Introduction: Synopsis of the Principles of Scientific Management
The Principles of Scientific Management, developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, revolutionised industrial operations by introducing a systematic approach to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Taylor's ideas focused on applying scientific methods to analyse and optimise work processes, replacing traditional methods of trial and error with more organised, data-driven approaches. His principles emphasise the importance of studying each task, selecting and training workers based on scientific criteria, and establishing fair compensation systems.
In an organization for work to proceed smoothly, it is needed that there is harmony and trust between the workers and the managers. But this is not possible if they do not communicate well and understand what the needs of each other are. It can hence also be said that Scientific Management is an attitude and a philosophy that disregards the traditional hit and miss type of working method.
The methods that are used in Scientific Management include a lot of research and understanding of certain principles to check the need for working in a suitable environment. This topic is hence not only important for students as a part of the syllabus but is also a part of life where they need to use these concepts. So if you are looking for the guide on Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management - Introduction, Techniques, and FAQ, you can now check it out on Vedantu where you will get the entire information on the same.
Before we head straight into the techniques of Scientific Management, we should make an effort to find out about the fundamentals of Scientific Management in brief.
What Is Scientific Management?
Typically, Scientific Management can be considered as the art of delegation or as Fredrick Winslow Taylor stated: “Scientific Management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way.”
Such a concept is mostly concerned with using effective scientific techniques to recruit, select, and train labor. Additionally, the concept is equally responsible for finding suitable solutions to deal with different types of problems concerning a specific industry.
Fun Fact: The term ‘Scientific Management’ was coined in 1911 by Fredrick Winslow Taylor. He is acknowledged as the Founder of the Scientific Management Movement and formulated principles for effective work allocation.
What are the Principles of Scientific Management
The five principles of scientific management theory according to Frederick Winslow Taylor are:
1. Science, not Rule of Thumb: To ensure efficiency, replace the old rule-of-thumb methods with scientifically developed procedures for each element of work.
2. Harmony, not Discord: Encourage cooperation between workers and management rather than conflict, ensuring that both work together to achieve organizational goals.
3. Training, not Untrained Workmen: Select and train workers scientifically for each job, rather than allowing them to learn by trial and error.
4. Specialization, not Generalization: Divide work into specialized tasks, allowing workers to become experts in specific areas, which improves efficiency.
5. Equality, not Favoritism: Establish fair and equitable systems for rewards, discipline, and compensation to ensure fairness and motivate workers to perform their best.
With that, let’s proceed to find out the techniques of Scientific Management by F.W Taylor and while at it let’s also check out related concepts. It will not only help to understand the concept better but will also enable us to gauge their practicality and efficiency in an organizational setup.
In a broad sense, the techniques of Scientific Management are as follows.
Functional foremanship
Standardization of work
Simplification of work
Differential piece of wage rates
Mental Revolution
Read along to find all about techniques of Scientific Management by F.W Taylor!
What is Functional Foremanship?
Functional foremanship is essentially an administration system that is somewhat based on the principle – ‘Division of Labor’, to establish specialization in an organizational setup. Typically, in a functional organization, the available work is divided into different parts and are delegated to workers who are somewhat specialized in them.
As per techniques of Scientific Management, FW Taylor had suggested that an organization must be divided into sub-departments to enhance the quality and efficiency of both the planning and production department.
In A Broad Sense, An Organization is Divided into Two Sub-Departments with Four Experts in Each Department –
Planning department
Production department
In a Functional Organizational Setup, The Planning Department is Headed by a Planning Manager. Other Workers and their Functions are as Follows –
Route Clerk- This person is in charge of deciding a day’s work and is also responsible for ensuring the work sequence is maintained and completed properly.
Instruction Clerk- The instruction clerk is accountable for preparing instruction cards containing information about the kind of work, procedures to apply and equipment and raw materials to be used. Subsequently, the data compiled is handed to a gang boss.
Time and Cost Clerk- This clerk is mostly responsible for deciding the entire time frame of the designated work. Also, the cost of producing a product is decided by them.
Discipline Officer- This officer ensures that delegated tasks are performed in a disciplined manner.
Now, Let’s Check out the Components of a Production Department and their Functions –
Gang Boss- He/she serves as the leader of a gang of workers. A gang boss is mostly responsible for ensuring that equipment and workers are suitable for producing the required units of products. Also, it is under his supervision to check if raw materials have been made available to workers.
