Class 12 RS Aggarwal Chapter-15 Integration Using Partial Fractions Solutions- Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 12 Solutions Chapter-15 Integration Using Partial Fractions
1. Why do we need Partial Fractions in Mathematics?
One needs to know what a partial fraction is in the first place, a partial fraction is a method to find out the solution to the particular parts of the fractions which then combined will give us the answer to the whole fraction equation. Often, we break the fraction into smaller units because it will help solve the problem much quicker and in an easier way.
One of the examples where the partial fraction is being used quite often is solving the Integral Calculus. On the other hand, sometimes a problem might not even be solved using the roots as you can still end up having unknown variables. So the next thing you do is take all the powers of x together and then use a system of linear equations to get to the answer.
2. How do I study Integration using Partial Fractions for Class 12?
Integration using partial fractions needs a good amount of practice and attention from students. The best way to master the topic is by understanding the basics well from the chapters that came before and by using some really useful tricks to solve problems well. A very important chapter like this, with respect to many competitive exams, requires the right strategy and approach to be solved. The subject experts at Vedantu have curated master strategies to solve and understand the topic of Integration using partial fractions for students of class 12. The important tricks that can be used to solve the sums of Chapter 15 Integration Using Partial Fractions from Class 12 RS Aggarwal can be learned from these solutions.
3. How important is Integration Using Partial Fractions in the JEE Main examination?
For the JEE Main examination, Calculus is crucial. Not only for the subject of mathematics alone, but calculus is also useful for physics too. Therefore, there is no denying the fact that even the chapter on Integration using partial fractions adds to the list of some really important and crucial chapters for your preparation of JEE Main. This chapter serves as an additional asset to your overall knowledge of Calculus and must not be skipped at all.
4. Is studying from Chapter 15 Class 12 from RS Aggarwal helpful for my board examinations?
RS Aggarwal is a book that focuses on complex problems and is considered one of the best books to prepare for Class 12 Mathematics in general. The problems in the book are a great way to understand the complexities of a chapter in the best way. Similarly, solving problems from this book will definitely help you in understanding and scoring well in your board examinations too. It is advised to make sure that students are solving problems from their coursebooks first when they are preparing for their board examinations. The coursebook must be given the first priority and problems from RS Aggarwal can be solved to solidify their knowledge for the exam.