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English Grammar for Class 1


English Grammar Class 1 Download Free Pdf With Solution

Learning the English language is primarily about learning the rules of its grammar. All the four skills of the English language, i.e., reading, writing, speaking, and listening depend on how well versed you are with English grammar's rules. Your communication in English is enhanced if you improve your grammatical competence in the language. Knowledge and proper application of grammar are the base for forming meaningful sentences and communicating in a socially acceptable manner.

The basic English grammar for Class 1 teaches students all the fundamental set of rules to join words, groups of words, and sentences into meaningful messages. You will start with the basics like alphabets, vowels, and consonants, and go on to more complex topics like articles, singular, plurals, prepositions, verbs, etc. The Class 1 English grammar syllabus has all the material to form an excellent foundation for spoken and written English for the young kids of Class 1.

English Grammar for Class 1 The Alphabet Download Free PDF

The idea of the Alphabet is discussed in today's session. Basically, the alphabet refer to the set of 26 letters that we use when we are writing any form of word or sentence in the English language. In English, there are 26 alphabets among  which 5 are vowels and the rest 21 are consonants. We have both capital letters as well as small letters in the English alphabet. For good understanding and idea clarity, practice questions and solved examples are provided throughout the article. Let's start our journey on this pretty topic.

Introduction to Alphabets

Introduction to Alphabets

What are Alphabets?

An alphabet is a group of letters or symbols that we tend to use to represent the essential speech sounds of a language in writing. The English language has twenty-six alphabets starting with a and ending with z. Set of symbols or characters that represent a language's sounds in writing is called alphabets. Each character  in 26 letters usually represents a simple vowel  or  consonant. The alphabet gives rise to the English language; it defines the structure of the English language which revolves around these 26 letters.

Small Letters Alphabets

Small Letters Alphabets 

Types of Alphabets

There are various types of alphabets used in the world depending on the language Like India since there are 22 official languages each common to the people depending on the state and they all contain their own set of alphabets. Some common types are as follows:

  • Latin Alphabet

  • Cyrillic alphabet

  • Arabic alphabet

  • Brahmic alphabets

  • Mixed: Latin and Cyrillic Alphabet

  • Mixed: Latin and Arabic Alphabet

  •  Sanskrit alphabets

An A to Z of a particular subject is a book or program which gives information on all aspects of it, composing it in alphabetical order.

Capital letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Y, Z

Small letters:  a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

What are Vowels?

An open sound is represented by a vowel, which is a letter. The English language has six vowels: a, e, i o, and u. Vowels are a representation of open, frictionless vocal sounds.

The interesting way of vowels in the written and spoken language is that ‘an’ is used before the word starting with a vowel.

Example:  an alphabet, a letter

Since the word alphabet starts with ‘a’ vowel ‘an’ is used before it and for the word letter that starts with ‘L’ which is a consonant that is preceded by the alphabet ‘a’.

Why are English Letters Called The Alphabet?

The word alphabet is derived from  the Greek words i.e. alphabet: alpha and beta. The two Greek words alpha and beta when combined give Alphabets.

Difference between Letter and Alphabet-





A letter is a representation of the sound in other words a symbol representing the sound in the alphabet.

Alphabets are a set of letters arranged in a fixed order.


K,l,m, N,o,h

A, B, C, H, M, V, Z


Small letter “a”

Small letter “a”

Big and small letter “s”

Big and small letter “s”

Some more examples of alphabets are-

“B”- ball, “t”- table, “M”- Mango, “O”- Owl, “C”- Cat, etc. Similarly, some places with the alphabets are- “A”- Agra, “M”- Maharashtra, etc.


They contribute to the lifelong development of our language and communication. We benefit from knowing how letters and words are pronounced, how to think in a language, and how to spell in that language by learning the alphabet as the basis of our spoken language. Vowels play a significant role in our language. We wouldn't be able to speak or sing without them. They are crucial for acquiring English reading and writing skills. Each syllable in a printed word involves a vowel sound, so vowels are a crucial skill for any beginning reader. Learning letter names helps facilitate learning letter sounds, which enhances reading comprehension in general. 

Practice question

1. Arrange the names of the following animals in ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Goat, elephant, dog, cow

  • Cow

  • Dog

  • Elephant

  • Goat

2. Arrange the names of the following rivers in alphabetical order. Eclairs, Dairy Milk, Alpenliebe, Chocos.

  • Chocos

  • Alpenliebe

  • Dairy milk

  • Eclairs

3. Which animal name starts with the letter “R”?

  • Zebra

  • Cat 

  • Rabbit

4. Which letter does the word 'apple' start with?

  • A

  • F

  • G

5. Using small letters write the words starting with c, i and j.


  1. Names in alphabetical order are as follows: Cow, Dog, Elephant, and Goat.

  2. Names in alphabetical order are Alpenliebe, Chocos, Dairy Milk, and Eclairs.

  3. The word Rabbit starts with the letter “R”.  

  4. The word Apple starts with the letter “A”.

  5. cat, igloo, joker.

