CBSE Class 11 Indian Economic Development Important Questions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Indian Economic Development Chapter 8 - Comparative Development Experiences of India and Its Neighbours
Q1. Explain the term ‘infrastructure’ according to Chapter 8 Infrastructure of Indian Economic Development Class 11?
Infrastructure refers to the physical and organisational structures that enable a society or business to function. It provides support services for agricultural and industrial output, as well as domestic and international trade and commerce. Infrastructure does not directly generate things, but it does aid in the promotion of production activities in an economy. It is more like a backbone that gives support to efficient working. Infrastructure is generally segregated into two categories:
Social Infrastructure
Economic Infrastructure
Q2. Why do we need infrastructure for economic growth according to Chapter 8 Infrastructure of Indian Economic Development Class 11?
Economic development and growth of a country are heavily influenced by infrastructure. In addition, it increases productivity, encourages investment in various economic sectors, expands the market, and facilitates outsourcing and employment. The system is therefore a vital to the country's economic development. Infrastructural availability facilitates the proper and affluent operation of the economy. It serves as a basic input, but it also acts as a support system for the organisation. Infrastructures support a large number of job creation and employment opportunities.
Q3. What are the two categories of infrastructure?
Infrastructure can be broadly categorized into two categories,
Economic infrastructure
Social infrastructure
It is the economic system itself that relies on the economic infrastructure for its survival and growth. Energy, transportation, and communication are just a few examples. From the outside, social infrastructure provides indirect support to the economy. Health, education, and housing are just a few examples. Infrastructural development on the economic and social levels is mutually beneficial. As a result, both are necessary for the country's growth and development.
Q4. How did health services develop after independence?
There have been quite a lot of improvements in the health sector after Independence. The government has taken lots of measures to enhance the health services in the country. Due to these initiatives following developments have been seen in the country so far:
Drop in the death rate
Decrease in infant mortality
Increase in life expectancy
Elimination of deadly illnesses
Lower child mortality rate.
To learn more about the health sector, its developments and its challenges in detail, visit Vedantu and refer to the notes of the respective chapter.
Q5. How can I prepare Chapter 8 Infrastructure of Indian Economic Development Class 11 with the help of important questions?
Class 11 plays an important role in building the foundation of concepts for Class 12. To make sure that your preparation is on the top level, you must visit Vedantu to avail all the facilities provided there. To understand Chapter 8 Infrastructure of Indian Economic Development Class 11 you can refer to the notes and NCERT solutions prepared by the team of experts at Vedantu. All the study material available at Vedantu is free of cost. Also, to practice the most important question along with your revision, you can go through the important questions of Class 11 Economics Chapter 8.