JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile 2025: Understanding the Difference
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a highly competitive exam in India that determines admission to undergraduate engineering programs in top engineering colleges across the country. JEE Main is the first stage of the JEE exam, and it is conducted twice a year in January and April. Students who appear for the exam often have many questions about how their rank and percentile are calculated and how they are related to each other. In this article, we will explore the difference between JEE Main rank and percentile and how to understand their relationship. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has not yet released the official cutoff scores for JEE Main 2025, as the examination is scheduled for January and April 2025 but you can go through the previous year's cut-off and expected cutoff.
What is the JEE Main Rank?
JEE Main Rank is the position of a student on the basis of the marks they have scored in the exam. It is a numerical value assigned to a student based on their performance in JEE Main. The rank is calculated based on the total number of students who appeared for the exam and their scores. The higher the marks obtained by a student, the better their rank will be.
What is the JEE Main Percentile?
JEE Main Percentile is the percentage of students who have scored less than a particular student in the exam. It indicates the relative position of a student among all the students who appeared for the exam. The percentile is calculated based on the total number of students who appeared for the exam and their scores. The higher the percentile obtained by a student, the better their performance will be compared to other students.
JEE Main Percentile vs Rank
JEE Main Percentile and Rank are two different measures of a student's performance in the exam. The percentile is a relative measure, while the rank is an absolute measure. The percentile indicates a student's performance compared to other students who appeared for the exam, while the rank indicates a student's position based on their score. A student's rank can be determined using their percentile, but their percentile cannot be determined using their rank alone.
JEE Main 2025 Cuttoff Category-wise 2025
However, based on previous year trends just have a tentative idea of data:
Get Detailed Analysis of Expected JEE Main Marks vs Rank vs Percentile 2025
JEE Main 2025 Expected Percentile Vs Ranks
Subject-wise JEE Main Marks with Percentile 2025 (Expected)
JEE Main Physics Marks and Percentiles:
JEE Main Chemistry Marks and Percentile:
JEE Main 2025 Mathematics Marks and Percentiles:
Previous Years Detailed Analysis of Marks with Percentile
JEE Main 2023 Ranks, and Percentiles:
The table below shows the expected JEE Main rank vs percentile distribution so that students can get an idea of how they will rank based on their percentile in the exam.
Estimate your JEE Main exam ranking with the JEE Main Rank Predictor tool.
Importance of JEE Main Rank and Percentile?
JEE Main Rank and Percentile are important for students who want to pursue engineering as their career. The rank and percentile determine the admission of a student to the top engineering colleges in the country. The better the rank and percentile obtained by a student, the higher the chances of getting admission to their desired college.
How is the JEE Main Rank Calculated?
JEE Main Rank is calculated based on the student's score in the exam. The rank is determined by normalizing the raw marks obtained by the student across all sessions of the exam. The normalization process takes into account the difficulty level of the exam and the variation in the number of students appearing in different sessions. The final rank list is prepared based on the normalized score of the students.
How is JEE Main Percentile Calculated?
JEE Main Percentile is calculated based on the total number of students who appeared for the exam and their scores. The percentile indicates the percentage of students who have scored less than a particular student in the exam. For example, if a student has scored a percentile of 95, it means that they have performed better than 95% of the students who appeared for the exam.
The examination results for each session would be prepared in the form of:
Raw Scores
Percentile Scores separately for each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) and the Total.
The following 4 Percentiles would be calculated for each candidate in the Session:
Let T1, M1, P1, C1 be the raw scores in Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of a candidate and T1P, M1P, P1P, C1P be the Percentile Scores of Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of that candidate.
Total Percentile (T1P): 100×No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than T1 score total No. of candidates appeared in the session100 $\times \frac{\text{No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than T1 score}}{\text{Total No. of candidates appeared in the session}}100$×Total No of candidates who appeared in the session. of candidates appeared from the session with a raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than T1 score
Mathematics Percentile (M1P): 100×No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than M1 score in MathematicsTotal No. of candidates appeared in the session100 $\times \frac{\text{No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than M1 score in Mathematics}}{\text{Total No. of candidates appeared in the session}}100$×Total No. of candidates who appeared in the session. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than M1 score in Mathematics.
Physics Percentile (P1P): 100×No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than P1 score in Physics Total No. of candidates appeared in the session100 $\times \frac{\text{No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than P1 score in Physics}}{\text{Total No. of candidates appeared in the session}}100$×Total No. of candidates who appeared in the session. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than P1 score in Physics.
Chemistry Percentile (C1P): 100×No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than C1 score in ChemistryTotal No. of candidates appeared in the session100 $\times \frac{\text{No. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than C1 score in Chemistry}}{\text{Total No. of candidates appeared in the session}}100$×Total No. of candidates who appeared in the session. of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than C1 score in Chemistry.
JEE Percentile to Rank Conversion
JEE Main Percentile can be converted to rank using the JEE percentile vs rank table released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The JEE rank vs percentile table provides the rank corresponding to a particular percentile. Students can use the table to estimate their rank based on their percentile.
JEE Main Marks vs Percentile Vs Rank 2025: Tiebreaker Guidelines
Here are the typical tiebreaker guidelines used in JEE Main:
Step 1: A higher percentile in Mathematics is preferred.
Step 2: If a tie remains, the higher percentile in Physics is considered.
Step 3: If a tie persists, the higher percentile in Chemistry is given preference.
Step 4: If candidates still have the same score, the candidate with fewer incorrect answers across all subjects is given priority.
Step 5: If the tie still isn't resolved, older candidates are given preference.
