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English Grammar Class 4 Personal Pronoun


English Grammar Class 4 Personal Pronouns: Download Free PDF With Solutions

In the earlier classes, kids may have learned what a pronoun is. It is the second important topic in the parts of speech. Now it is time to widen their knowledge of that pronouns. Here the PDF explains different types of pronouns and provides detailed knowledge, especially on personal pronouns.

In Class 4 English grammar, the PDF explains the definition of pronoun as the pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun. The same definition can be explained in multiple ways, as every kid is different in understanding and grasping the concept. A word that replaces a noun is called a pronoun.

English Grammar For Class 4 Personal Pronoun Download Free PDF

In today’s lesson, we will discuss personal pronouns, which are short words we use as simple substitutes for people’s proper nouns. We can see the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces using any of the personal pronouns in English. Personal pronouns include I, you, He, She, It, We, They, Me, Him, Her, Us, and They.



What is a Personal Pronoun?

A personal pronoun is typically used to refer to a speaker or to the person or thing the speaker is referring to. Personal pronouns are frequently substituted for proper names. Example: Riya went to bed early because she(Riya) worked hard today. The replaced personal pronoun instead of Riya is She.

Introduction to Personal Pronouns

Introduction to Personal Pronouns

The personal pronouns only replaces the nouns and not the other parts of speech such as verbs or adjectives remain as it was. Grammatically, they behave like nouns, functioning as the subject or object of a clause, phrase, or sentence.

Although we usually refer to people when using personal pronouns, we can also refer to animals in this way. For example,

  • My dog likes the new toy I bought for him.

  • We decorated our home, and it looks fantastic now.

  • Carefully follow the directions in the recipe, as they must be carried out in a precise order

Kinds of Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns can be used to refer to a single person or thing or a group of them.

Singular Personal Pronoun

If a personal pronoun only refers to one specific person or thing, it is considered singular. The singular personal pronouns that are most frequently used are

  • First-person: I, me

  • Second person: You

  • Second person: Third Person: she, her, he, him, it

Introduction to Singular Pronoun

Introduction to Singular Pronoun

Plural Personal Pronoun

If a personal pronoun refers to more than one individual or thing, it is plural. The plural personal pronouns that are most frequently used are

  • First-person: we, us, our, I, me, etc.

  • Second person: you, your, his, her, etc.

  • Third Person: they, them, their, etc.

They and Them as Singular Personal Pronouns

While the words they and them are usually plurals, it is acceptable to use them as singular words. They and they are singular pronouns that are frequently used to refer to people without mentioning their gender. For example,

  • A person has the freedom to do as they like.

  • The doctor assisted anyone who visited them.

Even when used as a singular, the word still uses a plural verb:

  • Always pay attention to your best friend, in my opinion. They know what's good for you.

Those who identify as nonbinary occasionally use the singular pronouns they and them:

  • I am meeting Hunter at the mall. They want to go shopping with me for clothes.

What is a Gender-neutral and Nonbinary Pronoun?

  • She, her, he, and him are the only singular personal pronouns in the list above that are used to denote a person's (or an animal's) gender. Even though these are the most typical, many other personal pronouns are accessible that are completely gender-neutral.

  • It's crucial to avoid mistakenly misidentifying somebody by using gendered terminology when it's not necessary. You can use gender-neutral language. The term they is just what you need if you are unsure of the ideal personal pronoun to employ or would prefer not to use one at all.

  • The pronoun they can be used as a singular gender-neutral or nonbinary substitute for the gender-specific pronouns he and she. 


Examples of Singular personal Pronouns

  • I exercise every day.

  • Raymond has always been nice to me.


Examples of Plural Personal Pronouns

  • We built a snowman.

  • The price of the jewellery surprised us.


How to Use Personal Pronouns

Each personal pronoun signifies something particular. To utilize them correctly in phrases, you must understand each of them.

  • I and me are words that are used to identify the speaker or writer of a piece of writing.  I am used as a subject, and me is used as an object. Both words are singular.

  • You is utilized to refer to a person or people other than the speaker or author. You may be used as either a subject or an object, and it may be singular or plural.

  • He, him, she, and her are pronouns that denote either a human being or an animal. These are all gendered pronouns: he and him are frequently used to refer to male people or animals, and she and her are frequently used to refer to female people or animals. These are all singular words. While he and she are employed as objects, they are also used as subjects.

  • We are used to referring to a speaker/author plus other people collectively. Both words are plural. Both as a subject and as an object, we are used.

  • They and them are pronouns that denote different individuals or objects.

