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English Grammar Class 9 - Determiners


Determiners Class 9 - Download Free PDF with Solution

Determiners can be a pain in the neck, don't you agree? The previous sentence had 2 determiners (articles), in case you missed it. You might be baffled, as it happens to the finest of us. In English, determiners act as modifiers of nouns and are truly influential when it comes to grammar. Once learnt, students will be able to form words and sentences that carry precise grammar, enhancing their skill sets as they progress to higher classes.

Starting off, what’re determiners? Determiners are words that shed light on nouns and similar words and what they are referring to. They are of three major types - articles, possessives and demonstratives. In determiners for Class 9, students will deal with articles alone. They will know what are articles and their types and how to form sentences with them, leading to the hassle-free understanding of this grammatical concept through numerous determiners exercise for Class 9.

English Grammar for Class 9 Determiners Download free PDF

Today we will study an exciting topic “Determiners”. We all know that nouns used in sentences always accompany some words either before or after the noun. Those words play a crucial role in understanding the meaning of the sentence. Those words are called Determiners. Through this article, you will learn about the determiners, and types of determiners along with examples and practice questions.

English Grammar

English Grammar


A determiner is employed to modify a noun. It indicates regard to something specific or something of a particular type.  There are nearly fifty sorts of determiners.

The determiners come at the beginning of the noun and if an adjective is present, then they come before the adjective. No two or more determiners are present before a noun at the same time. So, we can call them to be mutually exclusive.

Some examples of determiners are A, An, This, That, Those, each, these etc. 

In grammar, a determiner is a word that is used to indicate a variety of things, such as which thing you are referring to or if you are referring to one or several things. Determinants such as "a," "the," "some," "this," and "each" is frequently used.



Types of Determiners:

There are six types of determiners.

  1. Articles

  2. Possessives 

  3. Demonstratives 

  4. Numerals 

  5. Ordinals 

  6. Quantifiers  

Types of Determiners

Types of Determiners

1. Articles

Articles are a type of determiners. 

Types of Articles

Types of Articles

2. Indefinite Articles:

A and An are referred to as indefinite articles, whereas "the" is referred to as a definitive article. The distinction between A and An is made based on sound.

  1. Before words that start with a consonant sound, and are used.

Eg. A one-rupee coin, a boy, a dog, a B.A., a unit, a union, a European, a one-legged man, etc.

  1. Before words with a vowel sound, and is used.

Eg. An hour, an heir, an honest, an ant, an eye, an inkpot, an ox, an umbrella, an M.A., an S.D.O., an HMT, an hour, etc.

3. Definite Articles:

They often include:

  1. Unique nouns.

Eg. The earth, the sky, the moon, the sun, etc.

  1. When the entire class is referred to by a singular noun.

Eg. Cows are helpful animals. 

The dog is a devoted pet. 

  1. Before an adjective in the exemplary degree

Eg. the top, tallest, strongest, most attractive, etc.

2. Possessive Determiners:

To indicate who owns or "possesses" something, we use possessive determiners. 

Possessive determiners, like all determiners, are placed in front of any adjective at the start of a noun phrase (s). These determiners determine or show the ownership of nouns. It means for whom or what the noun belongs is known. Each possessive determiner corresponds to personal pronouns.

Take a look at these examples:

  1. I wrote this book.

  2. His name is John.

  3. Your two kids are adorable.

  4. My classroom is the brightest one in the school.

  5. These shoes are mine.

  6. I will never take your clothes.

3. Demonstrative Determiners:

Demonstrative Determiners identify a subject and establish their physical or intellectual separation from the speaker. Demonstratives include the words "this," "these," "there," "those," and "that." Review the following phrases:

Take a look at these examples: 

  1. Those are the books you requested for.

  2. This is one gorgeous vehicle.

  3. This dog is so friendly.

  4. That table is reserved.

  5. These tablets are expired.

  6. He went to throw those bottles in the dustbin.

4. Numeral Determiners:

Numeral Determiners are the determiners connected to numbers. They inform us of the number of people or items mentioned. Definite numerals, indefinite numerals, and distributive numerals are the three types. These determiners just want to specify the exact count or number in the sentence.

Take a look at these examples:

  1. There are five mangoes within the basket.

  2. Each child got two chocolates.

  3. He has three apples.

  4. She rejected six job offers.

5. Quantitative Determiners:

The quantity or degree of anything is revealed by quantitative determiners. They demonstrate the depth of a gesture. These determiners were previously taught as quantity adjectives. They range from being a lot to a little to no, none, some, all, whole, enough, sufficient, half, etc.

Take a look at these examples:

  1. She was very patient.

  2. There is enough food at the celebration for everyone.

  3. He scored a lot of runs during the game.

  4. I bought some vegetables from the market.

  5. All my friends are going to a movie tonight.

  6. I’m feeling a little bit sleepy.

  7. They stayed a few days in Bangalore.

6. Ordinals

These determiners are used to tell the order of the nouns. These are to work out the class or present the position of the subject in the sentence.

