What is Ammonium Chloride?
Ammonium chloride can be described as an inorganic compound. It has a chemical formula of NH4Cl. NH4Cl is also known as the nausadar formula of ammonium chloride. Ammonium chloride is present as a white crystalline salt. It is highly soluble in water. It should be noted that all solutions of ammonium chloride are always mildly acidic.
Ammonium chloride is also present in a natural and mineralogical form known as Sal ammoniac. This mineral is primarily formed on burning coal dumps because of the condensation of coal-derived gases. Sal ammoniac is also found in different types of volcanic vents. Ammonium chloride is also produced from a reaction between ammonia and hydrochloric acid. It is also used in other sectors like glue, cooling baths, acidifiers, and medicines. There are other uses of ammonium chloride but its use should be limited because of several environmental hazards that are posed by this compound.
Uses of Ammonium Chloride Formula
Ammonium chloride can be used as a flux while preparing metals to be galvanized, soldered, and tin coated. Ammonium chloride can act as a flux by cleaning the surface of workpieces. This reaction with the metal oxides at the surface forms metal chloride, which is volatile. Because of this purpose, ammonium chloride is sold in blocks at the hardware stores. This makes it easier to use in cleaning the tip of soldering irons. It can also be used in solder as flux
Ammonium chloride can also be used as an expectorant in cough medicines. There is an expectorant action that is caused by the irritative action on the bronchial mucosa. This further results in the production of extra respiratory tract fluid, which helps in easing up the cough. Salts of ammonium are also used as an irritant to the gastric mucosa. It could cause vomiting and nausea
The formula for ammonia nitrate is NH₃NO₃ NH₃ + No₃ = NH₃NO₃. The boiling point is 56
Ammonium chloride was also used in aqueous solutions. It acts as an electrolyte in Leclanche cells, which have a commercial use in the form of a ‘local battery’ that are installation in subscribers’ telephones
What is the Chemical Formula of Ammonium Chloride?
In the ammonium chloride structure formula, there is a nitrogen ion, chloride ion, and four hydrogen atoms. The entire structure of the chemical formula of ammonium chloride is also shown in the image attached below.
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This is the molecular formula of ammonium chloride. Students can also guess the molecular weight of ammonium chloride through this ammonium salt formula.
FAQs on Ammonium Chloride Formula
Question 1. How is Ammonium Chloride Produced?
Answer: Ammonium chloride can be produced by using the Solvay process, which is primarily used for producing sodium carbonate. The chemical equation for this process is given below.
CO2 + 2 NH3 + 2 NaCl + H2O → 2 NH4Cl + Na2CO3
This is the main method through which ammonium chloride is made. This process minimizes the release in the case of some industrial operations.
Commercially, ammonium chloride can be prepared by combining hydrogen chloride, which is in its gaseous form, with ammonia (NH3). In this process, one can also use hydrochloric acid, which is present in the form of a water solution, instead of hydrogen chloride. The chemical equation for this process is given below.
NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl
Question 2. Mention Some Reactions of Ammonium Chloride.
Answer: There are several reactions that can be carried out by using ammonium chloride. Some of those reactions are given below.
Ammonium chloride can appear to be sublime upon heating. However, it actually decomposes into hydrogen chloride gas and ammonia. The chemical reaction for this is NH4Cl → NH3 + HCl
Ammonium chloride is also known to react with strong bases, including sodium hydroxide. During this process, ammonia gas is released. And this process can be explained by the following chemical reaction
NH4Cl + NaOH → NH3 + NaCl + H2O
Question 3. What are Some Applications of Ammonium Chloride?
Answer: There are several applications of ammonium chloride. And some of those applications are:
Ammonium chloride can be used as a flux while preparing metals to be galvanized, soldered, and tin coated. Ammonium chloride can act as a flux by cleaning the surface of workpieces
Ammonium chloride can also be used as an expectorant in cough medicines
Ammonium chloride was also used in aqueous solutions. It acts as an electrolyte in Leclanche cells