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CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum


CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 All Subjects - FREE PDF Download

Class 6 is when students are introduced to middle school and start dealing with more difficult and higher-level concepts across subjects. These can be difficult for students new to such a syllabus to grasp and start with. Vedantu provides a FREE PDF for CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25, which students can access to get a comprehensive overview of all the subjects and their portions covered. The PDFs are all updated to match the latest CBSE 2024-25 syllabus and are created by subject matter experts so you can be assured of their accuracy. These PDFs will help CBSE Class 6 students feel more confident about their exam preparation. 

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CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25 - Subject wise Links

The following table provides the subject-wise Class 6 Syllabus NCERT Links. Students can use them to access the FREE PDF for the Syllabus of all subjects in NCERT Class 6. 

Breakdown of CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25

The following section highlights all the topics and chapters that comprise the different subjects that make up the CBSE Class 6 Syllabus PDF.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Maths:

The Maths Class 6 Syllabus NCERT covers integral topics such as Whole Numbers, Elementary Shapes, Decimals, and Fractions. These are important for the development of Class 6 Students and prepare them to grasp more complex topics expected at the 6th-grade level.

CBSE Maths Class 6 Updated Syllabus



Chapter 1 - Knowing Our Numbers

1.1 - Introduction

1.2 -  Comparing Numbers

1.3 - Large Numbers in Practice

1.4 - Using Brackets

1.5 - Roman Numeral

Chapter 2 - Whole Numbers

2.1 - Introduction

2.2 - Whole Numbers

2.3 - The Number Line

2.4 - Properties Of Whole Numbers

2.5 - Patterns in Whole Numbers

Chapter 3 - Playing With Numbers

3.1 - Introduction

3.2 - Factors and Multiples

3.3 - Prime and Composite Numbers

3.4 - Test For Divisibility Of Numbers

3.5 - Common Factors and Common Multiples

3.6 - Some More Divisibility Rules

3.7 - Prime Factorisation

3.8 - Highest Common Factor

3.9 - Lowest Common Multiple

3.10 - Some Problems on HCF and LCM

Chapter 4 - Basic Geometrical Ideas

4.1 - Introduction

4.2 - Points

4.3 - A Line Segment

4.4 - A line

4.5 - Intersecting Lines

4.6 - Parallel Lines

4.7 - Ray

4.8 - Curves

4.9 - Polygons

4.10 - Angles

4.11 - Triangles

4.12 - Quadrilaterals

4.13 - Circles

Chapter 5 - Understanding Elementary Shapes

5.1 - Introduction

5.2 - Measuring Line Segments

5.3 - Angles-’Right’ and ‘Straight’

5.4 - Angles- ‘Acute’, ‘Obtuse’ and ‘Reflex’

5.5 - Measuring Angles

5.6 - Perpendicular Lines

5.7 - Classification of Triangles

5.8 - Quadrilaterals

5.9 - Polygons

5.10 - Three Dimensional Shapes

Chapter 6 - Integers

6.1 - Introduction

6.2 - Integers

6.3 - Addition of Integers

6.4 - Subtraction of Integers with the help of a Number Line

Chapter 7 - Fractions

7.1 - Introduction

7.2 - A Fraction

7.3 - Fraction on the Number Line

7.4 - Proper Fractions

7.5 - Improper and Mixed Fractions

7.6 - Equivalent Fractions

7.7 - Simplest Form of a Fraction

7.8 - Like Fractions

7.9 - Comparing Fractions

7.10 - Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Chapter 8 - Decimals

8.1 - Introduction

8.2 - Tenths

8.3 - Hundredths

8.4 - Comparing Decimals

8.5 - Using Decimals

8.6 - Addition of Numbers with Decimals

8.7 - Subtraction of Decimals

Chapter 9 - Data Handling

9.1 - Introduction

9.2 - Recording Data

9.3 - Organisation of Data

9.4 - Pictograph

9.5 - Interpretation of a Pictograph

9.6 - Drawing a Pictograph

9.7 - A Bar Graph

Chapter 10 - Mensuration

10.1 - Introduction

10.2 - Perimeter

10.3 - Area

Chapter 11 - Algebra

11.1 - Introduction

11.2 - Matchstick Patterns

11.3 - The Idea Of A Variable

11.4 - More Matchstick Patterns

11.5 - More Examples of Variables

11.6 - Use Of Variables in Common Rules

11.7 - Expressions with Variables

11.8 - Using Expressions Practically

11. 9 - What is an Equation?

