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CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper-1 with Solutions (2018-19)


CBSE Sample Paper-1 for Class 6 Science with Solutions - Free PDF Download

Science is an exciting subject for students and if they can understand the concepts well and revise them thoroughly, it can be a high-scoring subject too. The experts at Vedantu have prepared the Sample Paper of Class 6 Science after a detailed study of the updated complete syllabus for Science Class 6. These experts have applied their years of experience to help the students in their exam preparation. Students can easily access the PDF file anytime for their practice.

About 3000 to 1200 BCE, the roots of Science can be found in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. They contributed to the Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity through the application of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine that attempted to provide explanations for events in the physical world through the use of natural causality. Western European knowledge of Greek concepts of the world declined during the early Middle Ages (400 to 1,000 CE) following the fall of the Roman Empire but remained intact during the Islamic Golden Age. During the first half of the 10th century, Greek and Islamic works and inquiries made their way into Western Europe, and they resurrected "natural philosophy" which was subsequently restructured by the 16th century Scientific Revolution, which departed by new ideas and discoveries from previous Greek notions and traditions. The scientific method played an increasingly important role as knowledge was created, and it wasn't until the 19th century that most of the institutional and professional features of science began to emerge, as well as the shift from "natural philosophy" to "natural Science."

The Sample Paper of Science Class 6 helps the students in revising all the important concepts and helps them prepare their answers for the exams. Students can also refer to the Class 6 Science revision notes by Vedantu and then practice with the help of the Sample Papers. The most important advantage of these Sample Papers lies in the fact that the answers have also been provided by the experts. So students can cross-check their work at the same time.

CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper covers the entire syllabus and answers have been given in the format in which they must be written in the exam. Sometimes students know the answer but do not know the correct way of phrasing it. They can miss out on an important point or forget to add an example of a diagram with the answer. The Sample Papers will teach the students how they can write an answer methodically.

The Sample Papers are a good way of revising the curriculum and can be attempted by the students before the exams. Writing the answers will help them time the paper and they will be thorough with their preparation. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Math Students who are looking for better solutions can download Class 6 Math NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


Sample Paper of Class 6 Subject Science Pattern

The time allotted for the sample paper is 2.5 hours and the total marks for the paper are 80. The pattern of the paper is as follows:

The paper is divided into four sections.

  • Section A: 15 Multiple choice type questions that carry 1 mark each.

  • Section B: 6 Very short answer type questions that carry 2 marks each.

  • Section C: 8 Short answer type questions that carry 4 marks each.

  • Section D: 4 Long answer type questions that carry 5 marks each.

Students are introduced to the concept of Science in class 6 and to score good marks in their exams, they need a good understanding of the concepts as well as the exam paper pattern. The sample paper class 6 Science has been prepared by experts in this field after an analysis of the past years’ papers. The papers include all the probable questions that can be asked in the exams.

Science for class 6 students provides them knowledge about the basic concepts of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. It lays the foundation for the specialized study of these subjects in higher classes. The curriculum for Science Class 6  includes topics like:


  • Electricity and Circuits.

  • Light Shadows and Reflection.

  • Motion and Measurements of Distances.

  • Fun with Magnets.


  • Separation of Substances.

  • Sorting Materials into Groups.

  • Changes Around Us.

  • Fiber to Fabric.

  • Water.

  • Air Around Us.


  • Food (where does it come from?).

  • Living organisms and their surroundings.

  • Body movements.

  • Getting to know plants.

  • Components of food.

  • Garbage in, garbage out.

Benefits of CBSE Sample Paper Class 6 Science

  • The sample paper of class 6th science has been prepared to cover the entire course.

  • It helps the students in preparing for their exams and it reduces their anxiety.

  • The sample paper helps the students in judging the weightage given to each chapter and important concepts.

  • The solutions have been provided for the Science class 6 sample paper so the students can cross-check their answers and can learn to frame their answers in a cohesive manner.

  • The answers help the students in understanding the logic of the questions and they can answer similar questions in the exams.

The class 6 Science sample paper provides good practice for students to attempt the science exam paper with confidence.


