Season in India - Overview
India is a topical land and is, therefore, has a predominant “topical monsoon” type of climate. The “monsoon” here doesn’t only mean the rainy season but it is a word that is derived from an ancient word of Arab called “mausim” which means a change in the direction of winds according to the change of the season. Thus when a “topical monsoon” type of climate is mentioned, it means that India has all four seasons throughout the year. The seasons that are determined by the Indian meteorological department are summer, monsoon, winter, spring. All four types of seasons are influenced by two types of winds that determine a particular season. One of the two winds blows from the Arabic sea and the second one blows from the Bay of Bengal.
India is one of the very few countries that actually experience a lot of variation in terms of rotation of four seasons throughout the year. There are precisely six seasons that are experienced in India and those are, Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, monsoon and pre-winter. The intensity of the seasons varies with the version of various climatic conditions like the terrain, topography, latitude, longitude, etc. non of the season in India overlaps with one another but transpire at different periods covering all the twelve months of the year. The average duration of each season is two to three months. Therefore, this particular topic deals with the types of seasons in India, the number of seasons in India and answer questions like “what season is it in India”.
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Climatic Conditions of India
Because of the gigantic topography of India, the country witnesses a wide range of climatic conditions throughout the year. The climatic conditions in India have been classified into four major categories, namely, montane, topical dry, topical wet and subtropical humid. The topical climate is mostly found in the Western Ghats, Andaman and Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep island, Southern Assam, and Kerala. In places like Maharastra, Karnataka, Andhrapradesh, Punjab, Harayana, some parts of Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu experience a tropical dry climate. The northeast and the northern parts of the country experience the subtropical humid climate whereas in the extreme north there is montane where the mountains witness heavy snowfall.
Five major seasons prevail throughout the country, namely, winter, spring, summer, monsoon, and autumn. The winter season in India starts in December and continues till the mid-week of February. Although there is a slight variation in the duration in different parts of the country especially in tropical regions. The Spring season starts from the mid of February and continues till the end of April. In the northwestern part of India, the summer season starts in April but in the other parts of the country, it starts in March. The summer season then continues till the end of May and then the monsoon period stretches from June till August. The autumn period is referred to as the post-monsoon period that starts in October and ends in November.
As because the topic of cancer that shapes the latitude runs through the Runn of Kuchh and therefore the country experience both the tropical and subtropical climates. Because of the presence of a widespread Himalayan Range in the north of India, it helps to keep the winters mild in India. If the pressure of the wind is taken into consideration, the change of climate is due to variation in the pressure on the Himalayan range. There it can be concluded that India has various climates that cycle in different months in an entire year. They are mostly influenced by the latitude, longitudes, winds, pressure, etc. thus they all together are responsible for the climate variation witnessed in India.
The main topological factors that influence the climatic condition of a definite region of the country is listed below:-
Location of the region
Presence or absence of water bodies and their type
Features of relief
Direction and pressure of the monsoon winds
How Many Seasons Does India Have?
Six different seasons is prevailing in India that are mentioned below:-
Winter Season (December to February): Winter season in India brings the lowest temperature and freezing climate in the country. It is one of the coldest seasons out of all the six that stay for three months from December till February. In winters the days all over India are smaller and the nighttime is larger. During the course of this season, the rainfall, humidity and temperature are at their lowest.
As the sun falls vertically on the southern hemisphere of the earth, India only receives the oblique ray of the sun during the winter season. The sky remains clear and vibrant throughout the day. Though it is misty and foggy in the North it is comparatively warmer in the southern part of the country. The places in the Himalayan ranges like Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh experiences the coldest temperature. For instance, a place near Kargil named Dras record the lowest temperature of (-600 C) among all other places in the country. All the places in India together account for only 2% of the total rainfall during the winter season. The average temperature during this season is 15 to 250 C throughout the country with minor variations.
