It is a stage that is termed as a transitional stage of physical and physiological development, These developments occur from the period of puberty to the period of adulthood. This period is mainly associated with the teenage years. But the physical and physiological changes can start before that and also end after that. In females, puberty begins at the early stages of preadolescence. And in males, these physical changes can even extend up to the age of later twenties. So age should not be considered as a fixed parameter for adolescence but only has a rough marker.
As a society, it is very important for us to understand all these aspects thoroughly because these are the living transitions that one day every individual has to go through. This explains our adolescence definition. We understood the adolescence meaning or we can say puberty meaning.
To thoroughly understand adolescence we also need to study history, biology, sociology, history and anthropology. As we read above it is a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood. It is also a transitional phase in the life of an individual in terms of career perspectives and relations. As the adolescence phase ends, the adulthood stage of an individual begins. In different countries, there are different ages that are considered for a child to be mature. In different countries, there are very different age groups when the family thinks that their child is mature enough for the world and can handle the pressure and they can thus thrust upon them. There are different ages of attaining a driving license, a voter identification card and also minimum ages for the marriage. Purchases of tobacco, consuming alcohol and legal sexual relationships are also based on their age criteria. This also explains teenager meaning.
The adolescence meaning or the adolescent development in biological terminology can be defined as a period when there is a physical transition in an individual and thus a termination of physical growth. There are also changes in the mindset of the growing individual which can be like the ability to answer logically and think in a multi-dimensional way and an abstract manner. These are the cognitive changes that happen. The major biological changes are the changes in the sex organs, change in height and weight of the individual, growth in muscle mass of the body and there are some changes in the structure and organization of the brain. These changes are a subject of vast study for scientists.
The researchers in the neuro-science department are very much interested in these sorts of changes. They can research the hormones that bring about these changes and how the number of hormones can produce different effects on the individual. The research scholars also study the ways in which these hormones are most active and also the ways in which they become inactive and influence the growth of the individual and the changes that take place inside his/her body in the adolescent years.
As we know that puberty is the age when there is rapid growth in the human body. Adolescence meaning is that there are various physical and psychological changes that occur in the individual in the adolescent years. 11 for girls and 12 for boys is the major age for the onset of puberty. But these ages can vary from individual to individual on the basis of hereditary and environmental factors. Diet and exercise contribute majorly to act as the influencers for the growth of the body.
The above factors are the major contributors to precocious and delayed puberty. The height, weight and body composition of the individual changes very much. There are changes in the size of the body organs. The circulatory and respiratory systems of the body are also changed to a greater extent. As we read the hormones are the major game changers and they play a major role in the development of these features during the adolescent years. Behavioural changes and physical changes are induced by hormones. At the time of puberty, there is a surge in the amount of hormone production and this is responsible for the physical changes that take place in the body. There is a development in the secondary sex characteristics. In boys, their voice gets deeper and Adam's apple grows bigger in size.
In girls, there is an increase in breast size and hips get more curved. The pituitary gland is mainly responsible for these changes as it is the master gland and it secretes hormones that trigger the hypothalamus to secrete sex hormones. There is rapid growth in male and female gonads and then these gonads produce the majority of the sex hormones. The testes release the testosterone hormone and the ovaries release the estrogen hormone. Facial hairs in males start appearing. Soon these hairs started growing on the chin and the upper part of the lip. In males, the major landmark of the start of adolescence is the first ejaculation that is known as spermarche and in females, it is the release of the egg that is known as menarche. These two phases mark the beginning of puberty or adolescence years.
There is rapid cognitive development in the period of adolescence. The thoughts of the individuals start taking abstract forms and the egocentric thoughts start decreasing. This gives a wider perspective to the individual to think and answer. These cognitive skills are associated with the prefrontal cortex. There is a change in the thoughts, ideas and concepts of the individual. These thoughts are then responsible for the future life of the individual. As the hormones start reacting to the whole body of the individual, they bring changes in the structure and spheres of the brain as well.
Some behavioural changes are also accompanied by these changes. There is an improvement in selective attention of the individual and they can focus on different things at the same time. Due to the influence of hormones on the brain, there is an improvement in the memory of the individual. The adults are able to think and process things at a very fast pace than the child. There is also an increase in the self-control of the individual. The ability to make quick and good judgements is also increased. IQ knowledge though is not improved substantially.
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As these adolescent years are a major turning point in the life of the individuals so it is important that they are treated with good decisions because this will change the life of the individual. Addiction to drugs is the major issue that is encountered in today’s society. These youth become addicted to drugs, sexual abuse happens and there is also peer pressure in the terms of making a career. By understanding above about all the adolescent years and changes that happen in the life of the individual, these years are tackled with utmost care and love by their parents and elders. The children must be guided to the right paths so that they can do better in their future life. This explains the adolescence definition psychology.
1. What are the Three Neurotransmitters that Play a Major Role in the Development of the Brain at Adolescence Times?
Answer: The three neurotransmitters that play a major role in the development of the brain are glutamate, dopamine and serotonin. The hormone glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter and is associated with the functions in the synaptic cleft. This neurotransmitter helps in bringing synaptic balance in the brain of the individual. The hormone dopamine is associated with pleasure. It also helps in influencing the decision making ability of the individual. The levels of dopamine also increase in the limbic system. Serotonin is responsible for the regulation of the behaviour and mood of the individual. The changes in levels of dopamine and serotonin are responsible for making the emotional quotient of the individual.
2. What is Spermatogenesis?
Answer: In testis, the immature male germ cells, spermatogonia produce sperms by process of spermatogenesis that begins at puberty. It occurs in four stages:
Spermatocytogenesis: The spermatogonia present on the wall of the seminiferous tubules multiply by mitotic division and increase in numbers. Each spermatogonium is a diploid containing 46 chromosomes.
Meiosis-I: A primary spermatocyte is diploid with 44+ XY chromosomes. It completes the primary meiotic division resulting in the formation of two equal, haploid cells called secondary spermatocytes which have 23 chromosomes.
Meiosis-II: The secondary spermatocytes undergo the second meiotic division to supply four equal spermatids. The amount of chromosomes in each spermatid is 23.
Spermiogenesis: The transformation of spermatids into sperms is understood as spermiogenesis. From one primary spermatocyte, four haploid sperms are formed.