Before you start reading or mugging anything on leadership for your speech, we want you to first understand the basics about the term leadership. You should know who a leader is, what makes him or her a leader and why should we have a leader? Can you be a leader yourself?
We at Vedantu not only focus on providing you with the study material, but we want to bring a change in the system of education. We want students to be more curious, we want students to make their contribution above and we want the students to be a leader themselves.
What does leadership mean?
Leadership is a skill or ability of an individual to influence others. In other order, it is the quality of an individual to make you do something which you did not even want to do.
For example - Indians had a weakness of littering garbage around but the leadership quality of our Prime Minister persuaded us to follow the Swachh Bharat Mission.
Who is a leader?
So, anyone can be a leader. It is a skill that can be learned. Though it may not come in a day or month and it requires the right environment to grow your perception, right thought, the right information, and a will to lead for a better cause. Adolf Hitler was a leader too, but it is the conscience and the intention of a leader which differ them.
In this article, we have provided a long and short speech on leadership and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about inspirational speech on leadership
Long Speech on Leadership Qualities
A warm welcome to everyone present here today. I feel honored to be given this opportunity to give a speech on leadership. I hope this speech makes you think about what a leader is. What is the role of a great leader and what are the true leadership qualities?
Let us go back to the history of the world. Many events happened around the world. Events such as injustice towards people, slavery, racism, and dictatorship. During all these events the universe provided us with a few people who rose to the occasion and helped humanity to fight injustice. They taught us how to fight, they led us towards a better future, and those my friends were leaders. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin king Luther Jr and so on were present to lead and guide people towards a better future. One quality that was common in all of these leaders was that they had this amazing ability to persuade people to respect and follow them.
Firstly let’s just not confuse leadership with dictatorship. A good leader will never dominate or subjugate people because of their sex or position in society, that is done by a dictator and the best example of a dictator was Adolf Hitler. Surely he had thousands of followers but he dominated them and made them forcefully adapt his mentality, a good leader will never do that. The world is full of people who have a great desire to take charge and forcefully rule over other people’s lives and call themselves a leader which rests assured, is not a sign of a leader.
So who is a true leader? Well, a true leader is someone who is known for his work ethic, A true leader is someone who earns respect through his rightful actions and mass following without any dictatorship. A true leader inspires others in his or her group to be better persons. A great leader will inspire other people to follow in his/her footsteps to become a guiding light for humanity. A good leader will always lead the people towards the path of growth and progress by carrying the torch of wisdom. As the phrase goes ‘Action speaks louder than words, a true leader will never tell people to follow them but the benchmark he or she has set and his or her actions will allow people to trust in him or her. A good leader will always set the goal and will start working towards the goals to achieve it without compromising morals and ethics and this is a sign of a true leader.
Let us take the example of Mahatma Gandhi, you could ask anyone about him and the only general answer the crowd will give is that Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader. A journey of a great leader starts with an incident and this could be applied to Gandhi as well. Mahatma Gandhi had settled down in South Africa with his family practicing law but one night during his train journey he was exposed to the cruelty of people in the society towards those with different skin color. He saw that he was a judge because he was an Indian and was considered to be inferior because of his skin. This incident is considered to be the turning point in Mahatma Gandhi’s life. After the incident, he decided to change the perspective of people and also to free India from British rule, and as they say, the rest is history.
Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi possess a great quality of effectively channelizing their energy and also devote themselves to a cause or the growth and progress of humanity. Nelson Mandela, Martin King Luther Junior, and many more have this ability and are considered to be a pattern found in great leaders. The restrictions or the obligations they faced only enabled them to rise against all odds and never bow down to any circumstances.
Leadership is not an easy task and I can assure you that it cannot be cultivated within a day. It is not for people with weak hearts who cannot tolerate hatred, betrayal, and jealousy. A true leader will always have a goal and vision and he or she with his or her team will work every day to accomplish that dream. We often see that in a few working places many bosses call themselves leaders but are never present to help or appreciate the work the employee has done. This is not a sign of a leader. A true leader will always work with the team and listen to the concerns of everyone and also note down the ideas that would be helpful to complete the given task. A true leader never boosts himself or herself for the work and will always try to understand the team.
My dear friends, I want to conclude this speech by saying that it is not easy to become a great leader in a day, week, or year. It is a process of facing your fears, discomfort, and failure. A true leader will always learn from his past mistakes and will always try his or her best to correct those mistakes. A true leader will also respect his team members and will always help them, guide them when they are in need. So if you want to be a good leader, start practicing gratitude and always respecting people irrespective of their profession. Thank you.
