CBSE Class 11 Hindi Aroh Important Questions Chapter 4 - Bidai Sambhasan - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 4 - Bidai Sambhasan
1. You did not pay any heed to the request of eight crore subjects not to break up - which historical event has been referred to here?
The author has pointed out here the historical event of the partition of Bengal. Lord Curzon was appointed twice as the Viceroy of India. He did many things to make British rule permanent in India. To crush the nationalist sentiments in India, he planned to partition Bengal. The people of the country understood this move of the viceroy and opposed this plan, but Curzon fulfilled his stubbornness and divided Bengal into two parts.
2. There is another third power between you and the residents here - who is called the third power here?
Here the third power refers to the British rulers. England was ruled by Queen Victoria. In India, the orders given by the Queen were followed by the Viceroy. Lord Curzon was also appointed as Viceroy to fulfil the purpose of protecting British interests. When the British rulers felt that Curzon was not working in the interests of the British rulers, he was removed from the post of Viceroy by them. To know more, students can visit the Vedantu app and website.
3. Briefly describe the tenure of Lord Curzon.
Lord Curzon was given the position of Viceroy twice by the British Government. Many things were done to establish British rule in India. One among them was the Bengal partition. He had made this plan to crush the nationalist sentiments. People had given a lot of respect to Lord Curzon but the people did not get the same respect back. The people of Bengal understood this plan of Lord Curzon and started opposing it, but Lord Curzon completed his plan and divided Bengal into two parts. The public was very angry with this, so they opposed this plan with great enthusiasm but they could not succeed.
4. With which ruler did the author compare the stubbornness of Lord Curzon?
The author compared the stubbornness of Lord Curzon to that of Nadir Shah. Nadir Shah was a dictatorial and very cruel ruler. He slaughtered many people in Delhi and did not listen to anyone. But when Asif Jah pointed with a sword around his neck, Nadir Shah was compelled to stop the slaughter. The partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon was no less than a massacre. 8 crore people prayed to him again and again but he did not give up his stubbornness. Hence Lord Curzon was crueller than Nadir Shah in terms of cruelty. Ultimately it is correct to say that Lord Curzon's stubbornness can be compared to that of Nadir Shah.
5. Do you think governance means following arbitrary orders blindly and not listening to anyone? With reference to these lines, what is a rule? Discuss this.
Governance is the management of the economy. Governance is not carried out by the will of anyone. It is the set of rules that constitute a good system. This arrangement should be in accordance with the public interest. The people remain unhappy with the autocratic ruler and after some time the ruler will be removed from the position. People should have freedom of expression. There should be a sense of public welfare in every policy. The story describes the cruelty of Lord Curzon in which he took a big and historic decision like the partition of Bengal and did not consider it necessary to take public opinion which was unfair to the public. To know more, you can visit Vedantu and download the PDF of important questions free of cost to study offline.