Latest Updates on JEE Main 2025
Registration Deadline: The application window for JEE Main 2025 Session 1 closes on November 22, 2024. Candidates are advised to submit their applications promptly
Correction Window: Applicants can make corrections to their submitted forms between November 26 and 27, 2024. This is the only opportunity to rectify any errors.
No Extension of Registration Deadline: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has confirmed that there will be no extension of the registration deadline beyond November 22, 2024.
Exam Dates: JEE Main 2025 Session 1 is scheduled to be conducted from January 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30 2025. Session 2 is planned for April 1 to 8, 2025.
Revised Exam Pattern: NTA has removed optional questions in Section B of all subjects. Candidates are now required to attempt all questions in this section.
Updated Syllabus: Certain topics have been removed from the Physics syllabus, including Scalars and Vectors, vector addition and subtraction, scalar and vector products, Unit Vector, and Resolution of a Vector.
Additional Time for PwD Candidates: Candidates with disabilities will receive an extra hour to complete the exam, making the total duration four hours.
Tie-Breaking Criteria: In case of a tie, higher NTA scores in Mathematics, followed by Physics and Chemistry, will be considered. If the tie persists, candidates will be awarded the same rank.
Language Options: The exam will be conducted in 13 languages, including English, Hindi, and regional languages, to accommodate a diverse range of candidates.
Reduced Exam Centers: The number of exam centers has been reduced from 300 to 284. Candidates should verify their allotted centers in advance
Understanding the difference between JEE Main rank and percentile is essential for students aspiring to pursue engineering in India. While rank indicates a student's position among all test-takers, percentile measures their performance relative to others in the same session. It's important to note that a good rank doesn't always guarantee admission to a desired college or course, as admission criteria may vary based on factors like category, state, and availability of seats. Therefore, students must strive for a high percentile score, which reflects their performance against the entire pool of candidates and increases their chances of getting into a top college or program. Check out Vedantu’s JEE Crash Course and schedule a demo class to get a taste of quality exam preparation at the best prices!
FAQs on JEE Main 2025 Cutoff Percentile: Rank Vs Percentile
1. Can a student get admission to a top engineering college with a low rank but a high percentile?
Yes, it is possible for a student to get admission to a top engineering college with a low rank but a high percentile. This is because the admission process depends on various factors, including the number of seats available in the college, the number of students who applied for the college, and their performance in the exam.
2. How important is the JEE Main Rank for admission to top engineering colleges?
JEE Main Rank is an important factor for admission to top engineering colleges. However, other factors such as the student's performance in the board exams, the number of seats available in the college, and their performance in the JEE Advanced exam also play a crucial role in the admission process.
3. Can a student improve their rank by reappearing for the exam?
Yes, a student can improve their rank by reappearing for the exam. JEE Main is conducted twice a year, and a student can appear for both exams. The best score out of the two exams is considered for the final rank calculation.
4. What is the validity of the JEE Main Rank and Percentile?
The JEE Main Rank and Percentile are valid for the academic year in which the exam was conducted. For example, if a student appeared for the January session of JEE Main, their Rank and Percentile will be valid for admission in that academic year.
5. Can a student get admission to an engineering college based on their JEE Main Percentile alone?
No, a student cannot get admission to an engineering college based on their JEE Main Percentile alone. The admission process depends on various factors, including the number of seats available in the college, the number of students who applied for the college, and their performance in the exam.
6. Is there any difference between JEE Main Rank and JEE Advanced Rank?
Yes, there is a difference between JEE Main Rank and JEE Advanced Rank. JEE Main Rank is the rank obtained by a student in the JEE Main exam, while JEE Advanced Rank is the rank obtained by a student in the JEE Advanced exam. JEE Advanced is the second stage of the JEE exam, and it determines admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
7. How can a student check their JEE Main Rank and Percentile?
A student can check their JEE Main Rank and Percentile by logging in to the official website of JEE Main using their application number and password. The Rank and Percentile are displayed on the scorecard.
8. Can a student check the JEE Rank vs Percentile table for JEE Main?
Yes, the Rank vs Percentile table for JEE Main is released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on the official website. Students can check the table to estimate their rank based on their percentile.
9. How is the JEE Main Score calculated?
The JEE Main Score is calculated based on the marks obtained by a student in the exam. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, and each question carries four marks. For every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted.
10. What will the JEE Mains 2025 cutoff percentile likely be?
The cutoff percentile for JEE Mains 2025 varies each year, but it typically ranges from the high 80s to low 90s for the general category to qualify for JEE Advanced.
11. How do JEE Mains marks vs percentile compare?
In JEE Mains, the percentile score is calculated based on your marks compared to other candidates, with higher marks generally leading to a higher percentile.
12. What is the relationship between marks vs percentile JEE Mains 2025?
For JEE Mains 2025, your marks will determine your percentile, which indicates how you performed relative to other test takers in the same session.
13. How do JEE marks vs percentile differ?
JEE marks represent the raw scores obtained in the exam, while the percentile represents your score's ranking percentage among all candidates.
14. Can you explain marks vs percentile JEE Mains?
In JEE Mains, marks vs percentile illustrates how the raw exam score is translated into a percentile rank that compares your performance against all examinees.
15. What does percentile vs marks JEE Mains indicate?
Percentile vs marks in JEE Mains indicates the percentage of candidates each candidate has outperformed based on their raw exam scores.
16. What should students know about JEE Mains marks vs percentile vs rank?
In JEE Mains, your marks lead to a percentile, which in turn determines your rank; the higher the percentile, the better the rank.
17. What insight do marks vs percentile JEE Mains 2025 shift-wise offer?
Analysing marks vs percentile shift-wise for JEE Mains 2025 helps understand how different exam sessions may vary in difficulty and scoring.