An Essay on Nelson Mandela is Available at Vedantu
The best analogy that can be given for Nelson Mandela to the Indian students is, Nelson Mandela was to Africa what Mahatma Gandhi was to India. Because Nelson Mandela did the same thing for Africa, As Mahatma Gandhi did for India. Nelson Mandela made the same sacrifices for Africa, as Mahatma Gandhi Made for India. Nelson Mandela believed in the same ideals and virtues as that of Mahatma Gandhi, which is to say Non-violence and truth, and for all his life he walked on the same path.
An Introduction
There was a time when facilities were divided among people on the basis of their skin colour. From the seat reservations in public transport to any other public facilities, everywhere, whites used to get better facilities whereas dark-skinned people, the blacks, got the worst services. White supremacy existed in every country under British colonialism. In some countries, racial discrimination was found on a larger scale whereas in others on a smaller scale. However, in South Africa, it became worse.
Three-fourths of the total population were black people there. The country's economy used to run on the strength of their hard work, but all the good facilities were available to the whites. Although racial discrimination was there in South Africa for a long time, the National Party government made a rule in 1948 that blacks and whites would live in different places and the public facilities were divided according to their skin colours. Since good always triumphs over evil, the struggles of Nelson Mandela put an end to the rules of racial discrimination, after which everyone started getting equal facilities. It was not so easy. Nelson Mandela had to spend 28 years of his life in prison. Mandela was a man who followed Gandhi's path. He did this without taking up arms, without any bloodshed.
A Brief Background of Africa During the Time of Nelson Mandela.
Africa is not in any sense a stranger from the racial discrimination, exploitation, and horrors of British colonialism. Though many countries of Asia, such as India have faced all these problems, it, unfortunately, took a rather devastating form in Africa. The humans were divided by their skin colour, the fair one gets the reservations in all the public facilities and were considered high-class people, while the black was always looked down upon. Only because of their skin colour were they not the same as their fair counterparts. And these were the times in which Nelson Mandela was born.
A history of Nelson Mandela
It was the 18th of July 1918 when Rohlihala (Nelson) Mandela was born in the small village located on the banks of Mbashe River in South Africa, to mother Nosakeni and father Gadla henry. The name Rohilihala literally means ``Mischievous”, but his school teacher Miss Mdingane gave him the English name “Nelson'' because it was the custom during those times in Africa to give English names, and hence Rohilihala became “Nelson Mandela''. Nelson Mandela attended the Clark Barry Missionary school for his early schooling.
When Nelson Mandela was just 12 years old, an unfortunate thing happened in the form of the death of his father Gadla Henry. But Nelson Mandela’s family took so much care of him and never let the absence of the father affect the 12-year-old boy. Nelson Mandela was the only member of his family to attend the school, and hence his whole family supported him in all the aspects of his school.
He graduated from the Methodist Healdtown college, which was a college built especially for black people. This was the time when he had started his fight against injustice and inequality of racial discrimination. And here in this college, he met a man by the name of Olive Tambo, a relation with whom transformed into a lifelong friendship. Nelson Mandela always had full-fledged support of Oliver Tambo in his struggle against Apartheid, meaning apartness.
Apartheid was the policy in South Africa that governed the relations between the Whites, who were the minority, and the Black, who were the majority, in the latter half of the last century, that is to say, the 20th century. In the name of governance, all the Apartheid did was racial segregation and economic discrimination against the blacks. Nelson Mandela fought bravely against the Apartheid during his lifetime.
Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo, South Africa. His mother's name was Nosakeni and his father's name was Gadla Henry. Earlier, Nelson Mandela was named Rohlihala by his parents, which means mischievous, but his school teacher changed his name to Nelson. Nelson Mandela did his early studies at Clark Barry Missionary School. Nelson Mandela was just 12 years old when his father died, but his family never let the absence of his father affect his life. His family continued to help him in every way for higher studies since Nelson was the only member of the whole family who went to school.
He graduated from Healdtown College. Healdtown was a college specially built for black people. In this college, Nelson Mandela met a friend and remained friends with him throughout his life and always supported him in his struggle against Apartheid. Right from the days of college, he started the fight against racial discrimination and started gathering people, due to which he was expelled from college. In 1944, he joined the African National Congress, in which he had started the movement against racial discrimination. In 1947, he was elected as a secretary of that party. Later many people joined him and strived towards their goal but in 1961, a case of treason was filed against Mandela and he was imprisoned along with some of his friends. Though he was later found innocent and was released, yet, again on 5th August 1962, he was arrested on charges of inciting the workers to go on strike. On 12th July 1964, after trials for almost 2 years, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was sent to the most strictly guarded jail for imprisonment but even after that, his courage never diminished. He also started sharing his opinions with the black prisoners in jail. On the other hand, his party also tried its best to get him released but failed. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 28 years. Finally, in 1989, the government changed in South Africa and the liberal leader F. W. Clarke became the President of the country. Considering the struggle of Nelson and his party, he ordered the removal of all restrictions on black people and decided to release all the prisoners who were imprisoned without any serious charges.