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Spring Season (February to March): spring season falls exactly between summer and winter. As February precedes its end, the freezing climates emerge into a pleasant bright spring season. Usually, the spring season in India starts from the end of February and lasts till the end of April with slight variation depending upon the fall in temperature each year. But the spring season varies from country to country. For instance, in the western parts of the globe, the countries have a spring season that starts from March and lingers till May. with the starting of the spring season, the weather starts to get a little warmer and more agreeable. The spring season in India is always moderate with the pleasing soft and gentle breeze.
This is very pleasing weather as the sun shines brightly and gets warmer, the new flowers bloom everywhere, the trees grow new leaves and there is greenery all around with the sound of chirping birds is most satisfying. The dry rivers gain back the water from the melting glacier. Overall this season is fresh and relaxing. The average temperature in the entire country in this season is 20 to 30 degrees celsius.
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Summer Season from March to May: the summer season in India is the hottest season of all the five major seasons that is witnessed. It starts from the month of March and continues till the end of May. during this season, the sun falls perpendicularly on the land and there the mid of the day becomes extremely hot. In the nights and in the early morning the temperature drops making these two periods of the day most pleasing during summer. Due to the intensity of the heat, most of the schools and colleges remain shut. A seasonal wind called “loo” blows throughout the northern and northwestern regions that make it very challenging for health.
The summer season is mostly associated with the scarcity of water. Every major water resource like rivers, ponds, and tanks are all dried up. Many of the wildlife lose their lives because of the non-availability of any water sources. The grass and leaves become dry and the livestock is left with little grazing area in the land. But summer is also loved for its range of fruits that are available in the Indian markets like mango, litchi, oranges, peaches, watermelon, etc that the fruit lovers totally indulge in. the massive hill stations in India comes as a rescue for many as many people from the lowland travels to various hill stations to spend their vacation. The average temperature that prevails in the summer season in India is 30 to 400C though it sometimes spikes to 450C.
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Monsoon Season (June to September): the monsoon season in India usually starts from the beginning of June and extends up to mid of September. The monsoon season in India is also referred to as “South West monsoon”. It gives a sky full of clouds floating freely with cool winds that helps in relieving the extreme heat of summer. The monsoon season arrives after the drenching summer heat from the summer season in India. Though the monsoon season appears as aboon to the farmers as the rainfall helps in irrigation of the farmlands and thus results at the beginning of the crops to grow and mature. Byt there are certain drawbacks of this rainy season. Excessive rain ruins the crops in the field as the land gets over-drenched than required. The roads are filled with mud and water. Heavy rainfall results in flooding. The travelling gets restricted and hence the touring economy drops down heavily.
Some of the areas with low rainfall (less than 50 cm) are Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, western Gujarat and some of the places in northern India. The areas that fall under moderate rainfall (50 to 100 cm) are the peninsular region that is situated between eastern ghat and western ghat, northern Punjab etc. The areas that receive heavy rainfall (100 cm to 200 cm) are northern regions like eastern and northeastern parts of India, Western ghats, Himachal Pradesh etc. the average temperature during the monsoon season in India is 32 to 400C but various throughout the country.
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Autumn Season (End of September to November): the autumn season is also famously known as fall that starts from the end of September and lingers till starting of November in India. It occurs as the rainy season ends and the weather approaches the winter season. This season is preferred by many in the country s it is nither very hot and not too cold. It is mostly as a transformer of the summer to the winter season in India. The trees in this season shed all their leaves and therefore it is often referred to as fall.
This season is not preferred for cultivation as there is a scarcity of rain during this period of time. The autumn season is very supportive towards yeomen, smallholders, countrymen as there is not much climatic change involved in this season. The average temperature during this season throughout India is 30-350C.
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FAQs on Season in India
1. What season is it in India?
Ans: The current season in India is monsoon season which lasts till the mid-end of Septhember.
2. What is the wind direction in summer in India?
Ans: The summer wind direction in India is monsoon in the southwest direction in the Northern hemisphere whereas in the southern hemisphere it is just opposite, blowing from the northwest hemisphere.