An important step to appear for the TS POLYCET is to have a thorough knowledge of the TS POLYCET Exam Pattern.
Like every other common entrance examination. TS POLYCET too has a specific exam pattern that you must know before you appear for the examination.
Discussing the TS POLYCET Exam Pattern:
Here within this article, you can gain a brief knowledge about the TS POLYCET Exam Pattern. Go through the following list to get acquainted with the basic exam pattern:
The exam runs for 2 hours and 30 minutes
The exam is held for only one paper as per the syllabus of the subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Biology
The questions are made from the same syllabus as of the Class 10 S.S.C. Examination conducted by the State Board of Secondary Education of the state of Telangana.
The examination is conducted for 120 marks.
The marks division goes such a way that Mathematics has 60 marks, Physics 30 Marks, 30 Marks for Chemistry
30% of the total of 120 marks i.e., 36 Marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together is required for the candidates to score
Calculators, pagers, Logarithmic Tables, Cell phones or any other electronic gadgets are not allowed into the Examination Hall. Candidates with such devices will be banned from taking the exam
The examination will be conducted on specially designed Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Response Sheets
A second OMR sheet will not be allowed to you under any circumstances
How to Answer in OMR Sheets?
The TS POLYCET examination is conducted on specially designed OMR sheets. These sheets are checked via computers.
Answering on the OMR sheet has a specific pattern.
The sheet will have multiple choice type questions with 04 different options as answers for each question.
You have to darken the appropriate response circle with a 2B pencil only.
Shading with Ballpen will not be entertained.
Only Blue or Black ball pen can be used to fill in details like your hall ticket number, name, examination centre name, date of examination and your signature.
You need not be scared or tensed about answering on an OMR sheet. The sheet comes with elaborate instructions on how you will have to fill in the sheet. Under any circumstances, the examination invigilator will help you solve any issue arising in the filling pattern of the OMR sheet.
The TS POLYCET Eligibility Criteria:
Visit the official websites to get further information about the eligibility criteria and the exam pattern.
Important Information for TS POLYCET:
FAQs on TS POLYCET Exam Pattern 2023-24
Q1. What is the Passing Mark for the TS POLYCET Exam?
A minimum of 30% is set to be the passing marks for TS POLYCET. As the exam consists of 120 marks, the said 30% equal to a score of 36.
Q2: What is the Eligibility for TS POLYCET?
The required eligibility criteria are:
You must be of Indian Nationality
You must have a clearance certificate for class 10 exam or the SSC
You must belong from a board of education that is recognised by the state of Telangana
A score of a minimum of 35% is required in your SSC or equivalent examination
Q3: Can I Get a TS POLYCET Admit Card Without Paying?
Fill in the application form and paying the due fees for the application form is a mandate to get the admit card. The fees of the application form vary for different categories of candidates. The fee for the application form is 400INR or general candidates and 250 for SC/ST candidates.
Q4. How to Get the TS POLYCET Admit Card?
Visit the official website to download the admit card. Follow the steps and get your admit card. Make sure to take a print out of the admit card and keep it safe with you.