What is Human Trafficking?
When a trafficker or offender make illegal action of human trafficking by means of fraud, force or coercion for the purpose of compelling the victim to get involved in slavery, commercial sex acts and other kinds of exploitation against his or her will, the crime of trafficking of humans is the latest crime that is occurring at the international level. This modern crime of trafficking is widely spreading in almost every part of India.
The Action-Means-Purpose (AMP) Model is quite helpful in understanding the definition, meaning and reasons of human trafficking. Traffickers perform some actions in order to do human trafficking such as recruits people, transports humans to different places, provides. The next step is means where they perform their objectives with illegal means such as force, fraud, coercion etc. and the last step of the AMP model is the purpose, so the purpose of human trafficking is labour services, sex acts, commercial profits etc. To attempt human trafficking means it involves human recruitment, their harbouring or transporting into a profession of exploitation through the use of deception, violence or coercion and being forced to work against their will.
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Causes of Human Trafficking
There are many causes that lead to human trafficking. Some of the causes of Human Trafficking are as follows.
Poverty: Poverty is the main reason for human trafficking. Poverty sometimes forces them to become traffickers. The traffickers target poor people. They sell their children. Some people borrow money from their lenders or traffickers in advance to pay for arranging the job, travel and accommodation, and if they are not managed to get their job and repay the debt, then those people are forced into trafficking by the lenders.
Lack of Education: The lack of education is the second leading cause of human trafficking as it decreases the knowledge of human rights and leads to decreased opportunities for work at a living wage. Providing good education to all is the best way of preventing human trafficking.
The demand for Cheap labour: Human trafficking is growing very fast because of the demand for cheap labour. People are working forcefully in those countries, where the fundamental rights of humans are not working efficiently. People already dealing with extreme poverty conditions and lack of knowledge are captured by the traffickers for the supply of cheap labour.
Forced prostitution: There are some societies that accept to abuse of women and children. This mindset creates an opportunity for the traffickers to supply women and children for forced prostitution. Some devalued parents sold their daughters to traffickers and sent them into a world of exploitation. In traditional cultures, some girls are sometimes forced into child marriage, which can also be identified as a form of human trafficking. When the trafficking of a child is done then there is no violence or coercion needs to be involved because simply forcing children into exploitative conditions defines trafficking.
Unemployment: Unemployment is also a cause of Human trafficking. People go to search for jobs by borrowing money but it is found in many cases the traffickers kept the documents of the person and forced them to work until their debt is paid off.
Displacement: The displacement of individuals or entire families due to situations of wars, political instability, and natural disasters is also a cause of human trafficking. When people are forced to leave their homes and country, they may experience financial hardship, loss of adobe, and culture shock. Children who have lost their parents in the war are easy targets for traffickers. These types of children become vulnerable to abuse, unfair treatment, and trafficking.
Facts About Human Trafficking
There are some facts about human trafficking as follows. These data are collected as per reports by United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime & other Institutions.
Among all of the victims of human trafficking, it is identified that there are 51% of victims of trafficking are women, 28% children and 21% men.
Almost 72% of people involved in the exploitation in the sex industry are women.
Among the identified traffickers, 63% are men, and 37% are women.
There are 43% of victims trafficked internally within national borders.
The International Labour Organization estimated that there are around 40.3 million victims of human trafficking at the international level.
The International Labour Organization identified that forced labour and human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide.
India has the largest number of victims of human trafficking. It is very unfortunate that it takes just 48 hours to lure a street child into prostitution in India.
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Main objectives of Human Trafficking
There are many objectives of human traffickers. They do this illegal act to fulfil their objectives. Some of the main purposes of human trafficking are given below.
Men are becoming victims of human trafficking for the purposes of forced labour, forced begging and activities of sexual exploitation.
The best-known objective of human trafficking is for serving the purpose of sexual exploitation. Millions of victims from all over the world are trafficked for the purposes of forced labour, domestic servitude, child begging,
Human trafficking is also performed to supply human organs. Hence the removal of their organs is also an objective of human traffickers.
Girl children and women are forcefully entering the field of prostitution due to human trafficking.
Prevention of Human Trafficking
The prevention of human trafficking is a very important task nowadays as it is growing very rapidly. there are some ways that are helpful in preventing human trafficking. The most effective way is to provide education to all. Education will be the best weapon to fight against human trafficking. Lack of quality education is the root cause of human trafficking. The government of all nations should try to give employment to the maximum of its citizens. Strict laws should be made in order to prevent human trafficking. In the last few years, many international and national efforts were made in preventing the trafficking of humans. The United Nations (UN) declared a Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish people who are involved in the activity of human trafficking in 2000 that developed an approach that was centred on the victim to trafficking. It was accepted by many countries.
Do You Know?
In India, the top three states where the highest number of Human trafficking incidents based on a number of cases reported are West Bengal, Rajasthan and Gujarat, while the top three states where the highest number of Human trafficking incidents are based on crime rates are West Bengal, Daman and Diu and Goa.
Human rights are essential to living peacefully and with dignity. The act of human trafficking violates the law of human rights. It is a curse for a country where citizens are not safe. It is a shameful crime for any country. Hence every nation should take this matter very seriously and should punish the criminals who perform this crucial act. The above article concludes that human trafficking is a major global problem. The main reason behind its growth and spread is poverty. If the international community want to prevent human trafficking then all international institution and different governments need to work collectively with affected countries globally.
FAQs on Human Trafficking
1) What is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking can be defined as modern-day slavery. It is the movement of the person for exploitation such as slavery and prostitution etc. There is no need to cross an international border in human trafficking. Human trafficking can occur at the national level within the border of the nation or even within one community. This illegal act is performed by the human traffickers by means of threat, force or violence etc. All sorts of people are trafficked under human traffickings, such as women, men, children and old people etc. They are treated as property, and their human rights are stripped off. Although it is an illegal act, it is widespread.
2) What is the meaning and reasons for human trafficking?
The meaning of human trafficking is to use humans against their will in illegal activity. Human trafficking is a major issue in underdeveloped or developing countries because of the extreme poverty conditions, lack of education, lack of economical opportunity and unemployment. The reason behind human trafficking is high profit for the traffickers, and they remain at low risk of crime. They gain profit through exploitation, transportation and recruitment of cheap labour etc.
3) Who are the most vulnerable to human trafficking?
The traffickers can perform this operation on any sort of people, but few people are easy targets for them. The most vulnerable populations that are easily available for the trafficking are people with any physical or mental disability, migrants who do not have their documents, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning individuals, runaway and homeless youth, temporary guest-workers and people of low-income. We should always come forward to help and take a stand for these sorts of people otherwise, they will get into the evil hand of human traffickers.