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KVPY 2020-21 Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Keys for Class 11 SA Stream


KVPY SA 2020-21 Solved Paper:

SA, SX and SB the three streams of KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana). KVPY is a fellowship program intended to help students financially who want to pursue their careers in the Basic Science field or are already in Basic science streams. This exam tests students' both conceptual as well as experiential learning. This fellowship is granted to students encouraging their efforts and also to motivate students so that they can aspire to build their careers in Basic science ahead.

The approach to crack this exam endorsed by the experts is Solving previous years Papers. By solving the previous year papers, you can plan your preparations. There are many ways to get these solved last year papers online. However, one can rely upon Vedantu for all the possible means because, at Vedantu, these papers are solved by experienced Subject Experts.

Vedantu has always helped students to crack exams and here we are again. Click on the link below to download KVPY 2020-21 SA, Solved Paper

KVPY Class 11 SA Stream Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Key

The answer key to the previous year’s question papers can help you solve the questions more easily. It will help you when you are having trouble with any questions. You can use this answer key for a quick look at previous year’s papers and understand the pattern and marking schemes. The key will also assist you in revision and practice for the upcoming exam.    

Sections in KVPY Class 11 SA stream exam

In the KVPY Class 11 SA stream exam, there are two parts, including questions from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 

  1. Part 1

  • Mathematics - 20 questions 

  • Physics - 20 questions 

  • Chemistry - 20 questions 

  • Biology - 20 questions 

  1. Part 2 

  • Mathematics - 5 questions 

  • Physics - 5 questions 

  • Chemistry - 5 Questions 

  • Biology - 5 questions 

KVPY SA Stream Exam Pattern 

Before starting your KVPY preparations, it is necessary for you to go through the KVPY exam pattern 2021. Since KVPY is an extremely tough exam, you will have to prepare diligently to score high marks and obtain a significant rank. If you know the KVPY exam pattern, it will help understand the types of questions, marking schemes, sections, and much more. It will assist you in designing your study plan and give you a head start for preparations for the KVPY Class 11 SA stream exam.  

  1. The total number of questions in the KVPY SA stream is 80, where Part I has 60 Questions, and Part II has 20 Questions. 

  2. KVPY Marking Scheme – In Part I, each correct answer carries 1 mark, and 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. Whereas in Part II of the SA stream, two points will be awarded for every correct response, and 0.5 points will be deducted for an incorrect one.

  3. The Duration of the KVPY SA stream exam is 3 hours. 

  4. All questions are mandatory.

  5. Total marks in the KVPY SA stream is 100

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FAQs on KVPY 2020-21 Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Keys for Class 11 SA Stream

1. How to prepare for KVPY for the class 11 SA stream exam?

KVPY exams are tougher in comparison to many other competitive exams. That is why you need a proper study plan to prepare for your KVPY Class 11 SA stream exam. You can prepare for this exam through the previous year’s question papers and other sample papers. These self-assessment tests will give you an idea of where you stand and which sections need more of your attention. Moreover, you can refer to multiple reference books for practice and strengthen your knowledge of the concepts.  Check out Vedantu for more information. 

2. Where to find study material for the KVPY exam?

The Vedantu website or mobile application is the most reliable source for free study material for your Class 11 SA stream KVPY exam. Whether you need previous year’s question papers or solved sample papers, Vedantu is the best place to be. The sample papers available on the Vedantu website are designed by Subject matter experts, making them an excellent resource to prepare for the extremely competitive exam. One of the advantages of this study material is that it is available for free on the Vedantu website.    

3. Is it easy to score high in the KVPY SA stream?

KVPY Class 11 SA stream is a highly competitive exam, making it difficult to score a higher rank. However, if you have a deep understanding of the basic concepts of all the sections, the exam will be a piece of cake. With deep knowledge of every topic, the KVPY exam won’t seem that tough to you. Moreover, time management also plays a pivotal role in this type of exam. You have to manage your time in a way that each section gets the required attention.     

4. What are the different streams of KVPY?

There are three streams in KVPY exams - SA, SB, and SX. Each stream has its eligibility criteria, age limit, and exam pattern. For the SA KVPY exam, you must be at least 16 years of age. For the SX stream, the minimum age limit is 17 years old. Lastly, the SB stream requires you to be at least 18 years old. All these streams have a different syllabus, pattern, and types of questions, which sets them apart from each other.  

5. Are KVPY previous year’s question papers helpful?

Yes, KVPY previous year’s question papers are quite helpful for your preparations for the exam. These papers will give you an idea of what type of questions you will be facing in your examination. When you solve these papers, you will get to know more about your time management. Previous year question papers are an excellent way to understand the exam pattern. Moreover, you will get a wide range of questions to practice and test your knowledge. It will help you examine which sections you are weak in.