Importance of Basic Class 1 English Grammar Book 

  • English grammar is a tool for children which enables them to form complex sentences to express themselves in a better manner.

  • Usage of complex sentences, rich vocabulary, and longer sentences give children the ability to understand complicated ideas.

  • English grammar knowledge also complements a child’s linguistic development in many areas such as social skills, conversational skills, narrative skills, etc.

  • If you can speak correctly in English, you gain confidence in every sphere of life.

  • The other mental capacities of a child are also affected by acquiring good grammatical knowledge. Some of those areas are concentration, attention, thought process, etc.

Examples from Basic Class 1 English Grammar Book

There are a total of 21 chapters in the Class 1 English grammar book where students learn about many topics. Some of the examples from different topics are outlined below:

  • Alphabets

    • Fill in the blanks:

      • B stands for —--.

      • O stands for —--.

      • G stands for —--.

    • Arrange the following names in alphabetical order - banana, apple, orange, mango, grape, papaya.

    • Convert the following words into small letters:

      • COW

      • BOY

      • DOG

  • Consonants and Vowels

    • Complete the names with appropriate vowels to make a meaningful word:

      • H-n.

      • Sh-p

      • T-g-r

    • From the word puzzle below, find out pairs of words that have the same vowel sound - not, man, nut, ban, cut, hill, hen, pill, pen, hot.

    • Use the proper consonant to complete the following words:

      • Tab-e.

      • Ca-el.

      • -io-.

  • Noun

    • Fill in the blanks with the correct alphabet to form a noun word:

      • K-te.

      • B-ll.

      • C-ke.

      • P-t.

    • Suggest the correct noun to fit the following sentences:

      • A ground used for playing is called - 

      • A building which is used for treating sick people is called - 

      • The place of worship is called - 

      • A fixed place where buses stop is called - 

Interesting Facts about English Grammar for Class 1

Some interesting facts about the English Grammar are as follows:

  • The term alphabet is taken from the first two letters in the Greek alphabet which are “alpha” and “beta.”

  • The shortest complete sentence in English is “I am.”

  • The most commonly used, shortest, and oldest word is "I."

  • Every two hours a new English word gets added to its dictionary.

  • The most common vowel and letter in English is “e” which is followed by “a.”

  • There are only two words currently being used in English that end with the letters "gry," they are "hungry" and "angry"

  • Amongst all the letters in the English language “s” is used as the starting letter in most words.

Important Topics of Class 1 English Grammar Syllabus

  • Learning alphabets and how they form words.

  • Consonants and vowels.

  • Concept of singular and plural.

  • Verbs and their usage.

  • Opposite words.

  • Prepositions.

  • Articles

Download CBSE Class 1 English Grammar Syllabus PDF for Free

You can find CBSE Class 1 English grammar worksheets with answers at Vedantu’s website which will have:

  • Conceptual knowledge of all the topics of Class 1 English grammar with examples and pictorial representations.

  • The worksheet for Class 1 English grammar will have several examples on different topics which students can use to revise all the chapters in one place.

  • The CBSE Class 1 English grammar syllabus pdf can be downloaded on your device so that you can use it conveniently from any place anytime. 

  • For quick reference, you can also print out the worksheet to access it when you do not have internet access.

The stellar team of Vedantu has a deep understanding of the best way to teach English grammar to small kids. That is why all their content and exercises are designed to suit the needs of young minds and allow them to learn effortlessly. Get CBSE Class 1 English grammar worksheets with answers. 

FAQs on English Grammar for Class 1

1. What is the best way to study Class 1 English grammar?

All the chapters of the basic Class 1 English grammar book use simple words and pictures to explain the concepts. Children can understand it easily with the help of teachers and parents. At the end of every chapter, there are exercises for practice that kids must utilise to brush up on every topic. To improve grammar, students can also try to find grammar usage in different literature books.

2. What is taught in the chapter “This and That?”

In this chapter, kids learn the proper usage of words "this" and "that."  "This" is used to indicate an object which is near us, and "that" is used to indicate an object far from us. Children solve many examples in the form of filling in the blanks to get a better understanding of the topic. Children are also presented with tables in which various sentences are written with "this" and "that" to further build a strong foundation on this topic.

3. What are some of the other topics discussed in Class 1 English grammar?

Some of the other interesting topics in the English grammar syllabus are listed below:

  • Story Writing - Children read a story and then fill in the blanks in a paragraph to complete the story properly.

  • Application Writing - Children learn how to write a formal application and its different parts. They go through different kinds of application types like for leaves, fee concession, etc.

  • Picture Composition - Children are given topics in the form of pictures on which they need to write short essays.