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List of Vegetables Name for Kids

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A Fun Way to Learn Vegetable Name in English

Table of Content
1. A Fun Way to Learn Vegetable Name in English
2. A Fun Way to Learn Vegetable Names for Kids
3. Fun Facts!
4. Why are Vegetables Important?
5. List of Vegetable Names
6. Types of Vegetables
7. Tips for Parents
8. Solve the Worksheet!
9. Test your Understanding of Different Vegetables
    9.1Check your Answers:
10. Takeaways from this Page

A Fun Way to Learn Vegetable Names for Kids

The article presents a fun way to help kids learn the vegetable names. Learning vegetable names along with their features like colour can help kids perform well in school through widening their vocabulary. The knowledge of vegetable names through games and fun activities can help create curiosity about a healthy lifestyle, which can also help parents and guardians reinforce a healthy eating habit.

Fun Facts!

Carrots were originally purple: The orange carrot we know today was developed by Dutch farmers in the 17th century. Before that, carrots were purple, white, yellow, and even red.

Potatoes were the first vegetable grown in space: In 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, created the technology to grow potatoes in space.

Spinach was a favourite of Popeye the Sailor Man: This cartoon character popularized spinach as a superfood, and while it doesn’t provide instant muscle growth, it is incredibly nutritious.

Garlic can help repel mosquitoes: The sulphur compounds in garlic are thought to act as a natural repellent.

Why are Vegetables Important?

  • Vegetables come in a variety of flavours, colours, shapes, and textures.

  • They are a rich source of vitamins and nutrients.

  • Including vegetables in meals is beneficial for maintaining health and supporting metabolism and development in both kids and adults.

  • However, encouraging kids to eat their vegetables can be challenging, as they often prefer sweeter tastes and may find vegetables bland.

  • Making vegetables appealing and enjoyable can be achieved through fun games and activities that help kids develop a taste for them.

  • Interestingly, not all foods commonly called vegetables are true vegetables. Some, like peas, are legumes; others, such as tomatoes and pumpkins, are technically fruits; and herbs and spices like coriander and parsley are also classified as vegetables in culinary contexts.

  • A list of vegetables with pictures can help kids better identify them.

List of Vegetable Names

Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet; they grow on plants. From a very early stage in the development of human civilisation, we have learnt the methods to cultivate different vegetables. Vegetables provide vitamins, fibres, minerals and carbohydrates, thus helping in the body’s metabolism. Mentioned below is a list of vegetable names.

Vegetable Names List

Ash gourd




Bitter gourd

Elephant yam


Spring onion





Cluster beans

Green peas


Apple gourd




Ridge gourd



Chow chow


Lady’s finger

Snake gourd

Ivy gourd/Scarlet gourd



Lab lab

Green papaya



Bottle gourd

Snake beans/Yard long beans


White pumpkin


Field beans/Broad beans


Different Types of Vegetables

Different Types of Vegetables


Potato is a tuber, it is brown in colour. The scientific name of the vegetable is Solanum Tuberosum. Potatoes are found beneath the soil. They are a rich source of carbohydrates. It is a staple vegetable in India.


A radish is classified as a member of the Brassicaceae family. It's an edible root vegetable that can be cultivated in all parts of the world. It's usually used to make salads, and it comes in a wide range of sizes, colours, and flavours. Radish has a high content of a variety of vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial to our bodies.


Onion is the bulb modification of the plant, they are classified as Allium vegetables. Onions are also widely cultivated throughout the world. They are known to have high water content.

Lady’s Finger

Abelmoschus esculentus is the scientific name for lady’s finger, often known as okra. This green vegetable is made up of edible seed pods. Okra is available in two colours: red and green. Both types have the same flavour, and when cooked, the red one turns green. Although okra is biologically categorised as a fruit, it is commonly used in cooking as a vegetable. They are rich in nutrients and contain vitamins C, A, K and B. It also contains minerals like magnesium.

Types of Vegetables

As we have learnt about different vegetable names let us look into the types of vegetables. Vegetables are classified into different types based on their appearances. The types are summarised below.

  • Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, cabbage, coriander, basil are some of the examples of leafy vegetables. Leafy vegetables are a rich source of minerals.

  • Marrow: Cucumber, pumpkin, and zucchini are some of the examples of marrow. These vegetables have high water content.