11.10 - Solution of an Equation

CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Science:

The updated Class 6 Science Syllabus revamps the curriculum to make it more aligned with the understanding level of Class 6 students. It highlights topics such as plants, animals, food, light, and magnets, which form the basis for other topics in higher classes.

CBSE Science Class 6 Updated Syllabus 2024-25



Topics Covered


Components of Food

1.1 - What do different food items contain?

1.2 - What do various nutrients do for our bodies?

1.3 - Balanced diet

1.4 - Deficiency diseases


Sorting Materials into Groups

2.1 - Objectives Around Us

2.2 - Properties of materials


Separation of Substances

3.1 - Methods of separation


Getting to Know Plants

4.1 - Herbs, shrubs, and trees

4.2 - Stem

4.3 - Leaf

4.4 - Root

4.5 - Flower


Body Movements

5.1 - The human body and its movements

5.2 - Gait of animals


The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

6.1 - Organisms and the surrounding where they Live

6.2 - Habitat and Adaptation

6.3 - A journey through different habitats

6.4 - Characteristics of Organisms


Motion and Measurement of Distances

7.1 - Story of Transport

7.2 - How wide is this desk?

7.3 - Some measurements

7.4 - Standard units of measurements

7.5 - Correct measurement of length

7.6 - Measuring the length of a curved line

7.7 - Moving things around us

7.8 - Types of motion


Light, Shadows, and Reflections

8.1 - Transparent, opaque, and translucent objects

8.2 - What exactly are shadows?

8.3 - A pinhole camera

8.4 - Mirrors and Reflections


Electricity and Circuits

9.1 - Electric cell

9.2 - A bulb connected to an electric cell

9.3 - An electric circuit

9.4 - Electric switch

9.5 - Electric conductors and insulators


Fun with Magnets

10.1 - Magnetic and non-magnetic materials

10.2 - Poles of magnet

10.3 - Finding directions

10.4 - Make your magnet

10.5 - Attraction and repulsion between magnets


Air Around Us

11.1 - Is air present everywhere around us?

11.2 - What is air made up of?

11.3 - How does oxygen become available to animals and plants living in water and soil?

11.4 - How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 English:

The Class 6 English syllabus introduces a new textbook called Poorvi, which features updated chapters in prose and poems for Class 6 students aligned with the latest 2024-25 curriculum. The chapters highlight themes such as nature, humanity, bravery, friendship, and other core values important for Class 6 Students. 

Class 6 CBSE English Updated Syllabus - Poorvi



Unit 1 - Fables and Folk Tales

  • A Bottle of Dew

  • The Raven and the Fox 

  • Rama to the Rescue

Unit 2 - Friendship

  • The Unlikely Best Friends 

  • A Friend’s Prayer 

  • The Chair

Unit 3 - Nurturing Nature

  • Neem Baba 

  • What a Bird Thought 

  • Spices that Heal Us

Unit 4 - Sports and Wellness

  • Change of Heart

  • The Winner

  • Yoga—A Way of Life

Unit 5 - Culture and Tradition

  • Hamara Bharat—Incredible India! 

  • The Kites 

  • Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her Feet 

  • National War Memorial

Grammar Syllabus for Class 6 English Updated:

English Grammar

Applied Grammar

Writing Section


Gap filling/ sentences

Formal letter


Dialogues completion

Informal letter Writing


Sentence reordering

Diary entry



Notice Writing



Message Writing


Sentence Transformation




Sentence and phrases

Article Writing

Subject-verb agreement

Report Writing

Reported speech

Story completion

Framing questions



CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Hindi:

The Class 6 Hindi updated Syllabus features a new textbook called Malhar. It features a wide range of content, all of which are sure to keep the readers glued to the chapters. It covers topics for poetry, prose, stories, and short stories.

Hindi Class 6 Syllabus - Malhar



Unit 1

मातृभूमि (कविता)

पुष्प की अभिलाषा (पढ़ने के लिए)

Matribhūmi (Kavita)

Pushp ki Abhilasha (Paṛhne ke liye)

Unit 2

गोल (संस्मरण)

एक दौड़ ऐसी भी (पढ़ने के लिए)

Gol (Sansmaran)

Ek Dauṛ Aisi Bhi (Paṛhne ke liye)

Unit 3

पहली बूँद (कविता)

Pehli Būnd (Kavita)

Unit 4

हार की जीत (कहानी)

Haar ki Jeet (Kahani)

Unit 5

रहीम के दोहे (दोहे)

Rahim ke Dohe (Dohe)

Unit 6

मेरी माँ (आत्मकथा)

Meri Maa (Aatmakatha)

Unit 7

जलते चलो (कविता)

Jalte Chalo (Kavita)

