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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics (Curiosity)


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Chapter 10 Science - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics from the Class 6 Science textbook, focuses on understanding the fundamental features of living organisms. Students will learn about various characteristics that define living creatures, such as growth, reproduction, movement, and respiration. Chapter 10 introduces the concept of how living organisms interact with their environment and adapt to survive. These NCERT Solutions help in grasping the key ideas and simplify complex topics, ensuring better comprehension and preparation for exams.

Table of Content
1. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Chapter 10 Science - FREE PDF Download
2. Glance on Science Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Chapter 10
3. Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics
    3.1Let Us Enhance Our Learning 
    3.2Let Us Enhance Our Learning (Pages 203 – 204)
4. Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics 
5. Important Study Material Links for Science Chapter 10 Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics 
6. Conclusion
7. Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science 
8. Related Important Links for Class 6 Science 

Our Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions breaks down the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 6 Science Syllabus and start practising Science Class 6 Chapter 10.

Glance on Science Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Chapter 10

  • Characteristics of living organisms: growth, reproduction, movement, and respiration.

  • Difference between living and non-living things.

  • How living creatures interact with their environment.

  • Adaptation and survival of different species.

  • The role of food, water, and air in sustaining life.

  • Different types of habitats and how they influence the characteristics of organisms.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics

Question 1. How would you now categorise a seed, as living or non¬living? 

Answer: Seed is a living thing. Seeds can grow into a plant under the right conditions.

Question 2. How can the life cycle of a mosquito be disrupted? 

Answer: Larvicides (a substance used to kill larvae) target larvae in the breeding habitat before they can mature into adult mosquitoes and disperse. Larvicide treatment of breeding habitats helps reduce the adult mosquito population in nearby areas.

Liquid larvicide products are applied directly to water using backpack sprayers and truck or aircraft-mounted sprayers. Tablet, pellet, granular, and briquet formulations of larvicides are also applied by mosquito controllers to breeding areas.

Let Us Enhance Our Learning 

Question 1. How would you now categorise a seed, as living or non¬living? (Page 191)
Answer: Seed is a living thing. Seeds can grow into a plant under the right conditions.

Question 2. How can the life cycle of a mosquito be disrupted? (Page 197)
Answer: Larvicides (a substance used to kill larvae) target larvae in the breeding habitat before they can mature into adult mosquitoes and disperse. Larvicide treatment of breeding habitats helps reduce the adult mosquito population in nearby areas.

Liquid larvicide products are applied directly to water using backpack sprayers and truck or aircraft-mounted sprayers. Tablet, pellet, granular, and briquet formulations of larvicides are also applied by mosquito controllers to breeding areas.

Let Us Enhance Our Learning (Pages 203 – 204)

Question 1. List the similarities and differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Similarities in Life Cycles of Plants and Animals

Differences in Life Cycles of Plants and Animals

(i) Development Stage: Both have distinct stages of development (e.g., germination, flowering in plants; egg, larva, adult in animals).

(i) Respiration: While both respire, the mechanisms differ; animals use lungs or gills, and plants use stomata and lenticels.

(ii) Growth: Both plants and animals grow from a small initial stage (seed or embryo) into a mature form.

(ii) Growth Patterns: Plants exhibit indeterminate growth (can grow throughout their life), while animals have determinate growth (stop growing after reaching maturity).

(iii) Reproduction: Both undergo a process to produce offspring (seeds for plants and young ones for animals).

(iii) Reproductive Structures: Animals have specialised organs for reproduction, while plants use flowers, cones, or spores.

Question 2. The table (See NCERT Textbook, Page 204) shows some data. Study the data and try to find examples appropriate for the conditions given in the second and third columns. If you think that an example for any of the conditions given below is not possible, explain why.



Ans Table

Question 3. You have learnt that different conditions are required for seed germination. How can we use this knowledge for the proper storage of grains and pulses?
Answer: To ensure proper storage of grains and pulses and prevent germination:

  • Keep Dry

  • Cool Storage

  • Airtight Containers

Question 4. You have learnt that a tail is present in a tadpole but it disappears as it grows into a frog. What is the advantage of having a tail in the tadpole stage?

  • The tail in the tadpole stage of a frog provides

  • Swimming Ability: It helps the tadpole swim efficiently in water to find food and escape predators.

  • Balance and Stability: Assist in maintaining balance while moving in water.

Question 5. Charan says that a wooden log is non-living as it cannot move. Charu counters it by saying that it is living because it is made of wood obtained from trees. Give your arguments in favour or against the two statements given by Charan and Charu.

  • Against Charan: The wooden log was once part of a living tree, which was alive and exhibited characteristics of living beings.

  • Against Charu: Once the wood is separated from the tree, it no longer exhibits growth, reproduction, or other life processes, making it non-living.

Question 6. What are the similarities and distinguishing features in the life cycles of a mosquito and a frog?
Answer: Similarities

  • Both begin life as eggs.