  • Root Vegetables: These include vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, radish, and carrots. These vegetables are the root part of the plant.

  • Allium: These include vegetables like onion, garlic, scallion, shallot, leek, and chives.

  • Peas and Beans: The examples include vegetables like chickpeas, lentils and green beans. These vegetables are a rich source of fibre.

Tips for Parents

  • To conclude the article, it is to state that vegetables are very crucial for the growth of kids.

  • Parents can motivate their kids to learn the names of vegetables by playing games like matching the correct name with the picture of vegetables.

  • Parents can take kids grocery shopping, which allows them to visualise different fruits and vegetables, through which they can learn the names.

We hope the article will help kids to learn the names of vegetables and develop their curiosity about fruits and vegetables.

Solve the Worksheet!

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

  1. Carrots were originally _______ (color) before they were developed to be orange.

  2. _______ (vegetable) contains more protein per calorie than steak.

  3. Technically, _______ (vegetable) are fruits because they develop from the ovary of a flower.

  4. _______ (vegetable) was the first vegetable grown in space in 1995.

  5. Cucumbers are _______ (percentage) water, making them a hydrating snack.

  6. Bell peppers come in different colors, such as green, yellow, orange, and _______ (color), with varying tastes.

  7. _______ (vegetable) can grow up to 10 inches in a single day.

  8. _______ (vegetable) was a favorite of Popeye the Sailor Man.

  9. The sulfur compounds in _______ (vegetable) are thought to help repel mosquitoes.

  10. Eggplants were once called “_______ _______” due to a belief that eating them could cause insanity.

Part 2: True or False

  1. Carrots were originally orange. (True/False)

  2. Broccoli contains less protein than steak. (True/False)

  3. Tomatoes are botanically considered vegetables. (True/False)

  4. Potatoes were the first vegetable grown in space. (True/False)

  5. Cucumbers are 50% water. (True/False)

  6. Red bell peppers are the least ripe and have a bitter taste. (True/False)

  7. Asparagus can grow rapidly, sometimes up to 10 inches a day. (True/False)

  8. Popeye the Sailor Man popularized spinach as a superfood. (True/False)

  9. Eating garlic can help repel mosquitoes. (True/False)

  10. Eggplants were historically known as “mad apples.” (True/False)

Part 4: Short Answer

  1. Why are tomatoes technically considered fruits?

  2. How did Popeye the Sailor Man influence the perception of spinach?

  3. What makes cucumbers a good hydrating snack?

  4. Why were eggplants historically referred to as “mad apples”?

Test your Understanding of Different Vegetables

Task: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Vegetable Names

Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the correct vegetable names from the list provided.

Vegetable List:

  • Carrot

  • Spinach

  • Broccoli

  • Tomato

  • Potato

  • Lettuce

  • Eggplant

  • Cucumber

  • Zucchini

  • Bell Pepper


  1. The ________ is rich in Vitamin A and is known for improving vision.

  2. ________ is a leafy green vegetable high in iron and antioxidants.

  3. ________ contains vitamins C and K, supporting bone health and boosting the immune system.

  4. The ________ is a red fruit often used in salads and cooking, rich in lycopene.

  5. ________ is a starchy tuber that is a staple in many diets around the world.

  6. ________ is a leafy vegetable commonly used in salads for its crunchy texture.

  7. The ________ is a purple vegetable that contains anthocyanins with antioxidant properties.

  8. ________ is a refreshing vegetable high in water content, often added to salads and sandwiches.

  9. ________ is similar to a cucumber but softer, and it helps with weight management and digestion.

  10. ________ comes in various colours and is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Check your Answers:

  1. The Carrot is rich in Vitamin A and is known for improving vision.

  2. Spinach is a leafy green vegetable high in iron and antioxidants.

  3. Broccoli contains vitamins C and K, supporting bone health and boosting the immune system.

  4. The Tomato is a red fruit often used in salads and cooking, rich in lycopene.

  5. Potato is a starchy tuber that is a staple in many diets around the world.

  6. Lettuce is a leafy vegetable commonly used in salads for its crunchy texture.

  7. The Eggplant is a purple vegetable that contains anthocyanins with antioxidant properties.

  8. Cucumber is a refreshing vegetable high in water content, often added to salads and sandwiches.

  9. Zucchini is similar to a cucumber but softer, and it helps with weight management and digestion.

  10. Bell Pepper comes in various colours and is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Takeaways from this Page

  • Nutritional Benefits: Understanding various vegetable names helps in recognising their nutritional benefits, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Diet Diversity: Knowledge of different vegetable names encourages incorporating a diverse range of vegetables in the diet, promoting better health.