Unit 8

सत्या और हिंदू नृत्य (निबंध)

Satya aur Hindū Nritya (Nibandh)

Unit 9

मइया में नहीं माखन खाया (पद)

Maiya Mein Nahi Makhan Khaya (Pad)

Unit 10

परीक्षा (कहानी)

Pariksha (Kahani)

Unit 11

चेतक की वीरता (कविता)

Chetak ki Veerta (Kavita)

Unit 12

हिंद महासागर में छोटा-सा हिंदुस्तान

Hind Mahasagar Mein Choṭa-sa Hindustan

Unit 13

पेड़ की बात (निबंध)

आओ बच्चों तुम्हें दिखाएँ झाँकी हिंदुस्तान की

Peid ki Baath (Nibandh)

Aao Baccho Tumhe Dikhayein Jhanki Hindustan Ki

Grammar Syllabus for Class 6 Hindi:

Class 6 Hindi Grammar Syllabus




भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण

Bhasha, Lipi aur Vyakaran











संज्ञा के विकार

Sangya ke Vikar























अव्यय या अविकारी शब्द

Avyay ya Avikari Shabd




















अशुद्ध वाक्यों का संशोधन

Ashudd Vakyon ka Sanshodhan


मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ

Muhavare aur Lokoktiyan

CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Social Science:

The Class 6 Social Science Syllabus for 2024-25 covers a vast range of topics across History, Geography and Civics, making it one of the most extensive parts of the Class 6 Syllabus for NCERT.

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus - History(Our Pasts I)

Chapter Number



What, Where, How and When?


From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food


In the Earliest Cities


What Books and Burials Tell Us


Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic


New Questions and Ideas


From a Kingdom to an Empire


Villages, Towns and Trade


New Empires and Kingdoms


Buildings, Paintings and Books

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus - Geography(The Earth, Our Habitat)

Chapter Number



The Earth in the Solar System


Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes


Motions of the Earth




Major Domains of the Earth


Our Country: India

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus - Civics (Social and Political Life)

Chapter Number





Diversity and Discrimination




Local Government and Administration


Rural Administration


Urban Administration


Rural Livelihoods


Urban Livelihoods

Prescribed Books for CBSE Updated Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25

The following table highlights all the prescribed books for the updated Class 6 Syllabus:

Prescribed Books NCERT Class 6


Mathematics Textbook for Class VI


NCERT Science Textbook for Class VI


NCERT Textbook for Class VI English - Poorvi


Malhar  - Kaksha 6 ke liye Hindi ki Pathyapustak

Social Science

  • NCERT Class 6 Social Science - Our Pasts I History textbook

  • NCERT Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life I Civics textbook

  • NCERT Class 6 Social Science - The Earth Our Habitat

How do I download the CBSE syllabus for all subjects in class 6?

Here's how to get the official study guide in just a few clicks:

  • Step 1: Go to Vedantu's official website.

  • Step 2: Look for a section called "Syllabus."

  • Step 3: Click on the tab that says "Syllabus 2024-25".

  • Step 4: Click on the Download Full PDF button.

  • Step 5: Find the PDF download for the syllabus.

Why Should you use Vedantu’s updated CBSE class 6 Syllabus PDF?

  • The updated Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25 offers a detailed overview of all chapters and topics, helping students understand the entire curriculum conveniently.

  • The CBSE Class 6 Syllabus PDF is available for FREE download so students can view and access the syllabus offline.

  • The updated syllabus helps students set a proper study plan and helps them manage their time effectively.

  • Students can easily track the chapters completed and yet to be completed as a comprehensive list, easing their exam prep.

  • The updated PDF is aligned with the current CBSE curriculum, so students need not search multiple sources for relevant information.

The CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF covers all the chapters and topics in all subjects of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 6. It provides a comprehensive overview and the outlook of the prescribed books for all the subjects, which students can use to refer to the syllabus in a glance or a more thorough structure. Rest assured, the syllabus PDFs are exactly what students need to up their confidence in their exam prep.

Important Study Material for Class 6 CBSE

After referring to the syllabus PDFs, it is recommended to check out the following table that links some important related study material for CBSE Class 6 as prepared by top experts at Vedantu.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25: Updated Curriculum

1. What is the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Mathematics 2024-25 Exam?

There are  11 chapters included in the CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Mathematics 2024-25 Exam The  11 chapters are as follows:

  • Chapter 1 - Knowing Our Numbers

  • Chapter 2 - Whole Numbers

  • Chapter 3 - Playing With Numbers

  • Chapter 4 - Basic Geometrical Ideas

  • Chapter 5 - Understanding Elementary Shapes

  • Chapter 6 - Integers

  • Chapter 7 - Fractions

  • Chapter 8 - Decimals

  • Chapter 9 - Data Handling

  • Chapter 10 - Mensuration

  • Chapter 11 - Algebra

Furthermore, you can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.