  • Both have a larval stage (tadpole in frogs, larvae in mosquitoes) that is aquatic.

Distinguishing Features
Mosquitoes have four stages.
Egg → Larva → Pupa → Adult
Respiration: Larvae and pupae breathe through syphons.

Frog has four stages.
Egg → Tadpole → Froglet → Adult
Respiration: Tadpoles have gills, and adults have lungs and can respire through their skin.

Question 7. A plant is provided with all the conditions suitable for its growth (Fig. below). Draw what you expect to see in the shoot and the root of the plant after one week. Write down the reasons.

Pot kept along the ground

Fig: Pot kept along the ground

Answer: Expected observations

  • Shoot Growth upwards, towards the light source.

  • Root: Growth downwards, into the soil for stability and nutrient absorption.


  • Shoots grow towards light (phototropism) for photosynthesis.

  • Roots grow downwards (gravitropism) for – nutrient absorption.

Question 8. Tara and Vijay set up the experiment shown in the picture (Fig. below). What do you think they want to find out? How will they know if they are correct?

Experimental set-up

Experimental set-up

Answer: Tara and Vijay are likely trying to understand how the orientation of a seed affects the growth direction of the shoot (the green ^art above ground) and the root (the part below ground).

Observation: If the shoot always grows upwards (towards the light) and the root always grows downwards (into the soil), regardless of how the seed is placed, this shows that plants have natural mechanisms (like phototropism and gravitropism) that guide their growth direction.

Question 9. Design an experiment to check if temperature has an effect on seed germination.
Answer: AIM: Experiment to Check the Effect of Temperature on Seed Germination

Materials: Identical pots, soil, seeds, thermometers, and different temperature-controlled environments (e.g., refrigerator, room temperature, heated environment).

(i) Fill each pot with the same type of soil.
(ii) Plant seeds in each pot.
(iii) Place each pot in a different environment with controlled temperatures (e.g., cold, room temperature, warm). For example, keep one pot outside on the balcony to get sunlight. Put another in the shade in the room. Keep the third one in the basement or the coldest part of the house.
(iv) Water each pot equally.
(v) Record the number of seeds germinated in each environment daily for two weeks.

Observation: Measure and compare the rate of germination and growth in different temperatures.
Conclusion: Determine the optimal temperature for seed germination based on observations.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics 

  • Focus on understanding the fundamental characteristics that differentiate living from nonliving things.

  • Use diagrams and examples to memorise key processes like respiration and reproduction.

  • Relate the concepts to your surroundings by observing living organisms in your environment.

  • Create flowcharts to map out how living creatures adapt to different habitats.

  • Practice exam-based questions to strengthen your understanding of the chapter.

  • Use NCERT solutions provided by Vedantu to clarify doubts and strengthen your revision.

Important Study Material Links for Science Chapter 10 Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics 

S. No

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 10


Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Questions


Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Revision Notes


Class 6 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics Worksheet


Chapter 10 Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics enables students to understand the essential traits of living organisms and how they adapt to their surroundings. With Vedantu's NCERT Solutions, students can enhance their understanding of the chapter, master its key concepts, and improve exam performance.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science 

After familiarising yourself with the Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all Science Class 6 textbook chapters.

Related Important Links for Class 6 Science 

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for Science Class 6-

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their Characteristics (Curiosity)

1. What are living creatures, as described in Class 6 Science Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Living creatures are organisms that have characteristics such as growth, movement, respiration, reproduction, and response to stimuli.

2. What are the basic needs of living creatures according to Chapter 10?

Living creatures need food, water, air, shelter, and appropriate living conditions to survive.

3. How do living creatures adapt to their environments in Class 6 Science?

Living creatures adapt through various physical and behavioural changes that help them survive in their environment, such as growing thicker fur in colder climates.

4. What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs in Science Class 6 Chapter 10?

Autotrophs are organisms that produce their own food through photosynthesis, like plants, whereas heterotrophs rely on other organisms for food, such as animals.

5. What role do senses play in the survival of living creatures in Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Senses like sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing help living creatures detect and respond to environmental changes, aiding in their survival.

6. How do living creatures reproduce, as explained in Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Living creatures reproduce through either sexual or asexual reproduction, ensuring the continuation of their species.

7. What is respiration, and why is it important for living creatures in Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Respiration is the process by which living creatures take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide to produce energy. It is vital for all life processes.

8. How do living creatures grow and develop, according to Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Living creatures grow by increasing in size and mass over time through cell division and development.

9. Why is the study of ecosystems important, as mentioned in Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World?

Studying ecosystems helps us understand the interactions between living creatures and their environment, highlighting the balance of nature.

10. How does Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 10: Living Creatures: Exploring their World help students understand living organisms?

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions provides clear explanations, examples, and detailed answers to help students grasp the concepts of living creatures, their needs, adaptations, and the environment they live in.