Andhra Pradesh Board Science Class 10 Previous Year Question Paper 2016 with Solutions - Free PDF Download
Andhra Pradesh SSC Board Science 2016 Question Paper for Class 10
FAQs on Andhra Pradesh SSC Board (BSEAP) Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10 Science 2016
1. What is BSEAP?
In 1953, the Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) was established. It was created to carry out and oversee different secondary education-related tasks in Andhra Pradesh. The SSC Public Examinations held in this state are administered by an autonomous department that reports to the Ministry of Secondary Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The Directorate of Government Examinations administers the SSC exam twice a year. The Advanced Supplementary Examination is held in May or June, whereas the Annual Exam is held in the month of March.
2. What is the AP SSC exam pattern?
The students must respond to four essay questions, each worth five marks (4x5=20), eight short answer questions, each worth two points (8x2=16), and eight very short response questions (8x1=8). There are 12 short answer questions, each worth half a mark (12/1/2=6).
Each paper will be worth 50 points. Each exam lasts two hours and forty-five minutes.
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3. What are the benefits of solving the previous year's question paper of the AP board?
Students can evaluate their own level of preparation and double-check that they have covered every aspect of the curriculum or that something is missing. It provides information on the actual question format, degree of difficulty, marks weightage, and areas that need additional attention. It is one of the best tools for reexamining the entire curriculum. It helps students plan their exam approach in order to achieve a high percentile.
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4. What are the preparation tips for AP SSC exams?
Create a study schedule with 5 to 6 hours of study time and allot as much time as necessary for each subject. Examine the AP SSC curriculum carefully and make a list of all the key topics. Analyze the key subjects, the scoring system, and the exam format after obtaining the AP SSC test questions. Don't cram; instead, concentrate on intellectual clarity. It will make topics easier to recall for a long period.
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5. What are the functions of the AP SSC Board?
1. Creating the study programs
2. prescribing a schedule
3. administering tests
4. Recognizing educational institutions
5. Giving all secondary educational institutions under its control support, leadership, and guidance.
6. The board further administers a Supplementary Examination for repeat candidates in May or June. Every year, around six lakh students from across the state appear for the SSC exam.