What is Autism?
Autism, often known as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a complex illness characterized by communication and behavioral issues. It can show up in a variety of ways, including symptoms and skills. ASD might be a minor issue or a serious disorder requiring full-time care in a facility.
Communication is difficult for people with autism. They have a hard time comprehending what other people are thinking and feeling. This makes it difficult for individuals to communicate, whether through words, gestures, facial expressions, or touch.
Learning difficulties may be an issue for people with autism. Their abilities may develop in a haphazard manner. For example, someone may struggle with communication yet excel at art, music, arithmetic, or memory. As a result, individuals may perform particularly well on analytical or problem-solving tests.
Autism is currently being diagnosed in greater numbers than ever before. However, the latest figures could be higher due to changes in how the illness is diagnosed, not because more youngsters have it.
World Autism Awareness Day is observed on April 2nd. This year (2021) marks the 13th World Autism Awareness Day. It is also sometimes referred to as World Autism Day. Its goal is to enhance autism awareness and educate individuals about the condition. World Autism Awareness Day promotes understanding and acceptance of people with autism, as well as global support and inspiration. It's a day dedicated to spreading kindness and raising autism awareness.
The article is focused on developing a basic understanding of autism and its type and available treatment. The article also explains the history and significance of the celebration of World Autism Day.
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World Autism Awareness Day Celebrations
Every year on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day is observed around the world, encouraging United Nations Member States to take steps to promote awareness about people with autistic spectrum diseases such as autism and Asperger syndrome.
The resolution (A/RES/62/139) of the United Nations General Assembly designated it. On November 1, 2007, the council passed a resolution designating 2nd April as international autism day or "World Autism Awareness Day," which was adopted on December 18, 2007. It was submitted by Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, Qatar's UN Representative and spouse to Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, and was unanimously endorsed by all member states.
The UN General Assembly passed and adopted this resolution without a vote, mostly as a supplement to past UN attempts to improve human rights. Another interesting fact about the world autism awareness day history is that World Autism Day is one of only seven recognised United Nations health-related days. Individual autistic organisations from all over the world come together on this day to help with things like research, diagnosis, therapy, and acceptance for those who have a developmental path altered by autism.
Autism rights supporters frequently argue that the titles "Autism Awareness Day" and "Autism Awareness Month" feed into perceived ableism against autistic individuals. The Autistic Self Advocacy Network, for example, advocates using the word "Autism Acceptance" as an alternative for both events, believing that it encourages overcoming anti-autism prejudice rather than simply raising autism awareness.
"The transition of maturity" is the topic of World Autism Awareness Day 2020. This year's World Autism Awareness Day is being commemorated by the Department of Community Development. It is commemorated in Abu Dhabi, where there are plans to implement a new equal rights policy soon. Health and social welfare, education, employment, and inclusive and equipped communities are all part of their plan.
Dr Bushra Al Mulla, the department's executive director of the Community Development Sector, said that programmes must be put in place to accommodate the needs of autistic individuals during "this crucial transition time" in their lives.
International autism day has four main components to the original resolution:
Since 2008, the second day of April has been designated as World Autism Awareness Day.
Invite Member States and other relevant organizations to the United Nations or the international sociocultural system, including non-governmental organizations and the business sector, to develop efforts to enhance public awareness of autism.
Encourages member nations to raise autism awareness at all levels of society,
Requests that the UN Secretary-General communicate this message to all UN member states and organizations.
World Autism Awareness Day History
Persons with disabilities have long been valued for their variety, rights, and well-being by the United Nations family. In 2008, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into effect, reinforcing the fundamental premise of universal human rights for all. The convention's major goal is to promote, defend, and ensure that all people with disabilities have full and equal access to all human rights and basic freedoms.
It also ensures that all autistic children and adults can live full and meaningful lives. The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day, overriding resolution A/RES/62/139, to raise public awareness about the need to help improve the quality of life of people with autism so that they can live full and meaningful lives as contributing members of society.
India celebrates the national autism awareness day as a government and a non-government day initiative on the 2nd April, the day is celebrated to support the autistic community of India.
The theme of world autism day along the years are mentioned below.
