What is Nature?
Nature includes our natural surroundings including both the biotic and abiotic components. It is essential for our survival and provides us with air, water, and trees. It plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of Earth. Here we have provided three dedication speech examples about nature. There is a Long speech about nature and a short 1 minute speech about nature for students and we have also provided 10 lines on Nature Topics for Speech for kids. Students can refer to them to get some idea on the topic.
Long and Short Dedication Speech Example about Nature
Long Speech about Nature
Good afternoon all! Today, I am here to deliver a Speech About Nature. For all our needs, such as food, oxygen, air, natural resources, we are all dependent on nature and, most importantly, it gives us a place where we live. Our human life started on this planet, and our "Mother Earth" has faced the dangers of devastation and abuse ever since. Beautiful forests have been ruined because of the innate selfish nature of humans, rivers have been polluted and wide-open areas have been used for factories or other architectural growth.
We don't know that we are invoking Mother Earth's wrath, which can pose a serious threat to our lives. Our land is currently facing the results of all the harmful practices, caused by the drying up of the river, the dying of plants, and the disappearance of mammal species. Another serious issue which we are dealing with is 'global warming', which has a tremendous effect on our atmospheres, such as thawing glaciers, rising sea level and rapidly evolving climate change. This is why we should all track our operations and assist in controlling such circumstances.
The question now arises: how do we control our activities? Water is an essential natural resource. Therefore, if not in use, we can save every drop of water, by fixing any leakage in taps and closing them properly when not in use. We can practise rainwater harvesting as there is unnecessary water pollution and it is a good means to make use of rainwater. Additionally, wet or dry waste should not be thrown into the drainage pipes as they ultimately harm our water bodies.
As for the protection of our plants, toxic pesticides shouldn’t be used and the use of home remedies or other environmentally friendly tools should be encouraged. Also, people can avoid throwing rotting fruits, vegetables, leftover food, and eggshells in the waste bin and instead use those to make organic manure for their home garden. Different activities, such as helping to generate fertilizer, aid a ton in recycling waste products from useful items.
Similarly, we should start conserving the electricity used by us. We must switch the power button off before leaving our room/house. When public transport can be used, we shouldn’t use private cars. In reality, we can also use bicycles for a short distance, and protect our environment from the unnecessary release of harmful gasses from our vehicles. In this way, we can make our precious contribution to protecting Mother Earth from permanent/irreversible damage.
I would like to conclude this speech by requesting each of you to spread awareness regarding our environment and the practices which we can follow to save it.
Short 1 Minute Speech on Nature
Today, I am here to deliver a 1 minute speech on nature. One of the amazing gifts with which the planet earth is endowed is nature. It's the incomparable beauty of planet earth. Nature comprises the sweet birds singing, the change of season, the blessed morning and evening, the light of the rivers, the thunderstorms, the floods, the glaciers, the mountains, etc. In reality, the variety and blessing of nature can never be counted by humanity. Nature, in human life, has tremendous meaning and significance. To protect our lives, we need water, fresh air, and the earth. Mankind's survival is entirely dependent on nature.
Sadly, at the hands of humans, nature has suffered a great deal. Humanity has damaged and ruined nature in different ways over a hundred years or more. Mankind's industrial and technological advancement has hit the flow and rhythm of nature badly. Without understanding the fact that its destruction would end human existence, we have been unnecessarily misusing nature and its wealth for our material benefit.
The ecology of our lives has been seriously disrupted by the cutting of trees, burning of fossil fuels, pollution of soil, water and climate, etc. Nature is at immense risk. The atmosphere is contaminated by the introduction of dangerous and contaminating elements into it. We are experiencing shifts in the patterns of the atmosphere. The living testimony to this reality is the torrential rains, floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides and glacier loss, etc.
It is time for us to understand the significance and value of our mother nature. We need to prepare and behave accordingly to tackle it effectively. To rescue our future generations, we need to save nature.
10 Lines on Nature Topics for Speech
Here we have provided pointers which will help you in writing a 1 minute Speech about Nature.
The surroundings where we live, the natural resources or food we consume are parts of nature.
Forests, hills, rivers, seas, deserts, weather etc. are part of nature.
Nature provides us with opportunities to satisfy our needs and wants, such as water, air, and food.
Earth is the only known world that supports life for good and has biodiversity survival.
The environment, the climate and the weather are part of nature and are important to us.
Nature is also a major source of Ayurvedic medicines that have been used in the treatment of different common and fatal diseases for thousands of years.
Nature has an ecosystem consisting of biotic and abiotic components which are complementary and a part of nature.
As for the protection of our plants, toxic pesticides shouldn't be used and the use of home remedies or other environmentally friendly tools should be encouraged.
Human wellbeing is entirely connected to the health of the surrounding community. Nature is full of different resources responsible for our lives that are renewable and non-renewable.
In reality, we can also use bicycles for a short distance, and protect our environment from the unnecessary release of harmful gasses from our vehicles.
FAQs on Speech About Nature: The Beauty and Importance of the Natural World
1. Does Vedantu provide any article on the topic of "Nature" in English?
There is a speech on the topic of "Nature" in English available on the official website of Vedantu. In this article, a long speech, short speech and 10 lines of speech on the given topic are provided to the student. Through this content, students will get to know about the meaning of nature, the factors that are affecting nature and the conservative measures to prevent nature. The whole content is prepared by Vedantu experts in an easy to comprehend language. The students can download this speech in PDF format.
2. Which factors are affecting the growth of plants in nature?
Ecological factors affect the growth of plants in nature. There are three types of ecological factors. These are mentioned below:
Climatic Factors - This type consists of factors like light, wind, temperature, atmospheric humidity, atmospheric gases and rainfall.
Physiographic Factors - The factors included in this type are the direction of slopes, sunlight on vegetation, altitude and effect of steepness.
Biotic Factors - The biotic factors affecting the plants' growth are interrelationships between various plants of a particular region, the interrelationship between plants and animals living in the same area and interrelationship between plants and soil microorganisms.
3. In what ways can pollution be controlled to protect nature?
The following steps can prove to be helpful in controlling the pollution to protect nature:
To reduce air pollution, one should reduce the use of vehicles for short distances. Instead of vehicles, people can use bicycles.
Turn off the fans and lights when not in use. By doing this, we can save electricity.
Plastic is very harmful to nature. One should not use and burn plastic bags and other plastic products.
Plant more and more trees to increase the amount of oxygen in nature.
4. What are the prime components of nature?
There are two prime components of nature. These are as follows:
Biological Components - Biological components which are also known as biotic components comprises all living things. Various ecosystems are formed due to the interaction between the animals, microorganisms and plants with the abiotic components. In these ecosystems, organisms are classified as decomposers, producers and consumers.
Physical Components - These components are also known as abiotic components which comprise all non-living things. These components are classified as lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.
5. What is the role of decomposers in nature?
Decomposers are the organisms that decompose the dead decaying organic matter in the environment. The decomposers consist of saprophytes like bacteria and fungi. The role of these decomposers are discussed below:
They recycle all the nutrients that are used by the plants.
Decomposers are regarded as cleansing agents as they decompose the dead and decaying animals and plants.
As they decompose the dead organic matter, a new place is created for other organisms in the biosphere.
Decomposers help in putting different elements back in air, water and soil so that producers can use them.