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Complaint Letter Format: How to Write and Structure Your Letter

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How to Write Complaint Letter Format: Understanding the Structure

Making a complaint can be tricky, especially when it’s written down and becomes part of the record. Writing a complaint letter requires careful attention to ensure it is clear and effective. This page on complaint letter format will help by explaining how to write a complaint letter properly. Students can find useful tips on structuring the letter, so it gets their message across effectively. The page also includes sample complaint letters to guide you. By following these guidelines and examples, you can create a well-written complaint letter that clearly outlines your issue and helps to solve it.

Table of Content
1. How to Write Complaint Letter Format: Understanding the Structure
2. How to Write Complaint Letter Format?
3. Format for Complaint Letter:
4. Sample for Writing an Application for School Leaving Certificate in English:
    4.1Complaint Letter Samples
    4.2Sample 1 – Issues with Garden Maintenance and Waste Disposal
    4.3Sample 2 – Received a Damaged Product
    4.4Sample 3 – Request for Installation of New Street Lights
5. To Test your Knowledge of Complaint Letter Format, Try these Tasks:
    5.11. Write a Complaint Letter
    5.22. Review a Sample Complaint Letter
    5.33. Rewrite a Poorly Written Complaint Letter
6. Takeaways from This Page

Interesting Facts about the Complaint Letter Format

  • A complaint letter should be clear and polite, even if you are upset. This helps ensure that your message is taken seriously.

  • Including specific details about the problem and how it affects you makes the letter more effective.

  • It's important to follow a standard format, which usually includes your address, the recipient's address, the date, and a clear subject line.

  • A well-written complaint letter can lead to a quicker and more effective resolution to the problem.

  • Always keep a copy of the letter for your records and follow up if you do not get a response.

How to Write Complaint Letter Format?

  1. Start with Your Information: Include your name, address, and contact details at the top of the letter.

  2. Date: Write the date when you are writing the letter.

  3. Recipient's Information: Add the name, address, and position of the person or company you are addressing.

  4. Subject Line: Clearly state the issue or purpose of your complaint, e.g., "Complaint Regarding (Issue)."

  5. Salutation: Address the recipient politely, e.g., "Dear (Recipient's Name)," or "To Whom It May Concern,"

  6. Body of the Letter:

  • Introduction: Mention who you are and your relationship to the recipient (e.g., customer, employee).

  • Details of the Complaint: Describe the problem clearly and include relevant facts or incidents.

  • Desired Resolution: State what you would like to be done to resolve the issue.

  • Additional Information: Provide any other details that may help in addressing the complaint.

  1. Conclusion: Thank the recipient for their attention to the matter.

  2. Closing: Use a polite closing phrase, such as "Sincerely," followed by your name and signature.

Format for Complaint Letter:

Here’s a structured format for writing a complaint letter:

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Email Address
Phone Number


Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Position
Company/Organization Name
Company/Organization Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Subject: (Complaint Regarding Specific Issue)

Dear (Recipient’s Name) / To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to formally complain about (briefly state the issue or problem). I am (your relationship to the recipient, e.g., a customer, an employee, etc.), and I have encountered (describe the problem in detail).

Details of the Complaint:
(Provide a detailed account of the issue, including relevant dates, facts, and any previous communication related to the complaint.)

Desired Resolution:

I would like (state what you want to be done to resolve the issue, e.g., a refund, an apology, corrective action, etc.). I believe this action is fair and necessary given the circumstances.

Additional Information:

(Include any additional information that might support your complaint or help in resolving the issue, such as attachments or references.)

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and a resolution to this issue.

(Your Name)

Sample for Writing an Application for School Leaving Certificate in English:

Complaint Letter Samples

Below are some complaint letter samples to help you understand how to format your complaint letter and guide you in writing one yourself.