Short Speech on Leadership Qualities
Greetings to everyone. It is my privilege to give a small leadership speech and I hope at the end of the speech everyone understands who a true leader is.
A true leader is someone who is known for his or her work ethic. A true leader is known for his/her actions which allow people to trust him or her. A true leader will always guide everyone and help them to find themselves on the darkest path.
The world has had many great leaders in the past such as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Barack Obama, and so on. The one quality of truth that is common in many leaders in the past is that they could influence and guide people for the betterment of society. For example, When Barack Obama was elected as the 44th president of the United States of America, the country was in a recession phase where the citizens were suffering as many of them did not have proper medical facilities, food to eat, etc but Barack Obama was able to guide everyone. He was able to understand everyone and the difficulties the common people were facing and finally in 2014 he was able to make America recession-free.
The qualities of great leaders cannot be cultivated in a day, month or year as it requires years of patience and to have the ability to understand the situation and lead from the front. Great leaders are always committed to their goals and they have great respect for every person in a team.
To conclude this speech I want to say that it is not easy to become a good leader within a day or years as it requires years of hard work. Leadership is also not for the weaker hearts as many leaders deal with hardships and sacrifices for the betterment of society. Anyone can be a good leader if the qualities required to become one are practiced from an early age. Thank you.
10 Lines about Leadership Speech in English
An inspirational speech on leadership should always start by describing the qualities of a great leader.
A true leader is not born or created but is formed after years of practicing the art of guiding people towards a greater future.
Leaders like Barack Obama, Subhash Chandra Bose, Nelson Mandela could guide people and people listened to them because they were good at convincing people to fight for a better cause.
Being a good leader is related to actively listening to people’s concerns and searching for solutions.
While giving a leadership speech try to make the audience understand the difference between leadership and dictatorship.
While giving a leadership speech it is advised to always include examples of great leaders in the past.
The skill of leadership is linked to commitment, honesty, loyalty, sacrifice, selflessness, and earning respect.
Everyone always asks, How do you give a speech on leadership? The answer is to define what a great leader is and always try to connect with the audience.
A true leader will never boost himself for the work he or she has done.
Start and end the speech on leadership by thanking the audience for participating in the event.
Small Exercise to practice
Write down on paper the name of your favorite leader
Write down the qualities you admire the most in that leader
Try to write a speech on your own using the speech we have provided as a reference
FAQs on Speech on Leadership: The Qualities of a True Leader
1. How to write a good essay or a speech on leadership?
It is very important for the students to learn to write on their own. To write a good essay or a speech students should follow the following steps -
Try to understand the topic you want to write about
Read from multiple sources to get an idea of the topic.
Prepare a structure that is what all you want to cover in your writing.
Note down all the important points according to your structure.
Arrange the collected information in the pre-decided structure.
Remember to keep your audience engaged in your speech.
Try to use ideas and words which don't hurt anyone's emotions.
Start writing and with time you will get better in the process.
You can also send us your essays or writing which will be evaluated by the faculty.
2. How to deliver the speech in the right manner?
To be able to deliver a speech perfectly you need to keep the following points in mind -
First, you need to have a clear idea of the topic you want to deliver a speech on.
You should know your audience well in advance to understand their interest.
Make use of the language your audience is comfortable with.
Have control over your voice, keep it clear, balanced and audible to the audience.
Make use of different tones and pitches of the voice to emphasize certain points.
Make use of examples and stories to get the attention of your audience.
Make the speech in the right order.
Always let your audience know what they can expect and learn from the speech.
Try to connect with your audience frequently.
3. What should be the structure of writing a speech?
Like every writing, the speech also has three parts that are the introduction, body, and conclusion. Keep the introduction very interesting, get the attention of your audience by starting with a short story then gradually introduce your topic through that story. Secondly, make the audience aware of the keywords of the topic.
In the body, talk in detail about your topic like state the historical, economical, social factor of your topic.
And then conclude your speech by summarizing the key message and the takeaways of the speech. Try to practice with this framework and in due course of time, you will be able to write an excellent speech. Also, try to learn from some great speeches of the leaders.
4. How important is it to have a command of the English language while writing a speech?
If you are writing a speech in English then yes you should have a very good command of the language. You should not be committing grammatical errors or mistakes while framing the sentence. For this, read the basic grammar and practice writing frequently. You can make others read your writings and suggest the needed corrections.
The more you read, the more you write the better command you will have over the language.
5. Can I use quotes from other personalities in my speech?
Yes you can use any quotes which you think are relevant for your topic. But you should keep a few things in mind -
Do not overuse quotes that are you should have a maximum of two to three quotes in your speech
Do not make use of any disputed quotes
Use simple quotes which your audience can understand easily.
6. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?
Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.