Using a personal pronoun after introducing the noun it is replacing will help make your sentence more understandable. For example:

  • Less apparent: He went to the store and purchased a new bag.

  • Clearer: Justin purchased a new bag from the store.


Difficult Words with Meaning




In a sentence, verbs are the action words that describe the actions of the subject.


A little collection of words acting as one mental whole.


Not relating to or involving just two things.


Practice Questions:

Fill in the blanks with correct Pronouns

  1. Gary's mom asked _______ to clean the garage.

  2. Neither Mary nor _______ knew why the store was closed.

  3. After school, you and _______ must discuss a few things.

  4. My nephew was crying and needed _______ diaper changed.

  5. This book is filled with fascinating images and narratives. ______ really enjoy______.

  6. The girls were talking during the lecture so the teacher scolded ________.

  7. Monika is my classmate. __________________is very intelligent.

  8. We're planning a little get-together for _______friends and family.

  9. This is my notebook. Where is _______?

  10. I've never visited _________there.



  1. Gary's mom asked him to clean the garage.

  2. Neither Mary nor I knew why the store was closed.

  3. After school, you and I must discuss a few things.

  4. My nephew was crying and needed his diaper changed.

  5. This book is filled with fascinating images and narratives. I really enjoy it.

  6. The girls were talking during the lecture so the teacher scolded them.

  7. Monika is my classmate. She is very intelligent.

  8. We're planning a little get-together for our friends and family.

  9. This is my notebook. Where is yours?

  10. I've never visited them there.


Importance of Personal Pronoun for Class 4 

Learning and understanding the concept of personal pronouns for class 4 students is very important and highly beneficial. Until now, the students of class 4 had learned the first, second, and 3rd classes of pronouns. They now segregated all these pronouns into different types, like personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns, relative pronouns, etc. Highlighting the concept of personal pronouns, the PDF also explains different cases that may occur while using personal pronouns.

  • Class 4 English Grammar PDF explains the subjective case, objective case, and possessive case in personal pronouns and provides examples for each case separately. 

  • Our subject matter experts enrich the essence of the concept by adding model test papers along with detailed solutions for the students to prepare themselves and assess. 

  • For the children, Class 4 English grammar topics are designed in such a way that it is useful throughout their education and career.

Examples of Pronouns for Class 4

The PDF prepared by our subject matter experts enhances the content by adding different examples of different cases in all three persons. Few of them are - 

  • The car she is traveling in is mine.

  • She is Mrs. Tiwari.

  • I know him well.

  • The book I am reading is hers.

  • It is my brother’s bicycle.

  • This is his office.

Facts of Class 4 English Chapter 7 Question Answer

Learning the concept of personal pronouns from the PDF will definitely become an added advantage for the students of Class 4. Along with the pronoun definition for class 4, the PDF also explains its types and forms that appear in various cases. 

  • The personal pronoun is an important kind of pronoun which replaces the noun that belongs to a person.

  • The usage of personal pronouns may vary based on the usage of that pronoun in a particular sentence.

  • If the personal pronoun is used as a subject, the personal pronoun takes one form, whereas if the personal pronoun is used as an object in the sentence, it takes another form.

Download English Grammar Chapter 7 for Class 4 PDF 

English grammar for class 4 PDF free download has different benefits for students to gain knowledge and practice well with examples, model test papers, and a detailed explanation.

  • It is also helpful for the parents to guide their children and enrich their knowledge. Teachers can take advantage by preparing teaching notes referring to multiple examples and cases to give their maximum to the students In a class. 

  • Downloading the app and getting a PDF is absolutely effortless. Taking printouts is very useful for the students to prepare in their feasible timings.

Referring to the Class 4 English chapter 7 question answer makes students check themselves, rectify their mistakes by themselves, and can gain self-confidence on every topic.


In the article, we have discussed Personal pronouns. Personal pronouns may also take different forms depending on the number (usually singular or plural), grammatical or natural gender, case, and formality. Personal pronouns can refer to objects and animals in addition to people; the word "personal" is only used here to denote the grammatical sense (as the English personal pronoun usually does).

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 4 Personal Pronoun

1. List some personal pronouns.

I, we, he, she, it, they, theirs you, yours, hers, his, his, them, etc. are widely used personal pronouns. 

2. What are the different cases of personal pronouns? 

Different cases of personal pronouns are - 

  • Subjective

  • Possessive

  • Objective

3. What are personal pronouns?

The pronouns used for persons belonging to any group like family, professional, political, cultural, etc. come under personal pronouns.