Causes for the Increase in BUN:
The causes for the increase in the blood urea nitrogen are:
A decrease in the glomerular filtration rate
High protein intake by an individual
Heart problems
A decrease in the volume of the blood
Excessive muscle breakdown
There are also reasons which cause a decrease in BUN. They are liver diseases and even some genetic disorders. BUN is usually measured in mg/dL and normal BUN levels are as follows:
Adult Man (Healthy) -8 to 20 mg of urea nitrogen/100ml (i.e 8 - 20 mg/dL) of blood.
Adult Woman (Healthy) -6 to 20 mg of urea nitrogen/100ml (i.e 6 - 20 mg/dL) of blood.
Children (Healthy) -5 to 18 mg of urea nitrogen/100ml (i.e 5 - 18 mg/dL) of blood.
Many people struggle with an increase in BUN. But, they can try out any of these solutions to normalize BUN levels in their body:
Diet -Increase the intake of protein in your diet that will boost the BUN. There is various food to try such as - Almonds, Egg, Cheese, Oats, Broccoli.
Hyper increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in BUN
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Less intake of fluid causes dehydration and it is also one of the important factors behind the increase of BUN.
Usually, the urea travels often from the liver that makes a path to the kidneys passing through the bloodstreams. Healthy kidneys filter UREA and throw other waste from the body. The nitrogen levels of UREA for children are low as it increases as per the age.
Generally, a high level of UREA illustrates the kidney is not functioning properly. BUN can also rise if you eat more protein and can similarly fall if you eat less protein. The BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) testing is commonly part of the basic metabolic panel (BMP) or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP). This test is often done when people are struggling with Joint/Bone Pain, Fatigue, Muscle Cramps, Itchiness, Swelling in the arms and legs.
FAQs on BUN Full Form
Q1. What is a Potentially Dangerous High BUN Level?
Ans - As per the survey done by Health Advisory, the normal BUN level is between 7 and 21 ml per deciliter (mg/dL). If this level surpasses 60 mg/dL, it can be considered as a potentially high level.
Q2. What Level of BUN Indicates Kidney Failure?
Ans - A GFR below 60 is a sign that the kidneys are not working properly. A normal BUN level falls between 7 and 20 and anything above or below needs to be consulted with the doctor.
Q3. What are the Causes of High BUN?
Ans - People with a high intake in protein by having red meat or high protein sources can result in High Bun. The test needs to be done by taking a blood sample using a needle in order to be sure.