Gandhi Questions For Students
The name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi does not need any introduction. Popularly known as Gandhiji or Bapu, he was a lawyer, politician, writer, and freedom fighter. Mahatma Gandhi emerged as the leader of the nationalist movement and the freedom movement against British rule in India. So, let us find out who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi and his contribution towards India’s freedom.
Because of his contribution to the Indian independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi was given the title of the ‘Father of the Nation’. His firm beliefs and principles of non-violence were later followed by many other leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
India celebrated the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2019. All of us still have many questions about Mahatma Gandhi. So, we should know some important facts about the life of Mahatma Gandhi, who was one of the most important figures in Indian history. This Mahatma Gandhi quiz will help in increasing the general knowledge of and answering a lot of Gandhi questions for students.
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Let’s Start by First Answering the Most Important Question
At Which Place Was Gandhiji Born?
The answer to this question is that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who became known as Mahatma Gandhi or Gandhiji later in life, was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, India, on 2 October 1869. The name of his father was Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi, while his mother's name was Putlibai Gandhi. Now that you know this answer, the next thing you would want to know is how Mohandas became Mahatma Gandhi. Once you go through this Gandhi quiz questions and answers, you will get extensive knowledge about the life and work of Gandhiji.
Most Students Often Wonder At What Age Did Gandhiji Got Married?
Mohandas Gandhi was only 13-year-old when he got married in May 1883 to Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia, who was 14 years old. Later in her life, she was popularly known as Kasturba and was affectionately referred to as Ba. Their alliance was an arranged marriage. Kasturba Gandhi died in detention at Aga Khan Palace at the age of 72. They were married for a period of 62 years.
In the list of Questions About Gandhiji, Another Important Question that would cross the minds of Students is, How Old was Gandhi when he went to London?
Let’s answer this question for you here. Gandhi left from Bombay to London at the young age of 19. The money for his journey and his expenses in England was raised through a loan given by a friend.
He attended University College in London. This college is a constituent college of the University of London. Mahatma Gandhi passed the London Matric in June 1890. But it was on June 10, 1891, that Mahatma Gandhi was called to the Bar, making him a full-fledged barrister.
The entire nation followed the ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi, but a lot of us wonder who the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi was? This question is very important since the role of a teacher is very important in a person’s life, and so was it in the case of Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi used to consider Gopal Krishna Gokhale as his political mentor. He used to communicate with Gokhale through letters from South Africa. Gokhale had persuaded Gandhiji to come back to India. He advised Gandhiji to spend some time in understanding India and to work towards achieving Indian independence as a struggle movement.
After reading the Mahatma Gandhi GK question answer list, you will know in detail about the life of Gandhiji.
What is the Turning Point that Changed the Direction ff Mahatma Gandhi’s Life?
A lot of people ask what the turning point that changed the direction of Mahatma Gandhi’s life was. It happened in April 1893, when Gandhi was 23 years of age and had set sail for South Africa to act as the lawyer for Abdullah's cousin. He was thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg when he refused to leave the first-class.
Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) on 22 May 1894. He dedicated several years to improving the rights of the Indians living in South Africa. In 1906, Mahatma Gandhi wrote to his elder brother Laxmidas declaring his disinterestedness in worldly possession. This is was witnessed later in his life when he took the monumental decision of cloth donation in Varanasi.
He came back to India in 1915 permanently and thereafter joined the Indian National Congress under the mentorship of Gopal Krishna Gokhale. In 1921, Mahatma Gandhi shaved his head, discarded his clothes, and started wearing only a loincloth and a shawl.
The next important question everyone must know the answer to in a Mahatma Gandhi quiz is when Gandhiji was arrested for the first time by the British Government for sedition? Let’s give you the answer. Mahatma Gandhi was arrested on 10 March 1922 at Sabarmati and was sentenced to six-year jail for sedition. He served only two years of that jail term.
We’ll tell you a little more about his jail sentences. But his first jail experience in life was in 1908 in South Africa. Gandhi was jailed a total number of 11 times during his lifetime. When Mahatma Gandhi came out of the prison gates for the last time, he was 75 years old. He served his last jail sentence in Pune.
Do You Know When The Famous Dandi March Was Launched By Gandhiji?
Dandi March played a very important role in India’s struggle for independence. This historic event is also known as the Salt March, the Dandi Satyagraha, or the Salt Satyagraha. It was started on 12 Mar 1930 and it was concluded on 6 Apr 1930. Dandi March was considered an act of non-violence and civil disobedience against the British.
Gandhiji also played an important role in the famous 'Gandhi-Irwin Pact'. It was a political agreement between Lord Irwin and Mahatma Gandhi and was signed on 5 March 1931. This pact was signed before the second Round Table Conference in London.
Do You Know The History Behind The Famous Slogan ‘Do Or Die’?
This slogan was given to the world by Mahatma Gandhi during the Quit India movement of 1942. Another important principle given to the world by Mahatma Gandhi was Satyagrah. What was Satyagraha? Satyagraha' was the most important weapon of Gandhi during the freedom struggle. It was his silent weapon for conflict resolution. Gandhi practiced satyagraha in his non-violent fights against injustice, exploitation, and British dictatorship.
Many books have been written about the life of Mahatma Gandhi and his contribution to the Indian struggle for independence. Let’s read about the various literary works of Mahatma Gandhi.
A question frequently asked in the Mahatma Gandhi quiz is on the most famous book written on Mahatma Gandhi, and the answer is The Story of My Experiments with Truth. This book is an autobiography of Gandhi and covers his life from early childhood all the way to 1921. The autobiography was published in his journal Navjivan between 1925 to 1929.
This book was originally written in Gujarati but was later translated into English by Mahadev Desai who was an activist in the Indian freedom movement. He was also the personal secretary of Mahatma Gandhi. He passed away on 15 August 1942. Gandhi was an avid writer himself. There are fifty thousand pages in the ‘Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi’.
We will tell you about the family of Mahatma Gandhi through the Gandhi questions for students. Gandhi had four sons. The name of the eldest son was Harilal and the youngest son was called Devdas. Mahatma Gandhi also had a sister called Raliatbehn. Gandhi’s son, Harilal, converted his religion to Islam in May 1936 during a large congregation at a mosque in Mumbai.
Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 by Nathuram Godse. An interesting fact about the death of Gandhi is that Lord Mountbatten had suggested that the body of Mahatma Gandhi should be preserved like that of Lenin in Moscow. We have a few more Gandhi questions for students.
FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi
1. Who killed Mahatma Gandhi and when?
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Vinayak Godse on 30 January 1948. Godse was from Pune, Maharashtra, and he was an advocate of Hindu nationalism. His body was carried on a converted army weapon carrier, which was pulled with ropes by 200 men of the army, navy, and air force. About 15 lakh people marched as part of Mahatma Gandhi’s funeral procession. 30th January is celebrated as the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, and this day is also observed as Martyrs’ Day and Anti-Leprosy Day in the country. 92 countries of the world celebrate the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi.
2. Who is the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi
Gopal Krishna Gokhale is considered the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi. They were in touch through letters when Gandhi was in South Africa.
3. Was Mahatma Gandhi given the Nobel Prize?
It is quite surprising, but Gandhiji has never won the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated for the same several times. Gandhiji was nominated in the following years: 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947, and, finally, in January 1948, just a few days before his assassination. He was declared the Time Magazine Man of the Year in 1930.