CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter-1 Important Questions - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on Matter in Our Surroundings Class 9 Important Questions: CBSE Science Chapter 1
1. Where can I find extra questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1- Matter in Our Surroundings?
On Vedantu, you can find the most frequently asked questions for each scientific chapter. Vedantu is a leading learning portal that offers all of the required exam preparation materials such as example papers, NCERT Answers, crucial questions, revision notes, and so on. Important questions for Chapter 1- Matter in Our Surroundings and other chapters, as well as solutions, are available on Vedantu's website for Class 9 CBSE students. Subject matter experts with sufficient expertise and experience in the topic prepare the replies. The key CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1 questions have been prepared in a PDF file for students to download for FREE practice before examinations.
2. What are the two recently discovered states of matter in Class 9 Chapter 1?
Apart from the three-commonly known states of matter, there exist other two states of matter which are much talked about: Plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Plasma: Plasma state is the 4th state of matter which is an ionized gas. Plasma neither has a definite volume nor a definite shape. It can be defined as a gaseous substance into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species i.e. ions or electrons to co-exist. Examples of plasma are Stars, lightning, etc. Plasma is also present inside the fluorescent lights.
Bose-Einstein Condensate: Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons (a boson is a particle that follows Bose-Einstein Statistics) cooled to a temperature very close to absolute zero. In simple words, BEC is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density.
3. According to CBSE Class 9 Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings can matter exist in all three states?
Indeed, materials may exist in all three states at the same time. At differing temperature and pressure circumstances, the three states of matter interconvert. In other words, pressure and temperature determine the state of a substance, i.e. whether it is solid, liquid, or gas. As water boils, it turns into vapour, and when it freezes at its freezing point, it turns into ice. It is critical to realise that the difference between different states of matter is caused by the location of component particles. As a result, these particles' characteristics can alter as a result of temperature and pressure.
4. What is the difference between boiling and evaporation in Class 9 Science Ch 1?
Boiling is a bulk phenomenon whereas evaporation is a surface phenomenon. Particles from the bulk of the liquid change into vapour state in the process of boiling. However, in the process of evaporation, particles from the surface change into the vapour state by gaining enough energy from the atmosphere that weakens the force of attraction present into the liquid to change it into vapour form.
5. What is the significance of using Vedantu’s Important Questions for studying Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings of Class 9 Science?
Every crucial question from the Chapter 1 Matter in our Surroundings has been hand-picked by Vedantu's expert pros. Vedantu's Crucial Questions for Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings of Class 9 Science has around 50 critical questions from the course. In tests, these questions are worth one to five points. Working through these questions will give you with the necessary chapter revision. It will also assist you in understanding how to develop optimal replies for various exam questions.
6. What are some important questions from Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings of Class 9 Science for exams?
Matter in Our Surroundings contains many important experiments, definitions, and reasoning questions that can be asked in the exams. Some of the examples of these questions are as follows:
Enlist the characteristics of particles of matter.
Suggest a method to liquefy gases.
Why is it that on increasing the wind speed the rate of evaporation increases?
Define latent heat of vaporization and latent heat of fusion.
For over 50 such important questions from this chapter, visit Vedantu.
7. Are the important questions for Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings of Class 9 Science accessible offline?
Yes, the important questions for Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings of Class 9 Science are easily accessible offline by downloading its PDF file in the following simple steps.
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8. From CBSE Class 9 Chapter 1 How can you show that one crystal of potassium permanganate contains millions of tiny particles?
Dissolve two or three crystals of potassium permanganate and dissolve them in 100 ml of water. Take 10 ml of this solution and put it in another container with 90 ml of water. Take 10 ml of this new solution and again dissolve it in 90 ml of water. Dilute the solution six to eight times. You will find that water still remains coloured after much dilution. This proves that one crystal of potassium permanganate must contain millions of tiny particles that keep on dividing in the water.
9. How can evaporation cause cooling according to CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter Matter in Our Surroundings? Give examples.
As a liquid evaporates, its particles collect energy from the surrounding environment in order to recoup the energy lost during evaporation. As energy is taken from the surroundings, the surroundings get colder. In the summer, for example, people sprinkle water over the roofs of buildings to keep them cool. Our body's sweating system functions similarly. As we perspire on a hot day, our perspiration evaporates, which helps to lower our body temperature.
10. What are the key characteristics of the three states of matter in Class 9 Science Ch 1?
This is a fundamental question where students must understand the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, including shape, volume, and particle arrangement.
11. According to Class 9 Science Ch 1 how do changes in temperature and pressure affect the state of matter?
Students often encounter this question to explore how melting, boiling, evaporation, and condensation occur and their dependence on temperature and pressure.
12. In Class 9 Science Ch 1 what is evaporation, and what are the factors affecting its rate?
This question focuses on understanding the cooling effect of evaporation and how factors like temperature, surface area, and wind influence it