Speed Boss- His/her primary task is to make sure that workers are on par with the work schedule. The speed boss is also responsible for identifying the reasons that tend to slow down work productivity and formulating suitable solutions to remedy them.
Repair Boss- He/she is responsible for keeping all equipment in good working condition and solves problems about that promptly.
Inspector- An inspector checks the quality of goods produced and compares them with the standard quality. Also, an inspector has the power to initiate corrective measures if there is a lag in quality.
Test Your Knowledge:
Which of these techniques violates the Unity of Command?
Fatigue study
simplification of work
functional foremanship
differential piece wage system
With that, let’s proceed to find out more about FW Taylor techniques of Scientific Management about standardization and simplification of production.
What is Standardization and Simplification of Work?
Standardization and simplification of work can be looked at as a means to establish efficiency standards for every activity in an industrial setup. Elements like time, production manner, machinery, raw material, product and its processing can be standardized under this method. For instance, the number of products that need to be produced on a single day or the work that is expected from a worker.
Here’s a Brief Overview of Standardization and Simplification of Work –
1. Standardization of Work
Standardization of Raw Material- It means that the materials used should be on par with the quality of finished products one intends to manufacture. For instance, to produce AA+ quality of apparel 5+ quality of textile would be required.
It can be said that for AA+ quality of garments 5+ quality of raw material, i.e. textile, has been standardized. Subsequently, when an organization would again be required to produce AA + quality materials, they would use 5+ quality materials without any hesitation and in relatively less time.
Standardization of Equipment- Similarly, standardization of machines would ensure that manual errors are reduced significantly. In turn, it would ensure the completion of work faster and with negligible errors.
Standardization of Methods Applied- Standardizing the techniques of work would make the production process less cumbersome and relatively quick. Notably, methods devised to complete a particular work are put to use every time similar work is performed.
Standardization of Working Conditions- Workers tend to perform more efficiently under favorable working conditions. When the working conditions, including safety, ventilation, hygiene, temperature, lighting, etc. are improved or standardized, it enhances productivity significantly.
2. Simplification of Work
The primary objective behind simplification is to eliminate things, methods and practices that make the work complex and cumbersome.
What is the Study of Work?
One of the techniques of Scientific Management – the study of work is mostly concerned with the analysis of organizational activities to produce high products cost-effectively.
Typically, scientific techniques of Taylor about the study of work can further be divided into four types –
1. Method Study- It tends to help producers to pick the most suitable method to finish a particular organizational activity. For instance, this study helps to figure out the most cost-effective way of procuring the required raw materials for production. Also, the objective of this study is to lower the cost of production and to increase customer satisfaction.
2. Motion Study- It is concerned with the analysis of movements of both workers and machines through the course of a production. It helps to analyze if adding or subtracting an activity would make the work faster and better in terms of quality or not.
3. Time Study - It helps to compute the standard time that would be required to finish a specific activity. In simple words it can be said, the major objective of this study is to estimate –
Cost of labor
Number of workers required for a task
Suitable incentive plan
4. Fatigue study- It helps to find out the acceptable rest intervals that can be given to prevent the onset of mental fatigue among workers. However, the prospect of completing work on time is also the main priority of this study.
Test Your Knowledge:
Which of these techniques helps to determine the number of laborers that need to be employed and also helps to determine labor cost?
Simplification of work
Time study
Differential piece wage system
Functional foremanship
Test Your Knowledge:
Which is the most common cause of fatigue among workers? Choose the correct option:
Long working works
Unsuitable working conditions
Non-cordial relations between employer and employee
All the above
What is the Differential Piece of the Wage System?
It is one of the techniques of Scientific Management that encourages the application of a piece wage system as a means to motivate employees. As per this system, payment is based on the amount of work done and not the time spent to complete it.
Typically two different wage rates are put to use, namely, high wage rate and low wage rate. Workers who are adept at producing standard units within a given duration are entitled to receive payment as per the high wage rate. On the other hand, workers who fail to produce a specific number of units within the given time are paid as per the lower wage rate.
For instance, the standard output for a day is 25 units, and the wage rates are 4 per unit and 6 per unit, respectively. Now, Sheldon produces 25 units in a day and subsequently earns 150 (25 units x 6). Contrarily, Missy can produce only 20 units in a day and resultantly would make 80 (20 x 4). Even though there is only a 5 unit difference between Sheldon and Missy’s produce, there is a significant difference between their wages.