The theme of 2012 "Launch of Official UN "Awareness Raising" Stamp"
The theme of 2013 was "Celebrating the ability within the disability of autism"
The theme of 2014 was "Opening Doors to Inclusive Education"
The theme of 2015 was "Employment: The Autism Advantage"
The theme of 2016 was "Autism and the 2030 Agenda: Inclusion and Neurodiversity"
The theme of 2017 was "Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination"
The theme of 2018 was "Empowering Women and Girls with Autism"
The theme of 2019 was assigned as "Assistive Technologies, Active Participation"
The theme of 2020 was assigned as "The Transition to Adulthood"
The theme of 2021 was designated as "Inclusion in the Workplace"
Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Illness, is a lifelong neurological disorder or a group of complicated neurodevelopmental disorders that appears in early childhood and affects people of all ages, regardless of gender, race, or financial background. The term "autism spectrum disorder" refers to a wide variety of symptoms.
Social deficits, communication challenges, and a confined, repetitive, and stereotyped pattern of behavior characterize it. To put it another way, Autism is a neurological illness that inhibits a person's capacity to communicate with others. It essentially starts in childhood and continues into age.
Signs and Symptoms of Autism
There are the following signs and symptoms of autism which are summarized below.
Inability to make eye contact.
A narrow set of interests or a lack of desire to learn more about a certain subject.
Patients generally have high sensitivity to sounds, sensations, odours, or sights that are considered normal by most individuals.
Patients generally have difficulty in coping with physical proximity.
It's tough to understand or use speech, gestures, facial expressions, or voice tone.
Having difficulty adapting to changes in routine.
Seizures are also common symptoms for some children with autism.
Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder
There are four types of autism spectrum disorder that are described in medical science. The types are mentioned below:
Asperger's syndrome
The kids with Asperger's syndrome don't have a problem with language; in fact, on IQ tests, they tend to score in the average or above-average range. They do, however, have social issues and a limited range of interests. This condition causes minor autistic symptoms in those who suffer from it. They may suffer social difficulties, as well as odd behaviors and hobbies. As a result, we can conclude that people with Asperger Syndrome have neither linguistic nor intellectual disabilities.
Autistic Disorder
It relates to social interaction, communication, and play issues in children under the age of three. Classic autism is another name for it. It's the most common type of autism. Language disruption, social and communication issues, and unique behaviors and interests are common in people with this illness. It's possible that some people with this illness will also have an intellectual handicap.
Pervasive Development Disorder
PDD-NOS (Not Otherwise Specified), also known as normal autism. PDD-NOS can be diagnosed in people who do not fit the criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome, although not all of them. Autistic disorder symptoms are decreased or absent in people with PDD-NOS. Only social and communication difficulties may be caused by the symptoms.
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Children suffering from this disintegrative disorder develop normally but eventually lose part or all of their speech and social skills.
Treatment for Autism
Autism has no known cure. However, for a child with autism, early treatment can make a significant difference in their development. There are two types of therapy.
Structure and organization can be improved using behavioral and communication treatment. One of these treatments is Applied Conduct Analysis (ABA), which encourages positive behavior while discouraging negative behavior. Occupational therapy can assist with everyday tasks such as dressing, eating, and interacting with others.
Sensory integration treatment may benefit someone who has issues with being touched, seeing, or hearing. Speech therapy helps people enhance their communication skills. Medications to treat ASD symptoms such as hyperactivity, anxiety, and focus issues.
In conclusion of the article, it is critical to educate and raise awareness about autism. Because we know that the rate of autism is high in all parts of the world, it is critical to educate people about the need of providing care, love, and support to persons with autism. Otherwise, it can have a negative influence on individuals, their families, and their communities.
FAQs on World Autism Awareness Day
1. When is the national autism awareness day celebrated?
National autism awareness day is celebrated in India on April 2nd every year.
2. When was World Autism first celebrated?
On November 1, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution declaring November 1 as World Autism Day. On December 18, 2007, it was approved.
3. Name one diagnostic test for the diagnosis of autism.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a psychological test designed for the diagnosis of autism.