Maths Worksheet for Kids| Different Types of Polygons - Download Free PDF with Solutions
FAQs on Maths Worksheet for Kids| Different Types of Polygons
1. What is a closed figure?
When all the sides of a geometric figure are joined end to end, it is called a closed figure.
Example: A rectangle.
2. Can closed figures have curved surfaces?
Yes. Closed figures can have curved surfaces in place of line segments.
3. How can I count the number of sides of a polygon?
When you start counting the sides of a polygon given in a question, tick the lines and keep on counting in a circular manner. You can also number the sides and count.
4. What is a five-sided polygon called?
Five means Penta. Hence, a five-sided polygon is called a pentagon. The Greek prefix ‘Penta’ is used to represent the five sides of a polygon.
5. Can a pentagon be regular or irregular?
There are five sides in a pentagon. If all the sides are equal along with all the interior angles then the pentagon is called a regular one. When the sides are not equal to each other, it is called an irregular pentagon.