2. What is the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Science 2024-25 Exam?

There are 11  chapters in CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Science 2024-25 Exam. These chapters are as follows:

  • Components of Food

  • Sorting Materials into Groups

  • Separation of Substances

  • Getting to Know Plants

  • Body Movements

  • The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings

  • Motion and Measurement of Distances

  • Light, Shadows, and Reflection

  • Electricity and Circuits

  • Fun with Magnets

  • Air Around Us

3. What is the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Social Science 2024-25 Exam?

Their chapters in the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Social Science 2024-25 Exam are as follows:

1. History: 

  • What, where, when, and how?

  • From gathering food to growing food

  • In the earliest cities

  • What books and burials tell us? 

  • Kingdoms, kings, and an early republic

  • New questions and ideas 

  • From a Kingdom to an Empire

  • Villages, Towns and Trade

  • New Empires and Kingdoms

  • Buildings, Paintings and Books

2. Geography:

  • The earth in the solar system

  • Globe: latitudes and longitudes

  • Motions of the earth 

  • Maps 

  • Major domains of the earth 

  • Our Country: India

3. Civics:

  • Understanding diversity

  • Diversity and discrimination

  • What is the government?

  • Local Government and Administration

  • Rural administration

  • Urban administration

  • Rural livelihood

  • Urban livelihood

4. What is the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 English 2024-25 Exam?

Unit 1 - Fables and Folk Tales: 

A Bottle of Dew

The Raven and the Fox 

Rama to the Rescue

Unit 2 - Friendship

The Unlikely Best Friends 

A Friend’s Prayer 

The Chair

Unit 3 - Nurturing Nature

Neem Baba 

What a Bird Thought 

Spices that Heal Us

Unit 4 - Sports and Wellness

Change of Heart

The Winner

Yoga—A Way of Life

Unit 5 - Culture and Tradition

Hamara Bharat—Incredible India! 

The Kites 

Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with Her Feet 

National War Memorial

5. What is the CBSE Syllabus for the Class 6 Hindi 2024-25 Exam? 

Unit 1 - Matribhūmi (Kavita)

Pushp ki Abhilasha (Paṛhne ke liye)

Unit 2 - Gol (Sansmaran)

Ek Dauṛ Aisi Bhi (Paṛhne ke liye)

Unit 3 - Pehli Būnd (Kavita)

Unit 4 - Haar ki Jeet (Kahani)

Unit 5 - Rahim ke Dohe (Dohe)

Unit 6 - Meri Maa (Aatmakatha)

Unit 7 - Jalte Chalo (Kavita)

Unit 8 - Satya aur Hindū Nritya (Nibandh)

Unit 9 - Maiya Mein Nahi Makhan Khaya (Pad)

Unit 10 - Pariksha (Kahani)

Unit 11 - Chetak ki Veerta (Kavita)

Unit 12 - Hind Mahasagar Mein Choṭa-sa Hindustan

Unit 13 - Peid ki Baath (Nibandh)

Aao Baccho Tumhe Dikhayein Jhanki Hindustan Ki

6. Where can I download the FREE CBSE Class 6 Syllabus PDF 2024-25

You can find the latest CBSE Class 6 Syllabus as a FREE PDF on Vedantu, which you can then access anywhere, anytime, as and when you need it.

7. Are any new textbooks prescribed for CBSE Class 6 2024-25?

English and Hindi have experienced entire textbook revamps. The new English book Poorvi and the new Hindi reader Malhar are both entirely updated textbooks for the updated CBSE Class 6 Syllabus NCERT.

8. Are the CBSE Class 6 Syllabus PDFs updated?

The CBSE Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25 PDFs are contanstly checked and updated by top professionals and subject matter experts to ensure they align with the newest CBSE curriculum.

9. How does the CBSE Class 6 Syllabus PDF help students?

The Class 6 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF provides a comprehensive overview of all the topics that comprise the course curriculum for all the subjects. Students can refer to these to get a complete sense of all the topics in one glance or even opt for a more thorough reading. This helps students effectively plan their study sessions and improve their exam preparation.

10. What subjects are included in the updated syllabus for Class 6 of CBSE?

The latest CBSE Class 6 curriculum covers English, Hindi, Maths, Science and Social Science as the main subjects. These subjects are all updated, and their entire curriculum has been revamped to match the latest educational trends and guidelines.