An introduction to the International Youth Day
]The International Youth Day is celebrated on 12th August every year since 1999. It was amended by the United Nations to commemorate the contribution of the youths in the development of all aspects of modern civilization.
Youths are the strong pillars of civilization that lead to the strengthening of all the tangible and intangible infrastructure of a country. They grow up to become the most valuable and highly responsible part of society to impart education, counter-extremism and maintain peace. This day every young member of society pledges to be a crucial part of development and progress. Let us take a quick look at how this day was chosen to celebrate with quotes and messages.
International Youth Day: The initiative of the United Nations
It was on 17th December 1999, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed in the resolution 54/120 the recommendation of making 12th August as the International Youth Day to be celebrated across the world. This recommendation was presented by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth during the Lisbon Session (8 to 12 August 1998). This assembly also recommended spreading public information in support of the designated day for better awareness of the World Program of Action for Youth too.
This UNESCO youth program also focuses on emphasizing the development of youth, the prime asset of the world’s population, and finding the critical problems the contemporary youth faces in the world. In fact, they also plan to engage youths for social welfare and development.
Every year, a theme is set to commemorate this day and to include the young members of society to participate and make a significant change. The young ones are included in every aspect of these worldwide programs as partners to spread awareness regarding the benefit and welfare of the earth, the ecosystem, the environment, and its people. A campaign is designed and followed to engage the youths in the entire world to make such changes possible and to overcome the challenging times together. The growing consciousness of problems faced by the world today is because of the constant effort shown by this international forum. The youth engagement part shows immense progress in building values in the respective community and growing a positive spirit among all.
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Why do we celebrate International Youth Day?
An International Youth Day message is set every year to celebrate a positive aspect and to increase the concern for the legal and cultural issues youths face these days. This is a unique idea to raise the issues at an international level to find out the perfect solutions and to make the world better for all including the young ones.
This day is celebrated to highlight the indomitable spirit of the young members of society and to make the population understand their importance. It is the youth that will hold the commendable positions in the future spreading the right Youth Day message in the world to increase positivity and to make the world a better place. This day signifies that the strongest driving force that makes our future better lies hidden within the youths. They have the power to change everything and to make almost everything better from all aspects.
To observe this day, schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions conduct programs such as workshops, concerts, cultural events, competitions, seminars, and meetings to spread awareness and to make the youths believe in themselves. All these programs focus on igniting self-confidence and spirit in the young ones. They are taught how to raise their voice against evil and how to become the voice of the silent and downtrodden.
On this day, youths are encouraged to perform and show their skills at all levels and domains. In fact, all kinds of knowledge and skills are welcomed in these events to encourage them to proceed and pursue professions of their choice.
Quotes, slogans, and messages for World Youth Day
Every year, a slogan is set based on the theme chosen for the International Youth Day held across the world. The representation of the theme is followed in the celebrations conducted by the educational institutions and other forums.
The year 2020 is a tragic time for the entire world as the COVID-19 wrecked the entire economic system of all the affected countries. This year, the theme was set to be ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’. The prime aim of this theme was to focus on the level of engagement that young people did at the global, national, and local levels. The inspirational stories from different corners of the world gave the best International Youth Day message to the entire world to boost confidence and to keep patience.
During the harsh times of the pandemic, these messages became the strongest support to all the young ones out there. The thematic presentation of this day also focused on drawing lessons, gathering inspirational ideas, and stories to publish, and spreading awareness. It was done to focus the spotlight on the physical and mental health of youth. It was done to discover how the young people are coping with the unprecedented events of the pandemic and surviving during these upstream times.
The theme of World Youth Day of 2021 was set to be ‘Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health’. This year, the UN focused on encouraging the youth to participate to find innovative paths to escalate the food quality and quantity of the world. The forum sought ideas from the young people and encouraged them to share their thoughts on making a significant change to meet the crises. The International Youth Day slogan used for this day was ‘Change Our World’.
Quotes and messages for the International Youth Day
Different quotes and messages are used on this day on every social platform to encourage young people to participate and bring a huge change in society. A few World Youth Day quotes are mentioned and explained below.
"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action." - APJ Abdul Kalam
Our late president and the Missile Man, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam encouraged the youth of India and the rest of the world to dream and think. It is the dream that will transform their thoughts and the outcome will be the change we need in the world.
My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers!" - Swami Vivekananda
One of the strongest quotes for International Youth Day is delivered by none other than Swami Vivekananda. He is considered to be a brilliant idol for young people back then and even today due to his indomitable spirit and knowledge. He was a strong believer that young people can bring the desired change we want in our civilization. It is the youth that can stand strong against evil and bring the desired change.
"You are only young once, and if you work it right, once is enough." - Joe Lewis
Joe Lewis once said that your one act when you are young can make a huge difference in the world. You will get the only chance to be young and you can use it right.
"The duty of the youth is to change corruption." – Aristotle
Aristotle strongly believed that the changes can be brought only by the young indomitable ones in society. He believed that the power and strength in young people are way stronger than anything in the world.
"A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century." - Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda believed that sincere and heart-willed men and women can bring a positive change in society that a mob cannot do in 100 years.
Imagine the power of the quotes given by the idols of youth! These strong quotes are the ideal words that can be used as a Youth Day message to encourage young minds and to make them feel confident. Remember when International Youth Day is celebrated and contribute by doing your part.
FAQs on International Youth Day: Quotes, Slogans, Themes, and Messages
1) Why is World Youth Day celebrated across the world?
Youths are the driving force of the world. Their indomitable spirit and the capability to see the future are the perfect ingredients for constructing a strong platform to develop a civilization better. The contribution of the youth in making society better from all aspects cannot be ignored. To increase their participation in this constant development process, the UN decided to commemorate the 12th of August every year as the International Youth Day.
2) Why is a theme set every year to celebrate this day?
A theme is set to focus on the contemporary issues the world and the young people are facing. This step enables the different institutions and forums to conduct programs and events related to the theme set by the UN. It helps in drawing more attention to the current problems and to design solutions using the input of the young minds.