As payment is based on efficiency here, workers would be motivated to increase their work efficiency. In turn, it would benefit both an organization and its workers.
What is the Mental Revolution?
Mental Revolution is one of the techniques of Scientific Management that demands a change in employers’ and employees’ mindsets. As per this Management technique, a positive mindset is quite crucial for promoting the feeling of cooperation and boosting proficiency. In its absence, conflicts about the division of labor and delegation of responsibility are bound to arise in an organization.
Consequently, both employers and their workers should make an effort to increase the overall productivity of their firm through cooperation and by harboring a positive outlook towards business operations.
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FAQs on Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management: Explained
1. What are the advantages of Scientific Management?
There are several advantages of Scientific Management and they can be mentioned as follows:
Reduction in the cost of production: Helps increase the speed of producing goods by incorporating machines that speed up the process. Especially during large-scale production, it allows the total cost to be reduced.
- Quality of products becomes high: By using the measures of standardization and effective supervision the quality of the goods produced can be ensured.
Increased wages: Including Scientific Management allows workers to get high wages while also ensuring a good level of productivity. Increased wages also allow increasing the standard of living of the workers.
2. Why is the replacement of the old rule of thumb method used?
It is seen that the managerial decision must be taken by scientific investigation instead of basing decisions on opinion, intuition, or rule of thumb. When scientific managerial decisions are made they are made based on the acts of the people after the application of the scientific method to the problems that arise. This is in contrast to the approach that has been followed under the traditional Management according to which the decision will be based on opinions, rules of thumb, or prejudices. This one of the approaches where the scientific approach has replaced the rule of thumb is considered to be one of the primary contributions of Taylor to the field of Scientific Management.
3. Why is it necessary to have an equal division of responsibility?
Two categories are important in an organization and they are managers and workers. Managers have the primary role of managing projects that are involved. This means that they will be the one who decides on the method of work involved, the working conditions that they need to complete the work, and the time that is required instead of leaving these decisions up to the workers. The workers are the ones who only take part in the execution of work. If this system is not followed the organization might incur losses. Hence the equal division of responsibility is a must.
4. What are the three facets of mental revolution?
The basic idea in using Scientific Management is changing the minds or the mental attitude of people who are workers and managers towards each other. Because it is seen that if they stop pulling against one another and go in the same direction as each other then there will be a splurge in the joint forces to make it work. The metal revolution consists of three facets as follows:
Inculcating and developing the scientific mentality that is required to solve the problem at hand.
Being able to create a spirit of mutual trust and coordination between the workers and the Management. This is one of the basic needs of an organization because without trust there will be no work that can be done or fulfilled.
Give all of the efforts by both the workers and managers to get an increase in production and the best outcome.
5. What is an example of Harmony, not Discord principle as suggested by FW. Taylor?
An example can be seen where the workers have been assigned a task from the superior. These superior shows assigned the task are allocated separate bureaucratic powers and have the authority to divide the activity into several smaller tasks based on the complexity of the activity that is involved. They act as the mediators who review the workers’ performance in case there is a dispute. Such Management is necessary for workers and superiors as it allows a peaceful work environment and avoids conflicts that may arise. To know more about this, students can also take a look at the Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Commerce and understand the topics well.
6. Explain the Techniques of Scientific Management.
Techniques of scientific management can be defined as the means to implement principles of scientific management in practice. The primary motive of such methods is to simplify the production process in a way that boosts efficiency and improves production capacity.
7. Why did Taylor Devise the Technique of Functional Foremanship?
Taylor devised the technique of functional foremanship to optimise and simplify the process of production through a division of labour. The primary motive was to increase productivity efficiently.
8. What are the Techniques of Scientific Management by FW Taylor?
These are the techniques of scientific management – functional foremanship, standardisation and simplification of work, work-study, differential piece wage system, and mental revolution.
9. How does the principle of Scientific Management benefit workers?
The principle of scientific management benefits workers by providing better working conditions, clear guidelines for tasks, and more efficient work processes. This leads to higher wages, job security, and increased productivity, creating a more rewarding work environment.
10. What is the role of training in Scientific Management?
Training plays a crucial role in scientific management by equipping workers with the necessary skills to perform tasks efficiently. By providing proper training, workers can execute tasks with greater precision, leading to higher productivity and quality, and ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organization.