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Difference Between Gravitation and Gravity for JEE Main 2024


Gravitation and Gravity: Introduction

The terms gravitation and gravity are used interchangeably in physics. Most people consider these two to be one and the same thing. Even though these two words have similar sounds, gravitation and gravity are not the same thing. The driving force between two bodies is gravity. However, gravity is the force that exists between an object and the enormous object known as the earth. The force of gravity also shows that it is directly inversely proportional to the sum of the masses of the two objects. Additionally, it has an inverse relationship to the square of their separation. Gravity is typically regarded as a characteristic of the earth that naturally attracts objects to it.


JEE Main Difference Between


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Difference Between Gravitation And Gravity

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What is Gravity?

Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Every other object with mass is subject to the gravitational pull of every other object with mass. The mass of the objects under consideration affects this force's direction and intensity. The planets' motion in their orbits around the sun is maintained in part by gravity.

As a result, we can define gravity as a force that pulls objects towards the centre of the earth. Everyone agrees that gravity is a key factor in keeping life on earth alive. The atmosphere is preserved on our planet because of the gravitational pull of the sun and the earth. As a result, it is the cause of the air that we need to breathe to survive. 

All objects are affected by gravity in the same ways. A feather and an iron road will fall with the same speed if you drop them. Air resistance makes gravity appear to move more slowly, which gives the iron rod's descent the appearance of moving more quickly. But if they were dropped into a hoover, they would all fall at once. The size of an object affects its gravitational pull. To be more precise, an object's mass affects the gravitational pull that object experiences.

What is Gravitation?

Gravitation is the force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe. Every object in our universe attracts every other object with a specific amount of force. However, this force is so weak that most of the time we cannot even feel it. Its weak nature is primarily caused by the great separation between the parties.

  • However, gravity is thought to have an infinite range. Sir Isaac Newton, a renowned scientist, made the object's first observation. In the year 1680, he presented his extremely significant Newton's law of gravitation. Actually, the attraction of objects to the earth is what causes this gravitation to exist.

  • Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation states that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with force directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation states that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with force directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Differentiate Between Gravitation and Gravity:

S. No.




It can be an attractive force or repulsive force as well.

It is always a kind of attractive force.


It is referred to as universal force.

It is not referred as universal force.


This gravitational force radiates outward from the masses in the radial direction.

This force travels in a line that connects the body's centre and the centre of the earth. It is constantly moving in the direction of the earth's centre.


This type of force is incredibly weak.

It is a powerful type of force.


A vector physical quantity is this force.

The vector field of gravity is distinct.


Two-mass objects are required.

It only requires one mass.


The force will be zero when the distance between bodies is infinity.

The force of gravity will be zero at the center of the earth.


The weakest category of fundamental force found in nature is gravity. Even so, it keeps the entire solar systems and galaxies in place.Over the entire earth, free fall occurs at the same speed. 9.8 metres per second is calculated as the speed. Only our weight acts as an attraction between us and the Earth.On the surface of the moon, there is 16% less gravitational force than there is on the surface of the earth.In the entire universe, black holes have extremely strong gravitational pulls. The existence of gravity is limitlessThe two most well-known gravitational laws are Newton's law and Kepler's law. The type of medium has no effect on the gravitational force.

FAQs on Difference Between Gravitation and Gravity for JEE Main 2024

1. What is the acceleration due to gravity?

The acceleration an object experiences as a result of gravitational force is known as acceleration due to gravity. M/s2 is its SI unit. It has a direction as well as a magnitude. It is a vector quantity as a result. The unit g stands for gravitational acceleration. At sea level, the standard value of g on earth's surface is 9.8 m/s2.

2. Explain the relationship between Gravity and Weight.

The force with which a body is drawn towards the earth by gravity is referred to as weight. It simply refers to the gravitational force Fg. All objects close to the earth are subject to the force of weight. By multiplying the mass of the body by the gravitational acceleration (g = 9.8 m/s2), one can determine an object's weight.

  • Fg = mg


  • Fg is the force of gravity

  • m is the mass of the object

  • g is the acceleration due to gravity

Many people mistake weight for mass. It is important to remember that mass, or an object's inertia, is a measure of how much a body resists motion. Despite having a close connection, they have different meanings. While weight is a force and has units of N, mass is measured in kilogrammes (kg).

3. Difference between Gravity and Gravitational Potential Energy.

A body is drawn towards the centre of the earth or another mass-containing physical body by the force known as gravity. The weakest category of fundamental forces in nature is the force of gravity. Even so, it maintains the cohesion of the solar system and galaxies. Over the entire surface of the earth, free fall occurs at the same speed. According to calculations, this speed is 9.8 metres per second.

On the other hand, gravitational potential is the effort put forth to bring a unit mass from infinity to any point in a gravitational field. The gravitational potential energy of a particle at any point can be calculated by the work required to move the particle from infinity to that location. The gravitational potential energy of a body determines the direction of motion of a body in the gravitational field of another body. The sum of the potential energy at the point where the body is due and the particle's mass is known as the gravitational potential energy.

4. Why do we feel with less weight on the equator than at the North Pole?

It's because there is more centrifugal force to counteract the effects of gravity at the equator. As a result, the equator has a lower total weight than the poles.

5. How do spaceships create artificial gravity?

By rotating around its axis, a spacecraft could create an artificial gravity field. The rotation's radius should be substantial to accomplish this. A ship could also produce artificial gravity by continuously moving forward.