very famous Diary of Anne Frank. It is a heart-wrenching piece that portrays one of the worst tragedies of human history. It is a compelling and vital part of NCERT English First Flight book class 10.   

Chapter 5 - The Hundred Dresses -  by I El Bsor Ester

It is a story about a Polish immigrant girl in America and how she has to face discrimination from the other kids for being from a different country.

The illustration The Hundred Dresses I is about a young lady named Wanda who professes to have 100 dresses. Her colleagues ridiculed her since what she asserts is in logical inconsistency to the way that she was constantly seen wearing a similar dress. Her schoolmates viewed her name as interesting. It was because everybody had more straightforward names than Wanda Petronski. Her name was diverse because she was a Polish settler who had gone to an American town with her family. She was peaceful and was constantly seen sitting toward the side of the study hall. The reality with regards to the hundred dresses divulged when she presented her hundred drawings in a drawing challenge. They were similar to the hundred dresses she used to discuss. Every one of them was monstrously excellent.

Chapter 6 - The Hundred Dresses – II by El Bsor Ester

Wanda is pronounced the best fashioner as she has outlined 100 dresses, all delightful and all unique. Be that as it may, she can't come to school to get the award. Her dad composes a letter to Miss Mason that Wanda won't come to school as they are moving to another city. The naughty young ladies Peggy and Maddie feel frustrated about prodding Wanda for her hundred dresses and her strange name. Maddie by and by feels tragic and strained for being involved with Peggy in prodding Wanda. The two of them choose to compose a letter to Wanda which was reacted to by Wanda composing a caring letter to Miss Mason and she mentioned her to give the lovely dresses to Peggy and Maddie. On seeing the lovely pictures, the two of them become enthusiastic. At last, they change their perspective with regards to Wanda and lament prodding her.

It is a continuation of the first part, exploring the innocent friendship between little girls in the school. Solve the questions included in NCERT English First Flight book class 10 to prepare for your board exam properly. 

Chapter 7 - Glimpses of India

The chapter is further subdivided into 3 parts, as mentioned below. Each of these chapters has a unique story to tell about India.

  • A Baker from Goa by Lucio Rodrigues

This story, as the title suggests, is about a Portuguese baker who lives in a little Goan village. It tells us how bakers are so well respected in the Portuguese community. 

  • Coorg by Lokesh Abrol

Coorg is a rural district in the state of Karnataka famous for coffee cultivation and breath-taking scenic beauty. Find this passage in NCERT Class 10 English First Flight book and solve the questions included to know more about Coorg and prepare for board exams.   

  • From Assam by Arup Kumar Datta 

It is a story that enumerates facts about the state of Assam by telling a story about two friends; one of them invites the other to their tea estate and thus begins the story.

Chapter 8 - Mijbil the Otter by Gavin Maxwell 

Prose about pets dwells on the idea of how the narrator moves on after the demise of his pet dog Jonnie. Complete the activities given at the end to improve understanding of the story and grammar.   

Chapter 9 - Madam Rides the Bus by Vallikkannan

A little girl of 8 rides the bus to the city for the first time in her life. Read and solve all the questions from NCERT English First Flight book Class 10 to perform well in your exam. 

Chapter 10 - The Sermon at Benares 

It can be referred to as a historical piece as it depicts the story of Gautam Buddha. The story has presented his journey from a princely life to a saintly existence.    

Chapter 11 - The Proposal by Anton Chekov

Anton Chekov presents a critical view of the institution of marriage in this story. Solve the questions in the ‘thinking about language’ part in the latest NCERT books for class 10 English First Flight to get better at grammar. 


Chapter 1 - Dust of Snow by Robert Frost

It is a very short poem by the legendary poet Robert Frost with a deeper meaning and significance that hides behind the simple words. 

Chapter 2 - Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

Another one by the same poet in your NCERT textbook Class 10 English First Flight, this one is also short but has a chilling message to deliver about the destruction of the world.

Chapter 3 - A Tiger in the Zoo by Leslie Norris

It depicts the contrast between a tiger in a zoo and its natural habitat, i.e. jungle. The cruelty of zoos has been highlighted in this one. 

Chapter 4 - How to Tell Wild Animals by Carolyn Wells 

A cute poem about different wild animals and how they will kill you if you go near them, it represents a new reality. Study it by heart for improved performance in the exam. 

Chapter 5 - The Ball Poem by John Berryman

This poem is about a little boy who loses his ball. Read this poem in NCERT English First Flight book Class 10 to know why he is so upset.

Chapter 6 - Amanda! by Robin Klein

This one is about the orders a child gets from the guardians that feel like nagging at times. 

Chapter 7 - Animals by Walt Whitman

It is about how the author finds humans to be complex and how he likes animals over humans.