A Quick Outline of Nelson Mandela’s Life from 1940 onwards.
1944 = joined the national congress of Africa.
1947 = elected as a secretary of the African national congress.
1961 = A case of treason was filed against him, and he was imprisoned along with his friends.
1962 = he was found innocent and was released from prison. But was again on 5th August of the same year on other charges.
1964 = sentenced to life imprisonment, and remained imprisoned for 28 years.
1989 = a government was changed, and Nelson Mandela was released, the following year.
1990 = Mandela was awarded a Bharat Ratna.
1993 = He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1994 = Became the first president of the country
5 Dec 2013 = Passed away at the age of 95.
Nelson Mandela’s Struggles of Life
On February 1, 1990, Mandela was released from prison. In the Presidential election of South Africa that was held in 1994, black people could also participate. Mandela participated in this election and his party African National Congress formed the government with a majority. On 10 May 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first President of his country and made all rights equal for the whites and the blacks. Nelson Mandela, much like Mahatma Gandhi, followed a non-violent path, he considered Mahatma Gandhi as his inspiration.
Nelson Mandela was awarded the Bharat Ratna, the most prestigious award of India, in 1990. He was the second foreigner to be given this award after Mother Teresa, who was awarded in 1980. In 1993, Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Prize for world peace, for the struggle against Apartheid throughout his life, and to empower the blacks in South Africa. On December 5, 2013, Nelson Mandela passed away, at the age of 95. He says that “When a person considers the service of his country and people as his duty, he gets peace in doing that work. I think I have tried that and that is why I can sleep peacefully till the end.”
Nelson Mandela, much like Mahatma Gandhi, advocated a nonviolent path, he considered Gandhi as his source of inspiration. For this reason, he is also called African Gandhi. Nelson Mandela has also been awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's biggest award in 1990.
FAQs on Essay on Nelson Mandela: The Life and Legacy of a Freedom Fighter
1. Who is Nelson Mandela?
Nelson Mandela raised his voice against racial discrimination in South Africa. He spent 28 years of his life in prison as a part of his struggle to put an end to racial discrimination in South Africa. After this, blacks and whites were entitled to equal rights, and they enjoyed equal public facilities.
2. Name Nelson Mandela’s Publication?
Some of Nelson Mandela’s publications are as follows.
No Easy Walk to Freedom
The Struggle is my Life
In His Own Words
I am Prepared to Die
Long Walk To Freedom
3. What Did Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi Have in Common?
Nelson Mandela, much like Mahatma Gandhi, advocated a nonviolent path, he considered Gandhi as his source of inspiration. He struggled for years against white supremacy without any armed movements and bloodshed.
4. What are the lessons that can be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela?
There are quite many lessons to be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela:
Keep Working: Nelson Mandela never stopped working towards his aim he always kept on working.
Remain Focused: From the very early stage of his life he was very clear about his aim and he remained focused on it for the rest of his life.
Work for others: Nelson Mandela always worked for others and hence he is immortalized in the memory of our memory. He gave all his life for the selfless work of his country.
5. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu, instead of writing my own?
It is always a very good idea to write essays by yourself, but it is also a good idea to have some guidance in doing the same. And hence the essay that Vedantu provides on the life of Nelson Mandela can serve the purpose of a guide to the students. Furthermore, the essay that Vedantu provides is designed from the perspective of the students and that too by the expert teachers. Therefore, it gives a good idea regarding how to approach such an essay elaborately.
6. What are the lessons that can be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela?
There are quite many lessons to be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela:
Keep Working: Nelson Mandela never stopped working towards his aim he always kept on working.
Remain Focused: From the very early stage of his life he was very clear about his aim and he remained focused on it for the rest of his life.
Work for others: Nelson Mandela always worked for others and hence he is immortalized in the memory of our memory. He gave all his life for the selfless work of his country.
7. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu, instead of writing my own?
It is always a very good idea to write essays by yourself, but it is also a good idea to have some guidance in doing the same. And hence the essay that Vedantu provides on the life of Nelson Mandela can serve the purpose of a guide to the students. Furthermore, the essay that Vedantu provides is designed from the perspective of the students and that too by the expert teachers. Therefore, it gives a good idea regarding how to approach such an essay elaborately.