The CBSE sample papers for Class 6 science is the perfect practising aid for students preparing for their exams. The question paper follows the proper exam pattern and they also have questions that can be expected to come from the syllabus. The sample papers also help the students to manage time on their own. Every question in the sample paper has been answered by experts, which will help students to rectify their mistakes. The answers have been written in an uncomplicated way so that it’s easier to read and write and better to understand.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper-1 with Solutions (2018-19)

1. How does the Class 6 Sample Paper Science Help the Students in Preparing for Their Science Exam?

The CBSE sample paper for class 6 Science by Vedantu is the perfect practicing aid for students preparing for their exams. They can know about the exam paper pattern, the questions they can expect to come from each chapter, and important concepts. The sample paper also helps the students to time themselves. Every question in the simple paper has been answered by the experts and it helps the students in rectifying their mistakes. The answers have been written in a simple to understand language and in a crisp format.

2. Why are Sample Papers an Important Part of Revision?

The sample papers are a great help to students when they are preparing for their exams.

  • A sample paper helps the students in accessing their preparation level.

  • Students can identify the chapters or topics that require more preparation.

  • They get an experience of giving the actual exam paper.

  • They can work on their time management skills as they adhere to the time allotted in the sample paper.

  • They can reduce their anxiety levels by attempting the sample paper.

  • The confidence level of students is improved after taking up the sample paper.

  • The Science sample paper class 6 covers the entire syllabus and tests the knowledge of the students on the complete syllabus.

3. For CBSE Class 6 students, what is the significance of Science?

From the moment we are born to the moment we go to sleep, Science plays an important role in our lives. Our daily lives are full of machines that operate by applying the simple logic of Science.

  1. A variety of scientific inventions, such as computers, satellites, x-rays, radium, plastic surgery, cell phones, electricity, the internet, and photography, have proven to be very useful in modern society.

  2. Despite the illnesses we face today, we can cope better thanks to Science. Technology has enabled us to live longer and easier lives as well. Scientists constantly develop new theories and inventions as a result of hard and persistent work.

  3. The inventions that make it possible for us to move from place to place include cars, buses, trucks, etc.

  4. Science has contributed to virtually every aspect of human life. It's not uncommon to hear about new inventions every day or to hear about improvements to existing ones.

  5. With Science at the forefront, we can make our work faster, safer, more efficient, and more effective.

4. In your class six Science tests, what are some of the things you can do to ensure a good grade?

  1. Plan your 24 hours well and manage your time.
    Set aside enough time for studying. During the day, you should complete at least three subjects. In addition to studying, you should take some time for yourself to relax. Spend no more than an hour doing anything you enjoy - listening to instrumental music, drawing, painting, or watching an infotainment channel.

  2. Keep a journal of your learnings
    Make it a point of writing down your topic as soon as you learn it. While it's wise to avoid spoiling your handwriting, it's recommended to try to write it down at a fast pace. It will be a good idea to write about a topic every day so that you can gauge how much time you spend on it. By doing this, you will be able to manage your time for your final exam successfully.

  3. Be sure not to ignore diagrams
    When you're tired of reading, draw diagrams. You will not only relax but learn the subject as well. When you draw something, you can find out what you missed, and you can correct it accordingly.

  4. Get the proper amount of sleep
    Rather than breaking your head over textbooks and notes, your motto should be Eat, Sleep, Study, and Relax. While lying in bed before you go to sleep, remember what you learned that day. Determine which lesson needs additional attention so that your study schedule for the following day is more effective.

5. Which CBSE Class 6 Science subject is the most difficult?

As long as you can grasp different and varied concepts, Science can be an easy subject. Sciences are very thought-provoking subjects. Science makes you ask the question 'Why?’. Science is the most fascinating subject because it allows our minds to provide solutions for our thoughts. Science is the most fascinating subject because it makes us look for answers to everyday events that occur in our lives. Future technologies, systems, imagination, all are dependent upon Science. It is fascinating the processes, how they work, and how they behave. It is neither easy nor difficult to study Science. This is for the same reason that some subjects may be more interesting to us than others. Ease of learning is also influenced by the perspective of the person and his/her interest in a particular field. One person might be good at physics, another at biology, while still another might be good at chemistry. In addition, we don't judge our interest in subjects by their difficulty level or ease.