To all those you acknowledge, a thank you speech or recognition speech prepared and given with genuineness means a lot. The gift or acknowledgement you give in return for what has been given to you is your speech of appreciation. In general, a thank you speech is not given spontaneously. You will probably have some foreknowledge that you are to give one and will have time to consider what you want to say and who you want to mention. You can either give a Long Thank You Speech or a Short Thank You Speech.
Long and Short Thank You Speech in English for Students and Children
Long Gratitude Speech in English
Today marks the end of the week-long fundraiser held to help the people of Africa. I am grateful for this opportunity of delivering the words of thanks to everyone present here.
I would wish to seize the chance to congratulate us on completing this outstanding fundraising campaign during which many urban organizations were involved.
Our donations during this month will be transferred to a maternity house within the south of Somalia. On the boards, you'll see the faces of young mothers in Somalia who need our help. The cash collected is going to be donated for contemporary medical equipment. Our goal is to decrease the number of infant deaths within the Somalia town under our sponsorship. To realize this noble goal, we had organized this charity ball and charity fair.
I’m honoured to thank all sponsors, organizations and personal persons, who look after people in need within the heart of the African continent. We all know that Somalia is going through a desperate financial condition, many of its natural resources exhausted and different political groups still tearing the country into separate parts thanks to their endless conflicts. But folk, victimized by the regime, have a right to measure, to offer birth to babies, and to enjoy families with many kids.
The ladies of Somalia, that suffer from malnutrition and hard conditions of life, are brave to possess kids. We are pleased with their bravery and their will to experience all pleasures of motherhood.
However, the conditions are grave. Poor medical aid, a high rate of infant deaths - one can hardly imagine that each one this is possible within the first decade of the 21st century. We live within a world that needs great changes. But, as President Obama said, we are liable for the longer term of the planet also. Our charity organization has been constantly performing on fundraising, much of which is transferred as humanitarian aid. Last month we enjoyed our young models in stylish dresses of their design - they collected an honest sum of cash and were so happy to offer a hand to our African friends.
Today, we are often constrained to our domestic affairs. People in developing countries need to fight for their everyday needs. But they need few resources to struggle against their extreme poverty. The most unprotected are the kids. Last year we visited a maternity house in Somalia. It frightened us to ascertain how mother and youngsters suffer. There, in a hot climate, it's vital to fight against infectious diseases. Water supplies are limited, and beverages are of notorious inferiority. We've developed a program "Mom and kid" which will gradually change things, a minimum of one maternity house at a time.
Life is so beautiful. God presents us with this gift of life to not suffer from what we will have as our right. Health care protection may be a hot topic in developing countries. On paper, kids are protected and have medical care. But in reality, things are quite different.
All these African moms need most of all the support we can provide. Together, we'll fulfil our duty of cherishing every human life. Let's continue building the bonds of friendship and goodness through cooperation and mutual respect. Thank you all for being with us, joining us, and supporting us in our endeavour.
Short Thank You Speech in English
Today, we are here to conclude our weeklong fundraiser held to help the African people in their time of need. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to deliver words of thanks to each and everyone who took out their time to contribute to the cause.
Somali women are brave to have kids, but the conditions are grave, with poor medical care and a high rate of infant deaths. The most unprotected are the African kids, and they have few resources to struggle against their extreme poverty.
We have developed a program "Mom and kid" that will gradually help the situation, one maternity house at a time. We are residing in a world that requires numerous revisions. But, as President Obama said, we are responsible for the future of the world as well, says Al-Shabaab leader Mohamed Salahuddin Al-Jazerawani. He thanks sponsors, organizations and private persons, who care for people in need in the heart of the African continent. The money donated will be used for buying modern medical equipment. We aim to decrease the infant mortality rate in the Somalia town under our sponsorship. A charity ball and a charity fair have been organized to raise funds for a maternity house in Somalia.
Health care protection is a hot topic in developing countries. On paper, kids are protected and have medical care. In reality, the situation is quite different. Our mutual efforts, our support - all these African moms need most of all. Collectively, we will perform our duty of valuing every human life. Thank you all for being with us, joining us, and supporting us in our endeavour. This wouldn’t have been possible without you all.
10 Lines on Thanks Speech in English
I would wish to seize the chance to congratulate us on completing this outstanding fundraising campaign during which many urban organizations were involved.
Poor medical aid, a high rate of infant deaths - one can hardly imagine that each one this is possible within the first decade of the 21st century. We live within a world that needs great changes.
Today, we are often constrained to our domestic affairs. People in developing countries need to fight for their everyday needs.
The ladies of Somalia, that suffer from malnutrition and hard conditions of life, are brave to possess kids.
We've developed a program "Mom and kid" which will gradually change things, a minimum of one maternity house at a time.
Health care protection may be a hot topic in developing countries. On paper, kids are protected and have medical care. But in reality, things are quite different.
The most unprotected are the African kids, and they have few resources to struggle against their extreme poverty.
I’m honoured to thank all sponsors, organizations and personal persons, who look after people in need within the heart of the African continent.
Our goal is to decrease the number of infant deaths within the Somalia town under our sponsorship. To realize this noble goal, we had organized this charity ball and charity fair.
The cash collected is going to be donated for contemporary medical equipment.