Chapter 8 - The Trees by Adrienne Rich

It is a poem about trees that are moving out into the forest. There is a deeper meaning to this poem, which you will uncover once you have answered its questions.

Chapter 9 - Fog by Carl Sandburg

A 20-word poem about fog and how it comes and goes; is a piece of literature filled with symbolism.

Chapter 10 - The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash

It is a ballad with elements of humour, almost like a parody, and comes with a set of exercises for your practice.

Chapter 11- For Anne Gregory by William Butler Yeats

This chapter has a poet’s record of an argument between a man and a woman.

Importance of NCERT Solutions of Class 10 English Book

NCERT solution books not only provide the solutions to the question paper but also in this world of digital everything, make sure that you are in tune with your NCERT solution book in Class 10 English. These books are important for various reasons that include study material, practice papers, and understanding the logical drills. Veda is the website that can give you solutions if you're stuck!

Pointers to Achieve Outstanding Mark in Class 10 English:

  1. One of the main reasons why people find it difficult to score high marks in Class 10 English is they don't understand the subject as well as they need to. If you want to score high marks, you need to read and analyze the chapter thoroughly.

  2. You have to read all the topics that have been covered in your book, and not only that but also pick a book which contains all the solved question papers of your class 10 English subject.

  3. You need to ensure that you include all the points that are discussed in your questions.

  4. Do not just start reading the chapter, but read it carefully and understand every topic. If you don't understand something, you can ask your teacher for clarifications or go through the chapter once again.

  5. Make sure you try to test yourself on all the topics discussed in your book by writing at least 150-200 question papers of Class 10 English discussing all the chapters that have been covered.

Bonus Tip:

  • If you want to score high marks in Class 10 English, try enrolling in the mock classes.

  • Try a different book for Class 10 English and share suggestions.

  • Try not to skip any topic or topic headings and learn it thoroughly.

  • Try completing as many sample papers as possible.

  • Make sure you take care of your health and sleep for at least 8 hours every night before writing the exam.

  • Try to answer all questions very carefully and don't be in a hurry.

Keep these points in mind and make your preparation more effective. I believe these points will surely help you to score high marks in Class 10 English, please feel free to share any tips, questions regarding this article in the comment section below.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight

1. Which site offers the free Class 10 English First Flight NCERT textbooks PDF?

Class 10 English First Flight NCERT textbook free PDFs are available many on e-learning platforms. One such excellent platform is Vedantu, which is one of the most trustworthy platforms among students. Hare, one can get the free PDF files of NCERT textbooks for CBSE Class 10 for all core subjects. The good quality ebooks for Class 10 English First Flight can be downloaded on Vedantu. This can be used to study anytime, anywhere without the need for carrying the books. You can find online NCERT textbooks for Class 10 English First Flight and other English textbooks like Footprints Without Feet Supplementary Reader on Vedantu. These are really helpful for exam preparation.

2. Why should I choose the Class 10 English First Flight online PDF textbook?

Students must develop a practice of studying from online textbooks as these are an eco-friendly and economical alternative. Online textbooks are gradually becoming a trend among students. The prime reason behind it is that PDF textbooks are easily accessible and can be used anywhere. Class 10 English First Flight e-textbooks can be availed on Vedantu at absolutely no cost. Students can download online textbooks for Class 10 English First Flight chapters on their smartphones or other devices like laptops, PCs, etc. and use them conveniently.

3. Is NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight available online?

Yes, many online sites cater to NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight. Among such platforms, Vedantu is a popular choice for NCERT Solutions for English, Maths, Science and other subjects. Vedantu caters to chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight. These are designed by subject matter excerpts to meet the requirement of study materials during exams. It is available in the free to download PDF format. Students can find the answers to exercise questions in the free PDFs of Class 10 English First Flight NCERT Solutions.

4. What are the chapters of Class 10 English First Flight?

Following are the chapters of Class 10 English First Flight:

  • Chapter 1 - A Letter to God

  • Chapter 2 - Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom

  • Chapter 3 - Two Stories about Flying

  • Chapter 4 - From the Diary of Anne Frank

  • Chapter 5 - The Hundred Dresses - 1

  • Chapter 6 - The Hundred Dresses - 2

  • Chapter 7 - Glimpses of India

  • Chapter 8 - Milbil the Otter

  • Chapter 9 - Madam Rides the Bus

  • Chapter 10 - The Sermon at Benares

  • Chapter 11 - The Proposal

5. What is the importance of English NCERT solutions?

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will assist you with finding straightforward and exact solutions to all the activity questions. You might get the NCERT Solutions for both the Class 10 English Textbooks - First Flight and Footprints Without Feet. Replies to all inquiries have been arranged by the CBSE stamping plan. Every one of the NCERT Solutions at Vedantu is made by the subject specialists. You can allude to these model responses to gain proficiency with the right strategy for composing proper replies in your English test.