Take a look at these examples:

  1. He stood first in the race.

  2. They are the last people to leave the building.

  3. This company stands in the sixth position in the competition.

  4. Raman stood first in the long jump.

  5. Sushila was the next to receive the recognition.

Difficult Words with Meanings






confined to the individual, group, or place in question










clearly stated or decided


lasting for an unknown


Not specific

Practice Questions 

Fill in the gaps with appropriate determiners.

  1. Employees are ___ on protest.

  2. The rainbow contains _____ colors.

  3. The topic of the speech was _____ fascinating.

  4. The candidate is deserving of victory.

  5. The group's members were sporting ___ black badges.

  6. I had a ____ of free time and couldn't finish my assignment.

  7. On Sunday, we have a get-together at ____ home.

  8. ___ child requires affection and attention.


  1. Employees are all in protest.

  2. The rainbow contains seven colors.

  3. The topic of the speech was quite fascinating.

  4. The candidate is deserving of victory.

  5. The group's members were sporting a black badge.

  6. I had a lot of free time and couldn't finish my assignment.

  7. On Sunday, we have a get-together at our home.

  8. A child requires affection and attention.

Benefits of Learning Determiners in Class 9 English Grammar

  • Articles are determiners that provide grammatical correctness and accuracy in sentences. 

  • Its job is to do a portrayal of the meaning of what certain nouns refer to.

  • They are part of an essential portion of English grammar, providing adequate information on nouns.

  •  Most students are confused  with the correct usage of articles, so studying this as a separate topic in determiners in English grammar Class 9 will intensify their control of English grammar.

  • The usage of these determiners tells the reader/listener if it's being specific  about something based on the position of the articles, delivering the meaning of sentences accordingly. 

Examples of Usage of Determiners for Class 9

These are a few ncert determiner exercise Class 9 examples :

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct article :

I saw __ tiger today.

She lent me one of __ books from her brother’s library.

He claims to have seen __ elf in his backyard.

  1. Insert a, an and the suitably :

“Death Note” is __ anime about __ young man who comes across __deadly notebook which belongs to soul reapers. He is introduced to one such soul reaper who prefers __ apple over everything else. __ story progresses intensely and ends with __ characters getting what they deserve. It sheds light on __ thin lines between justice, power and opinions.

Interesting Facts about Determiners for Class 9

  • Determiners belong to the class of words that are used to alter (determine) nouns and noun phrases, making it easy to identify its reference to something in particular or in general.

  • Under determiners, articles consists of two types :

    •  definite article

    •  indefinite articles 

  • The definite article “the” is used  in sentences when it is referring to something specific. (She glanced at the deep blue sea, spotting the bottom.)

  • The indefinite articles “a” and “an” are used in sentences to refer to something(s) in general. (He grabbed an axe and a chainsaw.) 

  • Indefinite articles are used depending if a noun begins with a consonant or a vowel:

    • Nouns beginning with a consonant will always have “a” before them. (a belief, a crime)

    • Nouns beginning with a vowel or the letter “h” always have “an” before them. ( an owl, an honour)

  • You can identify which correct article to use depending on the noun. I.e, if the noun is singular, plural, countable or uncountable, then the articles can be used suitably.

  • All articles are determiners but not all determiners are articles.

Important Topics of Class 9 Determiners

These are the following topics you will be learning in determiners in english grammar Class 9 -

  • What are determiners and how to use them in sentences?

  • How to use “a”, “an” and “the” in a sentence.

  • Filling in the blanks and choosing the correct article.

  • Identifying incorrect articles in sentences.

  • A brief introduction on possessives and demonstratives.

  • Many more helpful determiners exercise for Class 9.


In this chapter, we have discussed one of the very crucial topics of English Grammar,  Determiners. Determiners are useful because they help to define nouns and make sentences as clear and focused as possible. Many components of speech can function as determiners, including articles, demonstratives, quantifiers, and possessives. They may be able to determine whether an item (noun) is broad or specialised, singular or plural. They can quantify nouns and provide information about noun ownership. They can refer to the proximity or distance of nouns. In a nutshell, Determiners indicate which reference the noun has been used in.

Being convenient to use, students can now learn elaborated content on determiners for Class 9 at Vedantu’s website, available for free downloads through the PDF format.

There are also few ncert determiner exercise Class 9 present at Vedantu’s website, which prove to help the students of Class 9 in the long run, drastically boosting their overall mastery over English grammar.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 9 - Determiners

1. Why are the articles named definite and indefinite?

  • “A” and “An” are given the name “indefinite articles” as their usage indicates in not specifying a particular person, place, animal or thing. Hence, the noun remains indefinite.

  • “The” is called the definite article as it is used in sentences to specify a person, place, animal or thing in particular, so the noun is definite and sure. 

2. What is the difference between determiners and articles?

  • Determiners are a bunch of words that are used to describe/elaborate information on nouns whereas articles belong to one of the categories of the bigger group of determiners.

  • There are three main determiners namely articles, possessives and determinatives whereas articles have two subcategories called definite and indefinite articles.

3. Can we use two determiners/articles in a sentence?

Of course, having any two or more determiners/articles in a sentence is very much possible.