Sample 1 – Issues with Garden Maintenance and Waste Disposal

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Email Address
Phone Number


Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Position
Company/Organization Name
Company/Organization Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Subject: Complaint Regarding Garden Maintenance and Waste Disposal

Dear (Recipient’s Name) / To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the poor maintenance of the garden and improper waste disposal in our community. Despite several requests, the garden has not been properly maintained, and waste disposal practices are not being followed.

Over the past few months, the garden has become overgrown with weeds, and litter is frequently left unattended. This not only affects the appearance of our community but also poses health risks.

I kindly request that immediate action be taken to address these issues. Regular maintenance of the garden and proper waste disposal are essential for maintaining a clean and pleasant environment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution.

(Your Name)

Sample 2 – Received a Damaged Product

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Email Address
Phone Number


Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Position
Company Name
Company Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Subject: Complaint Regarding Damaged Product Received

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

I am writing to inform you about an issue with a product I recently received from your company. On (date of receipt), I ordered (product name) with order number (order number). Unfortunately, upon opening the package, I discovered that the product was damaged.

The damage includes (describe the specific damage, e.g., broken parts, scratches, etc.). I have attached photographs of the damaged item for your reference. Given the condition of the product, I would like to request (a replacement/a refund/another resolution).

Please advise on the next steps to resolve this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and a satisfactory resolution.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.

(Your Name)

Sample 3 – Request for Installation of New Street Lights

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Email Address
Phone Number


Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Position
Municipal Office/Department Name
Office Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Subject: Request for Installation of New Street Lights

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

I am writing to request the installation of new street lights on (specific street or location) in our neighbourhood. Currently, this area lacks adequate lighting, which has resulted in (mention specific issues, e.g., safety concerns, accidents, or difficulty in navigation).

The absence of proper street lighting poses safety risks for pedestrians and drivers, especially during the evening hours. To enhance the safety and security of our community, I kindly request that new street lights be installed at the following locations: (provide specific locations if possible).

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a prompt resolution. Please let me know if any further information or action is needed from my side.

Thank you for your cooperation.

(Your Name)

To Test your Knowledge of Complaint Letter Format, Try these Tasks:

  1. Write a complaint letter about a recent issue you faced, such as poor customer service or a faulty product. Include all essential parts like the date, recipient's information, and a clear explanation of the problem.

  2. Review a sample complaint letter and identify the different sections, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Observe how each part helps in presenting the complaint clearly and effectively.

  3. Take a poorly written complaint letter and rewrite it to improve clarity and formality. Focus on structuring the letter properly and using polite, professional language.

Now check out if you got them all right from the answers below:

1. Write a Complaint Letter

Date: (Current Date)

Recipient’s Name: (Recipient's Name)
Company Name: (Company Name)
Address: (Company Address)

Subject: Complaint Regarding Faulty Product

Dear (Recipient's Name),

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with a product I recently purchased from your company. On (Date of Purchase), I bought a (Product Name) from your store. Unfortunately, the item has not met the expected standards of quality.

After using the product for only a few days, I noticed (describe the issue, e.g., that it stopped working, had a defect, or was not as described). This issue has caused considerable inconvenience, and I am disappointed with the product’s performance.

I kindly request a full refund or a replacement for the faulty item. I have attached a copy of the receipt and photographs of the product to this letter. Please advise on the next steps to resolve this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely,

(Your Name)
(Your Contact Information)

2. Review a Sample Complaint Letter

The introduction typically includes the date, the recipient’s details, and a brief statement of the complaint. This section sets the stage for the rest of the letter.

The body of the letter provides a detailed explanation of the issue. It should clearly describe what happened, including any relevant dates, product details, and the impact of the problem. This section also includes a specific request for resolution, such as a refund or replacement.

The conclusion thanks the recipient for their attention and expresses hope for a prompt resolution. It may also include any attachments or additional information and ends with a formal closing.

3. Rewrite a Poorly Written Complaint Letter

Original Letter:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m not happy with the laptop I bought. It doesn’t work properly. I want a refund. Please sort this out quickly.