  • Cooking Variety: Familiarity with vegetable names expands cooking options, enabling the preparation of various recipes and cuisines.

  • Seasonal Awareness: Identifying vegetable names helps in knowing which vegetables are seasonal, aiding in purchasing fresh and locally available produce.

  • Gardening: Learning about different vegetable names can inspire home gardening, providing fresh produce and promoting self-sustainability.

  • Cultural Awareness: Understanding the names of vegetables across different cultures enhances culinary experiences and cultural knowledge.

  • Language Skills: Knowing vegetable names in English improves vocabulary and language skills, especially for non-native speakers.

  • Educational Use: Recognising various vegetable names is useful in educational settings, such as teaching children about healthy eating and plant biology.

  • Shopping Efficiency: Familiarity with vegetable names makes grocery shopping more efficient, helping to quickly identify and choose the desired vegetables.

  • Health Consciousness: Awareness of the benefits associated with different vegetable names promotes a health-conscious lifestyle, leading to better food choices.

FAQs on List of Vegetables Name for Kids

1. Is tomato classified as a fruit or a vegetable?

Tomatoes are classified as fruits in botanical aspects. They are classified as fruits since they grow from a blossom and contain seeds. Nonetheless, they're frequently used in cooking as a vegetable. Tomatoes are high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, making them a nutrient-dense diet. Lycopene, potassium, and vitamins A and C are among them.

2. Give two examples of leafy vegetables.

Spinach and cabbage are two examples of leafy vegetables. Spinach is a blooming plant and a green, leafy vegetable. It's a high-fiber vegetable that can be eaten raw or after a period of storage using preservation techniques. With its vitamins and nutrients, this helps to nourish the body. Cabbage comes in a variety of colours and has thick leaves. It is closely related to broccoli and cauliflower and contains cancer-preventive qualities.

3. What are some common vegetables names?

Common vegetables names include carrot, spinach, broccoli, and tomato.

4. What are the vegetables names in English?

The vegetables names in English include potato, lettuce, cabbage, and cucumber.

5. Can you provide a list of a to z vegetables names in English?

Here is a list of a to z vegetables names in English:

  • A: Asparagus

  • B: BroccoliSure

  • C: Carrot

  • D: Daikon

  • E: Eggplant

  • F: Fennel

  • G: Garlic

  • H: Horseradish

  • I: Iceberg Lettuce

  • J: Jalapeno

  • K: Kale

  • L: Leek

  • M: Mushroom

  • N: Napa Cabbage

  • O: Okra

  • P: Pea

  • Q: Quinoa (vegetable-like)

  • R: Radish

  • S: Spinach

  • T: Turnip

  • U: Ulluco

  • V: Vetch

  • W: Watercress

  • X: Xigua (Chinese watermelon)

  • Y: Yam

  • Z: Zucchini

6. What are some green vegetables names?

Some green vegetables names are spinach, broccoli, kale, and lettuce.

7. What are 20 summer vegetables names?

Here are 20 summer vegetables names:

  • Tomato

  • Cucumber

  • Bell Pepper

  • Eggplant

  • Zucchini

  • Corn

  • Summer Squash

  • Okra

  • Green Beans

  • Spinach

  • Radish

  • Lettuce

  • Arugula

  • Swiss Chard

  • Fennel

  • Mustard Greens

  • Beet Greens

  • Chives

  • Purslane

  • Watercress

8. How can I learn vegetables names in English?

To learn vegetables names in English, you can use flashcards, online resources, and educational videos by Vedantu.

9. Are there specific vegetables names for different seasons?

Yes, vegetables names can vary by season. For example, summer vegetables names include tomato and zucchini, while winter vegetables names include kale and cabbage.

10. Why is it important to know the green vegetables names?

Knowing green vegetable names is important for making healthy dietary choices and ensuring a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.

11. Where can I find a comprehensive list of a to z vegetables names in English?

A comprehensive list of a to z vegetables names in English can be found on Vedantu