CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 15 - Air Around Us - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 15 - Air Around Us
1. What are the important questions for Chapter 15 ‘Air Around Us’ of Class 6 Science?
Vedantu provides students with Important Questions with Solutions for Chapter 15 of CBSE Class 6 Science. These important questions are made by experts in the subject of Science. Students can score good marks in their CBSE Board Examinations with the help of these important questions. Vedantu even provides NCERT CBSE Solution and other important study materials for students to understand the chapters and important concepts better. Students can download these free PDFs through Vedantu’s online portal and mobile app.
2. What is air made up of according to Chapter 15 of Class 6 Science?
Air is the lightest element found in the entire universe. For a very long time, there were people who thought that air was made with just a single substance. However, throughout the years there were many experiments that were done on air. These experiments proved that air is not made up of a single substance, instead, it is a mixture of a lot of gases. Some of these components that contribute to this mixture include Water Vapour, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Smoke and Dust, and Nitrogen.
3. How will you prove that air is present everywhere around us as discussed in Chapter 15 of Class 6 Science?
Air is present around us at all times. To prove that air is present everywhere around us, you can take an empty glass bottle and turn it upside down. Then you need to dip the open part of the bottle into a bowl filled with water. When you tilt the bottle slightly upwards, you will notice bubbles getting formed. This proves that there was air present in the bottle which came out in the form of bubbles.
4. How will you prove that air supports burning,according to Chapter 15 of Class 6 Science?
To prove that air supports burning, you can place two candles measuring the same length on a tabletop. You can then light both the candles and cover one of the lit candles with an inverted glass tumbler. You will be able to notice that the candle that was covered got extinguished after a while whereas the other candle continues to burn. The main reason why this happens is that the air inside the inverted glass tumbler is limited. Therefore, this air, known as oxygen, helps to support burning.
5. Why does cotton wool shrink in water according to Chapter 15 of Class 6 Science?
Cotton is the lightest material available to us. It is the lightest element after the air. Although it is light, a lump of cotton wool can end up shrinking in water. The main reason why this happens is that the air inside the lump of cotton gets replaced with water. This in turn sticks the layers of cotton together which soaks up all the water. Due to this, the lump of cotton wool ends up shrinking in water.