John Doe

Rewritten Letter:

Date: (Current Date)

Recipient’s Name: (Recipient's Name)
Company Name: (Company Name)
Address: (Company Address)

Subject: Request for Refund Due to Defective Laptop

Dear (Recipient's Name),

I am writing to formally complain about a laptop I purchased from your store on (Date of Purchase). The laptop, which is a (Laptop Model), has been experiencing several issues, including (describe specific problems, e.g., frequent crashes, battery issues, etc.), making it unusable.

Despite my attempts to resolve the problem through troubleshooting, the issues persist. Therefore, I request a full refund for the purchase. Enclosed are copies of the purchase receipt and a detailed description of the problems faced.

I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a resolution at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

John Doe
(Your Contact Information)

If there are difficulties with these questions, watching a video on Formal Letter Writing can help clarify concepts and improve understanding.

Takeaways from This Page

This page provides a clear guide on how to write an effective complaint letter and what is the format of complaint letter. It covers the essential format, including how to structure your letter, what information to include, and how to express your concerns clearly and politely. By reviewing sample letters and learning the correct format, you can confidently write a well-organised complaint letter to address various issues, whether they are related to poor service or defective products. This helps make sure your complaint is handled properly.

FAQs on Complaint Letter Format: How to Write and Structure Your Letter

1. How To Write Complaint Letter Format?

A complaint letter format shows how to write a letter about a problem. It includes your details, the recipient's details, a clear description of the issue, and a polite closing. Following this format helps make sure your complaint is clear and gets noticed.

2. How should I start a complaint letter?

Start by writing your name, address, and the date at the top. Then add the recipient’s details and a subject line that explains the letter’s purpose. This helps the reader know who you are and why you are writing.

3. What should I include in the body of a complaint letter?

In the body, explain the problem clearly. Describe what happened, when, and any steps you have already taken. Provide all the details needed to support your complaint.

4. How do I end a complaint letter?

End your letter with a polite closing. Thank the recipient for their time and state what you want to happen next. Use a respectful closing phrase like "Yours sincerely," followed by your name.

5. Can I include attachments in a complaint letter?

Yes, you can attach documents that help support your complaint, like receipts or photos. Mention the attachments in the letter so the recipient knows to check them.

6. How formal should a complaint letter be?

A complaint letter should be formal and polite. Use proper language and avoid being casual or using slang. This helps ensure your complaint is taken seriously.

7. How detailed should a complaint letter be?

Your letter should have enough detail to explain the issue clearly but not be too long. Include important facts like what happened and when, but keep it brief and clear.

8. What Is The Format of Complaint Letter?

The format of a complaint letter typically includes:

  • Your Information: Your name, address, and contact details at the top.

  • Date: The date the letter is written.

  • Recipient's Information: Name, title, and address of the person or company you're writing to.

  • Subject Line: Briefly state the purpose of the letter.

  • Salutation: A respectful greeting, like "Dear Sir/Madam."

  • Body: A clear explanation of the issue, including relevant details and any actions taken.

  • Closing: A polite ending, stating what resolution you seek.

  • Signature: Your name and signature at the end.

9. Should I follow up on a complaint letter?

Yes, if you don’t get a reply after some time, send a polite follow-up letter or email. This shows you are serious about the issue and want to see it resolved.

10. How can I make my complaint letter more effective?

Make your letter clear and specific about the problem. Be polite, include relevant details, and suggest a reasonable solution. This helps ensure your complaint is addressed properly.

11. Is it important to keep a copy of my complaint letter?

Yes, keep a copy of your letter for your records. This helps you track what you’ve sent and provides a record if you need to follow up or escalate the issue.

12. What should I do if my complaint is not resolved?

If your complaint isn’t resolved, consider taking further steps. You might need to contact a higher authority or seek more help, like legal advice. Keep records of all communications.