Class 11 DK Goel Solutions Chapter 5 - Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
FAQs on DK Goel Class 11 Accountancy Solutions: Chapter 5 Overview
1. What is the purpose of understanding the concept of International Financial Reporting Standards?
The concept is a bit complicated and the students preparing for Class 11 examinations need to understand the concept very well before they solve the equations that may appear in the accountancy examination. It helps them to understand the definitions of various terminologies related to the subject of Accounts and Finance. It helps them to compare the various financial information by considering the international standards.
2. Is the subject of IFRS difficult for students to understand?
The concepts are not really difficult if they understand them well. The students need to have a clear idea of solving mathematical equations. The students pursuing their career in Finance and Accountancy will not have trouble solving simple equations if they have a strong grip over Mathematics. Finance and Accountancy are all about strategies and quickly thinking about equations and calculations to get the result. If the students can manage some time practising the equations repeatedly, then they will not face any difficulty in their examinations.
3. What should be the approach while studying the concepts of Accountancy?
It is a concept based subject and having a strong grip over Mathematics is very important. They need to follow a specific strategy while learning the concepts. The subject of accountancy and finance for the students who are preparing for Class 11 examinations might be completely new and they need to take some time out of their schedule in order to pay proper attention in memorizing the formulae. They need proper guidance and the help of experienced teachers when it comes to understanding a new concept.
4. Is there a simple method to understand the concept related to Accountancy and Finance?
Understanding a new concept depends on the individual's understanding ability and thinking capacity. When it comes to having a good grip over a particular concept, then there can be no simple trick or a trip to do so. The key to success has always been putting in hard work. The subject of Accountancy and Finance is no exception. Students need to practice a lot and take help from the previous years’ question papers and sample question papers and they need to learn how to manage their time in the examination hall since carrying out the proper calculation may seem to be difficult without proper practice.
5. From where can the DK Goel Solutions for Class 11 be downloaded?
DK Goel Solutions can be the best reference book that the students can consult for preparing for the examinations. It includes a detailed definition of the terminologies of Finance along with brief examples and elaboration of various solutions. All the study materials that the students of Class 11 may need in order to get prepared for the Finance examinations are available on the website of Vedantu and they are absolutely free.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.