Each one of us is a collective part of a democratic society. India is known as one of the biggest democracies in the world. The Indian constitution is a very vital part of democracy as a whole. But the questions lie, what exactly do you mean by democracy? How did it first emerge? What role does it play? How does it work? Well, this chapter of democracy gives you brief details into everything you need to know about democracy and how India is a democratic country. You’ll learn individually about what democracy is as well as how India is defined as a democracy. Let’s learn below about the vitality of democracy.
What is Democracy in India?
Before you learn about what is democracy in India, you must also know what democracy is in the first place. While the importance of democracy in India is rather vast, democracy, in a nutshell, plays several roles. In simple terms, democracy is a chief system of the government wherein every citizen exercises certain powers directly or further elect representatives within themselves for the formation of a governing body. For instance, a parliament is known as a governing body. It is also recognized as the rule of the majority. In such a type of government, the power isn’t and cannot be inherited.
People choose to elect their leaders. Representatives that stand and participate in the elections are then voted for by their people or the citizens of the country. The representative with the majority of the votes then wins the election. Thus, democracy in India states that India is a country that offers certain fundamental rights to its citizens. It isn’t ruled by a specific leader. Rather, the government together works in the running of the country.
History of Democracy
The Indian democratic system underwent several alterations over time. Democracy in India exists for decades now. As for the history of democracy in general, the term democracy was derived from the Ancient Greek philosophical and political thought residing in the city-state of Athens in classical antiquity. This word thus is frescoes from the Greek term demos, meaning common people, and Kratos, meaning strength. It was founded in 508-507 BC. Democracy was established by Athenians and then led by the Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes is also recognized as the father of the Athenian democracy.
Working of the Democracy
Coming to the working of democracy in India, democracy works to offer every individual an equal right to certain aspects. The most prime component of a democracy is that every individual living in a society should be termed equal. For democracy to function, this equality is seen in the form of individual votes. Restricting individuals or groups of individuals the right to vote is rather not a democracy. Democracy is merely a system of government where each and every vote carries equal weight. For instance, the system of government in the US is a republic. This is a type of democracy that elects officials who possess the will of the people.
Democracy in India
While you’ve learned everything you need to know about the definition of democracy in India, you might also be wondering how democracy works in the country. Here’s some information about Indian democracy to help you understand better.
India is recognized as the largest democracy in the world. It first became a democratic country post-independence, in 1947. After this, every citizen of India was given the mere right for electing and voting their leaders. India gives every citizen the right to vote, irrespective of their colour, caste, religion, creed, and even gender. It consists of five democratic principles. These include- socialist, secular, sovereign, democratic, and even republic. Thus, in India, democracy is all about offering every citizen the right to vote for running the country. These officials are then responsible for the smooth running of the country and further offering its citizens certain rights.
Solved Questions
1. Which is the Test to Analyze Whether or Not the Elections are Conducted Free and Fair?
The comprehensive test of a free and fair election is the very acceptance of the results of the elections by the voters. If the elections conducted aren’t free or fair, the voters aren’t obliged to accept the result. It is rather practical to assume that if these elections aren’t free and fair, and malpractices were encountered, the ruling party might often win. This is because the ruling party is more impactful than the opposing party.
2. What Does Democracy Briefly Mean?
The most basic implication of democracy is- one person, one vote. This suggests that everybody in the country irrespective of their gender, caste, income, and so on, has the right to vote for the elected official they wish to choose.
FAQs on Democracy
1. What Have You Understood From India as a Democracy?
Ans: India is globally recognized as the largest democracy. In the simplest language, a democracy is a system or form of government that offers all citizens equal rights to vote and elect their representatives. This is done for the formation of a governing body. For instance, in India, we elect representatives to form a parliament and run the government. In a nutshell, the elected representatives are known as the ruling party. In such a democracy, power isn’t inherited. Representatives with maximal votes win the elections and form the governing body.
2. What Do You Mean By Direct Democracy?
Ans: Direct democracy is a system of government that lets people participate in state and government affairs directly. Direct democracy is also known as pure democracy and is a type of democracy wherein people decide different policy initiates in a direct manner.
3. Who is the Democratic Government Responsible To?
Ans: The democratic government is primarily responsible to its people. It plays an active role in offering every citizen equal rights despite their caste, creed, gender, and so on. It is simply responsible for running the government, looking into the concerns of people, and treating every individual with equal respect and rights.