Download JEE Main 2022 July 26 Evening Maths Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 26th Shift 2 Maths Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. What percentage of topics are included in the JEE Main Maths Syllabus 2022 from Classes 11 and 12?
Generally, 40% to 50 % of the topics covered in Class 11 Mathematics are also included in the JEE syllabus. Some of the crucial topics of Class 11 Maths that are important for JEE Main 2022 as well include Coordinate Geometry, Probability, Complex Numbers, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, and Progressions. Class 12 Maths topics, such as Matrices, Calculus, Vectors and Three-dimensional Geometry, Relations and Functions, etc, are important for JEE Main Maths 2022 examination. Thus, students must refer to their NCERT books for the primary knowledge base of these topics.
2. Are the NCERT books of Class 11 and Class 12 enough to prepare for JEE Main Mathematics 2022?
The NCERT books should be treated as the primary source of study while preparing for JEE Main Maths 2022. However, they are not sufficient. Students should refer to some of the prescribed and most recommended books for in-depth study of the chapters listed in the JEE Main 2022 syllabus. This should be further substantiated by rigorous solving of previous years’ question papers and sample and important question papers.
3. How was the overall Maths question paper in JEE Main 26th July 2nd Shift?
The Overall Maths question paper can be said as quite challenging. Questions were quite lengthy in terms of calculations and also tricky as claimed by the students.
4. Maximum coverage of the Maths question paper on 26th July 2nd Shift consisted from which chapters?
The chapters which had the maximum number of questions were:
Coordinate Complex
Vector 3D
Differential Equations
5. How many questions came from Calculus in Maths question paper of 26th July 2nd shift?
A total of 4 questions of definite and indefinite calculations appeared from Calculus in teh Matsh question paper of 26th July 2nd shift.