Democracy and dictatorship are two distinct leadership structures that affect the common citizens of the state or country. Democracy allows people to make choices as the common people elect them and dictatorship does not allow people to make any choices as the dictator himself has chosen to be the supreme leader of the state or country and to make all decisions for the people instead of granting them rights. Here we have provided both Long and Short Speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship along with 10 lines with key pointers for a 3 min speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship.
Long and Short Speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship
Long 3 Min Speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship
Today, I am here to deliver a speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship. A democratic trend is practised by some countries, while others follow an authoritarian rule, similar to a dictatorship. Democracy is considered by people to be a rule for the people, of the people and by the people. When India achieved independence, many other countries questioned how we would unite India and make it a democracy, considering the diversity, but our first free and fair elections proved to the whole world that India could sustain a democracy.
In theory, the best form of government is democracy. It is the people's government as distinguished from the government of a person or a class of individuals. By giving them a voice in legislation, it makes all the people involved in their country. It gives them a sense of significance and a feeling of responsibility. It thus provides their personality with meaning. Another merit of democracy is that it is less liable than other systems of government to revolt. The need for a revolution should not exist because individuals themselves elect representatives of the government. A democratic government, in addition to this, typically ensures freedom of thought and expression.
This dual independence is a very big benefit because it helps the person to develop freely. Democracy thus provides the most suitable climate for the growth of human personality. On the theory of representation, modern democracy rests. By voting, the people elect their leaders. Such delegates attend and serve on behalf of other people in the legislature. They could not be re-elected in the next elections if the people are not happy with their members.
Yet democracy is a risk. The greatest of which is the rule of ignorance. The voters in countries such as Britain and America, however, have not proved so deficient in judgment as many of democracy's opponents would have us believe, although it is true that the citizens of our own country, being illiterate, seldom offer proof of sound or independent judgment. Another critique of democracy is the quest for productivity. Unity of action is essential for prompt and successful actions.
The two world wars were believed to have made the world stable for democracy, but this forecast proved to be false. Although democracy in France and the English-speaking countries performed very well, most other nations swung towards dictatorship. Their dictatorships were so popular and strong, that the days of democracy seemed to be almost over.
The tactics of dictatorship, sadly, are and have to be, brutal. Force and brutality used by Dictatorship help maintain itself. It consists of physical compulsion, death camps, purges of intimidation and execution. For the sake of dictatorship, numerous executions were ordered by both Russia and Germany. The smallest resistance will not be broken by a dictatorship.
Dictatorship has benefits of its own. There is no other government as powerful as a dictatorship in war-time. The dictator is the master of a will of his own. The final directives are his orders. No one will dare hesitate to take them out. A dictator assists it to rise high when a country is downtrodden. He frees the nation from all wrongdoing by employing heavy fines and punishments. We thus find that dictators are coming to power all around us. There were dictators in Pakistan, Egypt, Burma, etc.
Dictatorship, however, cannot last long. Having a successful successor to a dictator is very difficult.
Short Speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship
Today, I am here to deliver a speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship. Many countries asked how we would unite India and make it a democracy when India achieved independence. However, our first free and fair elections proved to the whole world that India could maintain a democracy. The people elect their representatives by voting. But democracy is a risk, the biggest of which is the rule of ignorance. Unfortunately, the methods of dictatorship are and have to be, ruthless. The smallest resistance will not be broken by a dictatorship. It was assumed that the two world wars had made the world safe for democracy, but this forecast proved to be wrong.
When a country is economically and politically fragile, dictatorships often happen. An instance of this is the coup d'état of Napoleon in France in 1799. Decisions are effectively taken in a system of authoritarian law because very few persons are involved in the decision-making process. At the head of the government, the leader or elite group decides on new strategies and economic initiatives, then ensures that the public abides by them by using force and indoctrination techniques.
Therefore, by its very existence, dictatorship hampers the free growth of the human personality. It does not encourage political views and opinions to be diverse but leads towards human beings' political regimentation or standardization. However, the greatest risk of dictatorship is its partiality as an instrument of national aggrandization for war. Every dictator basically preaches war, partly because he is motivated by personal ambition and partly because he suffers from exaggerated nationalism.
10 Lines for Speech on Democracy vs Dictatorship
A democratic leader is elected by the nation's people through the electoral process. The priority is given to the citizens here. Etymologically speaking, democracy means Demos (common people) and Kratos (strength).
New elections are held every five years, where people have to select their preferred representatives. Only adults, above the age of 18, regardless of caste, gender, religion, ethnicity, have the right to vote.
Based on public views, the leader should make decisions. In one place, individuals come together to vote on the laws imparted to the common people.
One of the biggest issues found in democracy is corruption.
People like democracy because no decision is enforced on them.
Dictatorship is imposed on individuals.
Dictators do not allow any decisions to be made by ordinary citizens.
The Dictator remains cruel towards the people most of the time so that they don’t lose their control.
In their possession, rulers have total powers. Compared to the monarchy, all authority is in the hands of only one human. It depends on how the dictator uses their control over the people.
For dictators, elections are entirely unimportant when they want to be a king.