How are Clouds Formed?
So, what are clouds? A cloud is nothing but a body composed of water droplets and ice crystals that consolidate and float in the sky. Clouds are very crucial in determining weather and are very helpful in predicting the weather as well. There are various kinds of clouds, and they get their name in two primary ways. While some of the clouds are formed high up in the sky, there are also some clouds which are formed close to the surface. The clouds that touch the ground are referred to as fog. Clouds are also named by their shape, and cirrus clouds refer to high clouds while cumulus clouds are middle clouds.
Cloud Formation Process
Now coming to the question, how are clouds formed? The cloud formation process starts with suspended water droplets and ice crystals that condense in the sky. Some amount of invisible water vapor is always present in the air, and this water vapor is the first step in the cloud formation process. With the fall in temperature, condensation of water vapour takes place, which causes the vapour to change to liquid form. Here in this area, the air is saturated with vapour, which results in the formation of clouds.
Cloud Formation Experiment
With the help of the cloud formation experiment, we can know how clouds are formed and understand the cloud formation process. The experiment is a practical demonstration of cloud formation and shows how the water from the Earth's surface evaporates and results in the creation of these clouds. The experiment is given as follows:
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The main objective of the experiment is to understand how clouds are formed and learn about the cloud formation process with the help of only a few household items.
Materials Required
The materials required for this experiment are shaving cream, a clean jar, droppers, blue food colours, and a container of water.
A small jar or cup is taken, and three-fourth of it is filled. The shaving cream is added to the top of this jar, and we wait until the cream finally settles fully at the top of the jar. A separate bowl is then taken, and a few drops of food colouring is added along with a few drops of water, This is then taken and added to a pipette or dropper. This is where the real experiment begins, and the droppers are used to drop the colour on the cloud.
Now the cloud formation process can be observed. Once the cloud has been saturated with water, the rain starts. The cloud formation experiment helps us to understand the way clouds are formed. Clouds are formed when the Earth's surface gets heated, and evaporation occurs, causing the water vapour to rise, fresh, and condense to microscopic particles. In the case of our experiment, the warm water within the jar heats up and causes some of the water within the jar to evaporate. The warm, moist air rises and reaches the jar's top, after which it starts cooling down and condenses on the hairspray particles, thus forming a cloud in the jar.
What Causes Rain?
The water in clouds is usually small droplets that are tiny enough to float in the air. These droplets often coalesce and make larger droplets which are pulled towards the Earth with gravity. The falling droplets of water are called rain and the cooler air may result in the formation of snowflakes as well. Sleet, freezing rain, and even hail can fall from the clouds and give rise to various types of weather depending upon meteorological conditions.
Solved Examples
1. What are the Materials Required in the Cloud Formation Experiment?
Answer: In the experiment, the materials required are droppers, clean jar, blue food colour: shaving cream, and a bottle of water.
Did You Know?
The study of clouds is called nephology. The Greek word nephos refers to the cloud and is a frequently used term in meteorological study. Nephology is a complex and specialised branch of science, and the nephrologists study the variety of clouds to understand weather, weather changes, and predict the weather as well. Clouds can form at various altitudes. The cloud that is formed close to the ground is called fog, and it is formed when the air near the ground cools down significantly, causing the water vapour to form water or ice. Sometimes the fog may get mixed with pollution and form smo
FAQs on Cloud Formation
1. Explain the Cloud Formation Experiment in Brief.
Answer: The objective of the experiment is to understand the process of the formation of clouds with the help of a few household materials. The materials required in the experiment are droppers, clean jar, shaving cream, water, and blue food colour. The small jar is taken and filled 3/4 with water. Shaving cream is added to the top, and the cream slowly settles down. In the separate bowl, a few drops of food colouring is added along with a few drops of water with the help of a dropper or pipette. The cloud starts to form in the jar, and when the cloud is filled with water, it starts to rain in the jar.
2. How are Clouds Formed?
Answer: Clouds are a mass of condensed water vapor, which shows visible signs of atmospheric processes. Clouds regulate the energy balance of Earth by the absorption of infrared rays along with the scattering of solar radiation. Clouds also help in the redistribution of surplus energy from the equator to the poles, and the water returns to the landmasses and oceans. Cloud is nothing but a mass of water drops, which are suspended in the air. The invisible water vapor present in the atmosphere comes together, and owing to a drop in temperature, the vapour condenses and forms a cloud. The clouds floating in the atmosphere are responsible for a variety of weather phenomena.